The Captains Ladys Wellness Repository

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Here, you'll find holistic alternative suggestions for managing stress, anxiety, panic attacks, and depression, energizing and protecting your mind, body, and spirit from the inside out (and vice versa), starting with your mitochondria (your God particles), and easing overlapping conditions doctors often have a hard time treating, such as Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Herpes Simplex Virus, and IBS.


You'll also discover your true "color", your constitutional temperament, and foods, herbs, essential oils, and stones and crystals that'll support your health and happiness according to your unique individuality. 

Why You Might Be Stressed & How to Relax

HSPs & Empaths

According to psychologist Elaine Aron, Highly Sensitive People comprise about 15-20% of the population. HSPs..." are high in a personality trait known as Sensory-Processing Sensitivity, which displays increased emotional sensitivity, stronger reactivity to external and internal stimuli (pain, hunger, light, and noise), and complex inner life."

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Causes & Symptoms of Stress

If you aren't sure whether stress is causing your symptoms, look at these causes and symptoms of stress that might go unnoticed. Can you relate to any of the causes of stress or recognize yourself in any of the symptoms of stress listed below? If so, stress is likely causing symptoms of mental, emotional or physical pain.

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Pinpointing Hidden Stress

Most of the time, we know what's stressing us out at any given moment. It's getting a flat tire on the way to work, being stood up on a date, a late fee on a bill you forgot to pay, a wailing baby, or that cashier who won't stop talking to the customer in front of us. 

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Near Death Experiences

NDE is short for Near Death Experience. One in ten people worldwide has had an NDE, some more than once. The International Association for Near-Death Studies (Durham, NC) estimates that 774 NDEs occur in the United States every day.

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Calming Your Inner FISH

Inside your brain are two small, prehistoric organs called the amygdalae, which I refer to as your inner FISH. Your amygdalae (there are two) are responsible for managing your emotions and are in charge of your "flight, freeze, or fight" response. When constantly in flight or fight mode, you become fatigued, irritable, sad, and hypersensitive (FISH).

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Foods for Peace of Mind

Inside your brain is a tiny pair of organs called amygdalae. Your amygdalae are responsible for managing your emotions and mood, which can affect the frequency of your herpes breakouts. Imagine, if you would, that your amygdalae are a lot like two small fish, and your brain is their fishbowl. If you have ever owned an aquarium, you know that you must condition the aquarium water with a healthy water conditioner to balance pH. The same goes for your brain to experience peace and calm. Eating foods for peace of mind can help.

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Over 80 Sensed-Based Activities

We experience life through our senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and spirit. It is also our senses that help to heal us. After all, it's our senses that promote feelings of joyfulness. However, most of us tend to neglect our senses more than we should, which leads to a lack of energy, boredom, dissatisfaction with life, and feeling overwhelmed. 

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Breathing, An Exercise

Most of us don't give much thought to breathing until we can't, but something is happening as we breathe (besides getting air) that is crucial to our health and wellness. We are balancing our oxygen and carbon dioxide levels. If we aren't breathing correctly, it causes an upset in the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide and symptoms such as fatigue, anxiety, and panic attacks. In other words, stress. ​

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Creating Healthy Spaces

It makes no difference whether you live by land or sea. Your environment represents the state of your health. And, when looking to improve your health and wellness, you cannot ignore your living spaces.

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Engaging With Nature

The Earth and everything in nature, including you, have an electrical frequency that can help raise your vibration and ease stress. So, one of the best things you can do to relieve nervous tension, anxiety, and depression is to get outdoors and engage with nature to absorb these energies. By doing so, you'll become more grounded.

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As a Behavior Modification Instructor, all I had to do to see noses tip toward the ceiling and eyes roll sideways was to mention the word exercise. Exercise is considered by many to be synonymous with WORK. However, avoiding exercise isn't an option in life. Why not? Because it is necessary for oxygenating your body's cells. Without oxygen, your body's cells are depleted of energy, and your immune system doesn't function either. Furthermore, you end up in pain (due to weak, tight, sore muscles) and with a flat rear end.

