The Captains Ladys Holistic Tarot 

for Answers, Insights & Direction 

Are you curious, anxious, upset, or confused on an issue?


Are you feeling fatigued, irritable, sad, or hypersensitive?


Could you use a healthy nudge in the right direction?

Whether you're trying to dump dysfunctional thoughts, attitudes, or actions, make a decision, or ease an old-fashioned headache, The Captains Ladys Holistic Tarot Intuitive Consultation can be just the thing to provide you with clarity, snap you out of the doldrums, and set you on the right path.

No Traveling, Appointment, or Face to Face Necessary

Because everything in life is connected energetically, Tarot can provide you a message from source (spirit, the universe, God, spirit guides, your higher power, ancestors), whatever source means to you, without you having to be present to receive a proper consultation. 

Answers & Insights Are Delivered Within 48 Hours

You can expect your consultation results delivered to your inbox within 48 hours containing answers and insights you can review as often as you like.

The Captains Ladys Holistic Tarot Intuitive Consultations

The Captains Ladys Holistic Tarot Intuitive Consultation provides an integrative approach to overcoming obstacles when nothing else is working to reduce stress or stress-related symptoms. Regardless of your question or concern, it provides answers, insights, and clues in a caring and compassionate manner about the next best step on your journey. The process involves an in-depth look at any questions or concerns that have been niggling at you, using a combination of tarot expertise, intuitive guidance, and holistic analysis.

What Does An Intuitive Consultation Reveal?

  • Your current path (and what led up to it)
  • your current position or general overall situation
  • Helps or hindrances to you (who or what)
  • Your immediate environment (home or work)
  • How you're currently handling things (thoughts, feelings, actions, or inactions)
  • Your strengths or weaknesses, and how you might use or improve them
  • What you most hope for or fear happening (they can be the same)
  • How things will likely progress and why
  • Your next best step for the best possible outcome

Before requesting your consultation below, please review Consultation FYI (so we agree with what you're to receive). Thank you.

You Pay Only What You Can Honestly Afford

The Wellness Repository

THE WELLNESS REPOSITORY contains information, including helpful videos, and downloads (16 in all) to help you on your wellness journey.


  • Why You Might Be Stressed & How to Relax (15 topics)
  • Relationship Complexities: What's OK, What's Not & How to Move Forward (6 topics)
  • Oracles for Magnifying Intuition (6 topics)
  • Optimizing Immunity for Health & Wellness (11 topics)
  • Herbs (7 topics)
  • Essential Oils (7 topics)
  • Holistic Alternatives According to Your Unique Personality (15 topics)
  • Stones & Crystals for Balancing & Protecting Your Energy (9 topics)
  • Holistic Alternatives for Overlapping Conditions (20 topics)

TCL Holistic Tarot goes above and beyond for you, which is why you'll also receive The Herbal Remedies Recipe Guide when you subscribe.

Folks often express feeling fatigued, irritable, sad, or hypersensitive (FISH), which is normal under stress. This is why you'll also receive natural remedy recipe suggestions for creating an at-home apothecary for easing stress and stress-related symptoms. 

  • Chapter 1: Antiviral Herbs & Spices
  • Chapter 2: Medicinal Teas
  • Chapter 3: Infused Honey
  • Chapter 4: Infused Syrups
  • Chapter 5: Infused Kitchen Oils
  • Chapter 6: Infused Vinegar & Wine
  • Chapter 7: Decoctions, Tinctures & Electuaries
  • Chapter 8: Antiviral Essential Oils
  • Chapter 9: Antiviral Oils, Waxes, Butters & Gels
  • Chapter 10: Sea Salts & Soaks

Whether you're seeking insights for making internal shifts (in your mind and heart), transforming or letting go of something in your outer world that will raise you to a better place, or suggestions for health and wellness, The Captains Ladys Holistic Tarot can help you take back control and empower you to live a healthier, happier life.