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Getting your thoughts and feelings out on paper (creatively or just jotting down random words) helps to release emotions that would otherwise build up and cause unwanted symptoms, which is why keeping a remedy journal can help ease stress.

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Setting SMART Goals

If you're going to set a goal, it needs to be SMART. A goal for the future, such as getting fit, getting that job position, writing a book, opening a business, spending time with loved ones, or buying a house, must be SMART.

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Getting a Goodnight's Sleep

Your circadian rhythm is as old as time. People are meant to be awake in the daylight and asleep in the dark of night. In the modern world, this is almost unheard of. We wake up too early (or too late) and go to bed way after dark. Many important tasks are going on in the body at night while you sleep. If you aren't sleeping like a caveman (or cavewoman), you're missing out. 

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Relationship Complexities: What's OK, What's Not & How to Move Forward

The Cornerstones of Healthy Relationship

Not only do your heart, soul, dreams, and wishes enter your relationships, but so do your worst fears and any leftover emotional baggage you might carry. If you've ever had to lift heavy boxes or bags up a flight of stairs, you know how burdensome it can be. It can tire your legs and give you a backache, making you irritable, sometimes days later. Living with emotional baggage is just as burdensome and can cause relationships to become toxic or, at the very least, incompatible. Unhealthy relationships cause stress that manifests in physical discomfort, illnesses, and disease.

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Relationship Red Flags

Relationship red flags are those emotional alerts that demand your attention and tell you when something is not quite right about a person, place, or thing. Your intuition notices red flags. Feeling confused, uncomfortable, or unsafe around another person is a red flag. 

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Beware the Narcissist

A narcissist, by definition, is someone (male or female) who includes you in their life to make themselves look and feel good to the world. Here's what you need to know about being in a relationship with a narcissist.

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Your Personal Bill of Rights

As a human being walking upon this beautiful earth and as a child of God, you have specific personal rights. Please copy, paste, and save a copy of your rights and read it daily, as a reminder of your worth.

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How to Safely Leave An Abuser

Whether you've decided to leave a narcissist or just a plain old-fashioned abuser (male or female), there are safety measures to consider before you walk out the door and never look back.

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Rebuilding Self-Esteem

If you want to be happy for an hour, take a nap. If you want to be happy for a day, go fishing. If you want to be happy for a month, get married. If you want to be happy for a year, inherit a fortune. But, if you want to be happy for a lifetime, do something good for someone else.

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How to Protect Your Spirit from Negative People, Places & Things 

Soul Protection

There are ways to eliminate negative spiritual attachments and protect yourself from them reattaching to your energy field so you can feel safe in your own body. 

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Spiritual Protection Exercises

Are you often bothered by others' negativity or a sense of something wrong about a person, place, or thing? They're are ways to protect yourself spiritually without anyone else knowing it.

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Sea Salt for Protection

People have used salt for centuries to protect against negativity and evil spirits. Ancient Celts used salt to ward off a case of bad luck. Both Jesus and Mohamed mentioned salt as being a blessing.

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A Space Clearing Ritual

Has your home life been a little stressful lately? This simple space-clearing ritual can be just the thing to remove unwanted energies and restore peace and calm to all of your spaces.

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Magnifying Your Intuition

Intuition is that gut feeling you get in the pit of your stomach or that inner message that tells you some person, place, or thing is or isn't right for you. It's essential for guarding your mind, body, and spirit against harm.

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Oracles for Magnifying Your Intuition


Tarot has been used throughout the past hundred years or so as a game and for fortune telling. It's only been the past couple of decades that Tarot become recognized as a tool to magnify one's inner voice of intuition. 

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Candle Magic

The practice of candle magic used in most rituals and is relatively straightforward to learn. Choose a candle, light the wick, focus on intent, and see the result as if it has already happened.

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Spiritual Uses of Mirrors

Who hasn't heard about the legend of "Bloody Mary," where if one stands in front of a mirror and says "Bloody Mary" three times, a witch will appear to kill the one who said it? 

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The Crystal Ball

The idea behind scrying is to peer into a shiny stone, a looking glass, reflective water, or fire and see a face, an event, or some other image to catch sight of see something distant or unclear. 

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How to Work a Pendulum

The pendulum has been used in divination for several hundred years to receive information. Named after the Latin word pendulus, which means hanging, the pendulum was first scientifically investigated in the early 1600s by Galileo Galilei, who studied its regular movements regarding timekeeping. 

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Reading Tea Leaves

Besides sipping, tea also serves another purpose. Tea is often used for exploring the past, present, and future. Interpreting the shapes and symbols of tea leaves is referred to as the art of tasseography, also known as tasseomancy.

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Optimizing Immunity for Health & Wellness

An Introduction to Nutrition & Supplements

The majority of people are either out of shape, undernourished, sleep deprived, or overstressed to the point of disease and, as a result, suffer from poor immunity. Poor immunity is the basis of more frequent or severe herpes breakouts, colds, and other infections.

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The Mitochondria: Your God Particles

Mitochondria are the powerhouses of every cell in every form of life. Mitochondria produce ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate), the energy a life form operates with. This energy is electrical by nature. It is what makes up the electromagnetic energy field, the aura.

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How Your Immune System Works

There are two types of immunity: innate and acquired. Your innate immune response is the one you receive when you are born. As you passed through your mother's birthing canal, you came into contact with microorganisms from her vagina and rectum. You also received organisms through breast milk and, if you were bottle-fed, through your formula. These microbes have developed in and on you as you've aged. They outnumber your body cells by trillions. They are known as your microbiome.

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The Importance of pH Balance

The importance of pH balance is something you only hear about if you travel within certain circles or know someone who has stumbled upon it and decided to tell you about it. However, it's something familiar to scientists and doctors, even though your medical doctor will probably never tell you about it because prescription or over-the-counter drugs are one of the number one causes of pH imbalance.

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Cleansing & Detoxifying

If you're at all like me, when someone mentions cleansing or detoxing, you immediately have images of sitting on the toilet with your pants around your ankles, sweating, feeling faint, and groaning in pain, all the while wondering how in the world you ever could have thought cleansing might have been a good idea and vowing never to do it again. It doesn't have to be this way. It can be much, much easier. Painless, in fact.

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Genetically Appropriate Nutrition

Our ancestors didn't eat refined, GMO, or fast foods. Until approximately 100 years ago, humans still ate the same foods they always had, based on the seasons and availability. We ate what was found in our backyards. We foraged, picked, and hunted. Furthermore, the soil was richer back then and supplied plants with the minerals we needed to maintain optimal health by eating them. Today's soil is deprived of nutrients, and plants are less nutritious than ever. Do you know that wheat (the kind our forefathers ate) doesn't exist anymore? Today's wheat is genetically modified and harmful. What makes us think we can eat these "new foods" and maintain health and wellness? We can't, not without our health suffering.

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The Medicinal Benefits of Sea Salt & Seaweed

Minerals and salts are buffers that bind and neutralize acids that can reduce common cold virus symptoms by boosting the immune system's antiviral defense. And, when eaten even minimally, seaweed helps rid your body of toxins and restore pH balance, minimizing the risk of inflammation, pain, and infections. 

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Vitamins & Supplements

I'm not keen on suggesting you take any individual supplement permanently. Individual supplements don't contain the synergistic qualities necessary for optimal health. Supplements are not a substitute for healthy living. Take vitamin C, for example. When you eat an orange, you receive a daily dose of vitamin C, fiber, sugar, protein, vitamin A, and calcium. A vitamin C supplement, on the other hand, contains ascorbic acid. That's it. 

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An Introduction to Herbs

Herbal adaptogens help to reduce stress, target the herpes virus, and bring the body into better balance. All herbal adaptogens help support your immune system. However, some work best for specific conditions, such as fever, respiratory illness, or digestive complaints, while others work better as preventatives. 

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Immune-Modulating Mushrooms

Immune-modulating herbs can help bump your immune system up a notch or two. Reishi, Cordyceps, and Lion's Mane are three of my favorite mushrooms for helping to heal the body.

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Essential Oils

An Introduction to Essential Oils

Essential oils are derived from plants' roots, stems, leaves, and flowers. Some essential oils are derived from fruits (orange, lemon, and grapefruit peel) and spices, such as cinnamon and clove, while others are created from resins (myrrh and frankincense, for example). 

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Old-Fashioned Thieves Oil

The Bubonic Plague was nicknamed The Black Death due to symptoms of severely swollen lymph nodes, black sores, and blackened skin. The lymph nodes, primarily about the armpits and the inner thighs, could become so filled with toxins they could break open and ooze. However, black sores (buboes) could also develop in other body areas due to hemorrhaging under the skin. Symptoms also included fever and joint pain. 

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Holistic Alternatives According to Your Unique Personality!

The Aura Energy Self-Test

The Aura Energy Self-Test is a comprehensive tool that unveils your aura's predominant colors, imbalances in your constitutional temperament, and your personality's strengths and weaknesses. By understanding these aspects, you can embark on a journey to become calmer, more energetic, and radiant.

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The Four Humors

If you've ever wondered why some diets and natural remedies seem to work for some people but not others, the answer is that one size doesn't fit all. It comes down to your constitutional temperament, as unique as your fingerprints. Your temperament was established before birth and hardwired when you were born. Your temperament also determines your aura color, by the way.

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The Choleric Temperament

The Choleric Temperament corresponds with the FIRE element, Yellow Bile (HOT/DRY), the Crown (Sahasrara) and Brow (Ajna) chakras, the Violet and Indigo Aura Color Personalities, shades of White, Gold, Violet, and Indigo, the season of Spring (esoteric) and Summer (pagan), The Tree of Life: World of Atzilut (of Emanation), Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, the Tarot Suit of Wands, the sense of Spirit, the Spirit Body, INTUITION, and RAM (a part of God's name).

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The Phlegmatic Temperament

The Phlegmatic Temperament corresponds with the WATER element, Phlegm (COLD/WET), the Heart (Anahata) and Throat (Visuddha) chakras, the Blue and Green Aura Color Personalities, shades of Blue, Green, and Rose, the season of Summer (esoteric) or Fall (pagan), The Tree of Life: World of Briah (Creation), ), Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio, the Tarot Suit of Cups, the senses of Touch and Sound, the Soul Body, FEELING, and VAM (part of God's name).

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The Sanquine Temperament

The Sanguine Temperament corresponds with the AIR element, Blood (HOT/WET), the Solar Plexus (Manipura) and Sacral (Svadhisthana) chakras, the Yellow and Orange Aura Color Personalities, shades of Yellow and Orange, the season of Spring (Pagan) or Fall (Esoteric), The Tree of Life: World of Yetzirah (of Formation), Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini, the Tarot Suit of Swords, the senses of Sight and Taste, the Astral Body, FORMATION, and YAM (part of God's name).

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The Melancholic Temperament

The Melancholic Temperament corresponds with the EARTH element, Black Bile (COLD/DRY), the Root (Muladhara) chakra, the Red Aura Color Personality, shades of Red-Orange, Red, and Red-Violet, the season of Winter, The Tree of Life: World of Assiah (of Making, Materializing or Made), Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo, the Tarot Suit of Coins, the sense of Smell, the Physical Body/Material World, FOUNDATION and SENSATION, and LAM (part of God's name).

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Your Bio-Electrical Energy Field

Your electromagnetic energy field comprises about 3.5 volts of electricity and is inside and around your body. It is commonly called an aura, the essence that leaves your body when you expire. While you are here, there are five levels of healing.

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The Violet Aura Color Personality

The Violet Aura Color Personality relates to the FIRE element, shades of White, Gold, Violet, and Indigo, the Choleric 1 Temperament, the Crown (Sahasrara) and Brow (Ajna) chakras, the season of Spring (esoteric) or Summer (pagan), Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, the Tarot Suit of Wands, The Tree of Life: World of Atzilut (of Emanation), the Sense of Spirit and the Spirit Body, the emotion of Anger, and RAM (part of God's name).It vibrates at 963 Hz.

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The Indigo Aura Color Personality

The Indigo Aura Color Personality relates to the FIRE element, shades of White, Gold, Violet, Indigo, and Blue, the Choleric 2 Temperament, the Crown (Sahasrara) and Brow (Ajna) chakras, the season of Spring (esoteric) or Summer (pagan), Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, the Tarot Suit of Wands, The Tree of Life: World of Atzilut (of Emanation), the Sense of Spirit, the Spirit Body, the emotion of Anger, and RAM (part of God's name). It vibrates at 852 Hz.

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The Blue Aura Color Personality

The Blue Aura Color Personality relates to the WATER element, shades of Blue, the Phlegmatic 1 Temperament, the Throat (Visuddha) and Heart (Anahata) chakras, the season of Summer (esoteric) or Fall (pagan), Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, the Tarot Suit of Cups, The Tree of Life: World of Briah (Creation), the senses of Sound and Touch, the Soul Body, the emotion of Sadness, and VAM (part of God's name). It vibrates at 741 Hz.

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The Green Aura Color Personality

The Green Aura Color Personality relates to the WATER element, shades of Green and Rose, the Phlegmatic 2 Temperament, the Throat (Visuddha) and Heart (Anahata) chakras, the element of Water, the season of Summer (esoteric) or Fall (pagan), Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, the Tarot Suit of Cups, The Tree of Life: World of Briah (Creation), the senses of Sound and Touch, the Soul Body, the emotion of Sadness, and VAM (part of God's name). It vibrates at 639 Hz.

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The Yellow Aura Color Personality

The Yellow Aura Color Personality relates to the AIR element, shades of Yellow-Green, Yelllow, and Yellow-Orange, the Sanguine 1  Temperament, the Solar Plexus (Manipura) and Sacral (Svadhisthana) chakras, the season of Spring (pagan) or Fall (esoteric), Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, the Tarot Suit of Swords, The Tree of Life: World of Yetzirah (of Formation), the senses of Sight and Taste, the Astral Body, the emotion of Fear, and YAM (part of God's name). It vibrates at 528 Hz.

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The Orange Aura Color Personality

The Orange Aura Color Personality relates to the element of AIR, shades of Yellow-Orange, Orange, and Orange-Red, the Sanguine 2 Temperament, the Solar Plexus (Manipura) and Sacral (Svadhisthana) chakras, the season of Spring (pagan) and Fall (esoteric), Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, the Tarot Suit of Swords, The Tree of Life: World of Yetzirah (of Formation),  the senses of Sight and Taste, the Astral Body, the emotion of Fear, and YAM (part of God's name). It vibrates at 417 Hz.

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The Red Aura Color Personality

The Red Aura Color Personality relates to the EARTH element, shades of Red-Orange, Red, and Red-Violet, the Melancholic temperament, the Root (Muladhara) chakra, the season of Winter (esoteric and pagan), Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo, the Tarot Suit of Coins, The Tree of Life: World of Assiah (of Making, Materializing or Made), the sense of Smell, the Physical Body/Material World, FORMATION, the emotion of Depression, and LAM (part of God's name). It vibrates at 396 Hz.

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Over 80 Sensed-Based Activities

We experience life through our senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and spirit. It is also our senses that help to heal us. After all, it's our senses that promote feelings of joyfulness. However, most of us tend to neglect our senses more than we should, which leads to a lack of energy, boredom, dissatisfaction with life, and feeling overwhelmed. 

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Stones & Crystals for Balancing & Protecting Your Energy

Fluorite: The Antiviral Stone

Fluorite is a multicolored stone (primarily greens, lavender, and browns) that reflects different colors when exposed to UV light. It is found worldwide in China, France, Central North America, Mongolia, South Africa, Switzerland (pink and red versions), and Russia.

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Raising Energy With Crystals

Crystals and gemstones are known for their magical healing properties. They have been applied in healing modalities and rituals for centuries to balance the mind, body, and spirit energetically. 

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Stones & Crystals for Stress & Anxiety

Stones and crystals have been used for centuries to block or absorb negative energy and alleviate stress and medical conditions. The following stones and crystals are most commonly used to relieve stress and anxiety. They can be worn as jewelry (close to your heart), used in prayer, or placed around the office and home to harmonize personal and environmental energies. When worn as jewelry, try to wear the stones close to your heart.

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Stones & Crystals for Depression

Depression can be caused by negative emotions, such as anger, resentment, grief, pessimism, and even perfectionism. Sadness and oppression can initiate depression and are often expressed with the same symptoms as depression. Depression is not meant to be taken lightly on any account. It's essential to know what you're dealing with. Any time you experience moderate to severe depression, you should visit a doctor or therapist for treatment. 

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Creating a Stone & Crystal Apothecary

Crystals and gemstones are known for their magical healing properties. For centuries, they have been used in healing modalities and rituals to balance the mind, body, and spirit energetically. Here, you'll learn how to create a crystal apothecary, but first, a little history.

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Crystal Elixers

While crystal elixirs and bath soaks may be all the rage because of their healing properties, not all stones and crystals are safe to place in water. Why? Because water can leach chemicals out of soft and porous stones that are toxic to the body. It's a strict rule to NEVER ingest ground or powdered stones or crystals, as this could be fatal. Raw and unpolished stones and crystals, especially those that are porous, can start to flake or dissolve, releasing harmful dust. Always remember to wash your hands after handling these types of stones and crystals to prevent the absorption of toxins. Tumbled (polished smooth) clear quartz crystal and amethyst are safe to put in beverages (one the size of an average coin per cup) to empower the water. However, this applies to adults only. Never put crystals in a child's beverage. Children can choke, even if supervised. Tumbled stones and quartz are also safe for crystal grids, Reiki, and rituals. Save the porous rocks and crystals for placing around your home or office, which are out of reach of children or pets.  Tumbled agates, amethyst, calcites (most), and quartz (clear and rose) are safe for kids to handle while supervised.  You can toss a small handful into the tub (adults only) unless carefully supervised. Additionally, be sure stones and crystals placed in over-the-counter essential oil rollers (used for perfume and chakra energy healing) are safe in water. You wouldn't want crystal powders or flakes to enter anyone's mouth (a baby, a licking pet, a lover).  

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Holistic Alternatives for Overlapping Conditions

Adrenal Burnout Syndrome

Adrenal Burnout Syndrome (also called Adrenal Fatigue, Adrenal Exhaustion, or Burnout) increases the likelihood of more frequent or severe viral infections, such as colds, flu, COVID-19, and Herpes Simplex Virus. Why? Burnout is a significant breakdown of the body's energy system. Without energy, your defenses are down.

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Anxiety, Phobias & Depression

If you recognize yourself in any of the descriptions below, don't panic. Anyone can develop an anxiety disorder or overlapping anxiety disorders, especially in today's world, where we are constantly bombarded with stress. We are built for nature, walking barefoot, swimming, eating natural food, and bird song. We aren't made for skyscrapers, cell phone towers, transportation, and McDonald's. While we might be used to these things, they still cause stress.

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Burning Mouth Syndrome

Burning Mouth Syndrome is common in older men going through andropause, women experiencing various stages of menopause, and those in the habit of chewing on toothpicks, biting the inside of the cheek, and thrusting the tongue against the teeth. It's not contagious unless caused by a bacterial or viral infection, which is unlikely unless accompanied by a white coating of the tongue or mouth sores.

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is often called by other names, such as Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS) and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME). There can be abnormalities in the Central Nervous System (CNS) in those with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, which is included under the “CFS” umbrella but slightly differs from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The hypothalamus is responsible for regulating sleep, temperature, and appetite.

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Chronic Pain & Headache

Pain is often misunderstood. It can be hard to relieve pain if you aren't familiar with how pain works. For most of us, pain is just pain. We know how it feels and wish to be rid of it. To get rid of stubborn pain, you first need to understand where it's coming from, which is more complex than you think. Pain in your head may not come from inside your head, even though it feels that way. Pain in your gut may be uncomfortable emotions causing hormonal changes, and pain radiating down your leg may be induced by a pinched nerve in your lower back.

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Colds, Flu & COVID-19

We've all seen it. Someone coughs, and everyone fans out in opposite directions to get away as quickly as possible. Is it an allergy or something more? Here's what you need to know about the differences between colds, influenza, and COVID-19.

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Dry Mouth Syndrome

The clinical name for Dry Mouth Syndrome is Xerostomia (pronounced ZEER-oh-STOH-mee-ah). Sicca Syndrome may, or may not, be related to Sjogren's Disease (an autoimmune disorder). It is often associated with Fibromyalgia Syndrome.

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Fibromyalgia Syndrome

Nine out of 10 people with Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FS) are women. Women are naturally more receptive and hold their emotions to their hearts (and inside their cells). Studies show that God-loving women seem to be the hardest hit. It could be that the burdens placed upon them by the modern world are too heavy for their old-world hearts. Either way, God-believing or not, emotions play a role. From here out, for the sake of simplicity, I'll be referring to Fibromyalgia Syndrome as FS. 

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Histamine Intolerance

Mast cells are involved in innate and adaptive immune responses. They are highly present throughout the body. Mast cells release histamine, a neurotransmitter, a chemical messenger that sends messages between nerves. It does this through histamine receptors in the nose, mouth, Central Nervous System (CNS), circulatory system, sensory nerves, lungs, heart, gastrointestinal smooth muscle, adrenal medulla, immune cells, bladder muscle, and feet. In the brain, histamine is produced in the Posterior Hypothalamus, which keeps your body in a constant state of homeostasis (balance).

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The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland that sits at the base of your throat and works with your hypothalamus (in your brain) and pituitary (at the base of your neck) glands to produce thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), which prompts the thyroid gland to produce thyroxine (T-4) and triiodothyronine (T-3). The thyroid gland performs checks and balances on many functions, such as how well you metabolize and digest your foods, energy, speech, and sleep. It regulates cellular energy (adenosine triphosphate or ATP). I like to think of ATP as God (and Goddess) particles. I talk about how to preserve and energize these particles here.

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Irritable Bladder Syndrome

Over 400 million people in the United States suffer from bladder pain. 90% are women. There are many causes of bladder pain. A common cause is a UTI, a Urinary Tract Infection, which causes bladder muscle spasms and a burning sensation when urinating. However, there are other causes. 

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is often caused by emotional stress, unbalanced gut microbiota (more bad bugs than good), and eating trigger foods (which may differ for different people). Although IBS can make you feel you're about to die, you'll be happy to know there is no evidence that Irritable Bowel Syndrome will ever cause disease or kill you. However, complications from severe constipation or diarrhea can occur. Thankfully, holistic alternatives and medications can prevent that from happening. Also, an illness or disease can cause symptoms of IBS, so it's essential to rule out possible underlying conditions.

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Navigating Menopause

Some women sail through menopause, hardly noticing. Most are happy they are no longer having periods and find the personal freedom of not worrying about getting pregnant adds to the richness of their sex life. By the time we are in our 50s, most of us have shifted our priorities from ego-based love to appreciating true intimacy, which is all good except for those of us who are highly sensitive. When you're sensitive, live with a chronic condition, or coexist with Herpes Simplex Virus, menopause may be the time in your life when you're bombarded with many challenging symptoms, including more frequent and severe herpes breakouts.

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Sleep Disorders

Deep sleep is essential for health and wellness. If you aren't sleeping well, your body can heal, affecting your mood and immunity. Not enough sleep can lead to stress-related symptoms and more frequent and severe herpes infections. 

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Sugar Disease

Sugar is naturally found in grains, fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Refined sugars are found in bread, donuts, cereals, and table sugar. All sugars are converted into glucose by the body to use as energy, primarily achieved by releasing insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas. Because of their diet or inherited genes, some people have a hard time processing insulin-regulating sugar in the body's cells.

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Tinnitus & Meniere's

Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany on December 16, 1770. Ludwig's ears were, perhaps, damaged by his father when he was just a boy. It was known that his father would drag Ludwig, as a child, out of his bed to beat musical genius into him. He developed Tinnitus, which would come and go in varying degrees. By the time Ludwig was 31 years old, the whistle and buzz in his ears were constant. Low speech tones were unintelligible, and shouting was unbearable to him, which means that he also suffered from Hyperacusis, which is sensitive to noise. By age 47, Ludwig was utterly deaf until he died in 1827. I am sure, like everyone else having developed Tinnitus, he felt positively mad at times.

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Vaginal Complaints

This blog is lengthy but I created it this way to keep you from having to bounce all over the place to find the information you're seeking. The information below focuses primarily on providing holistic alternatives for vaginitis and vaginosis. However, it also provides an overview of various vaginal complaints, symptoms, and causes, which are often healed similarly through nutrition and diet.

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Weight Management

The following information is fairly typical as far as "diets" go. It does not include intermittent fasting. A genetically appropriate diet contains the nutrients your body needs to stay well and maintain a healthy weight (whatever that is for you). 

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FREE Downloads!

If you've ever wanted to learn how to create an at-home apothecary for easing stress and stress-related symptoms, now's your chance!


The Herbal Remedies Recipe Guide contains natural remedy recipes for easing symptoms and conditions, such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, headache, stomach complaints, cold and flu, the Herpes Simplex.


It also includes much of the information about herbs and essential oils onsite and natural remedy safety precautions, such as how to test for herbal sensitivities, how to perform a patch test correctly, how to measure and dose accurately, and more. Virus, and more. It's FREE when you subscribe!

Chapter 1: Antiviral Herbs & Spices

Chapter 2: Medicinal Teas

Chapter 3: Infused Honey

Chapter 4: Infused Syrups

Chapter 5: Infused Kitchen Oils

Chapter 6: Infused Vinegar & Wine

Chapter 7: Decoctions, Tinctures & Electuaries

Chapter 8: Antiviral Essential Oils

Chapter 9: Antiviral Oils, Waxes, Butters & Gels

Chapter 10: Sea Salts & Soaks

NOTE: The Captains Ladys Holistic Tarot does not intend to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any of the symptoms, syndromes, or conditions listed above. Your care provider is your best resource for making informed decisions about your wellness. Please consult your care provider before making any changes to your regimen. Thank you.

Sometimes, You Can Still Feeling Stuck

Sometimes, receiving the correct information at the right time is all one needs to begin taking positive steps toward health and happiness and bring a sense of relief, knowing that you're on the right path. Hopefully, the information above does just that. But, sometimes, the more you learn, the more questions you'll have, and the less you'll feel you know, which makes you feel stuck.


Here's the thing. When you're already feeling poorly (fatigued, irritable, sad, or hypersensitive), it can be challenging to understand how to get from where you are to where you want to be while avoiding useless distractions such as excessive social media use, overthinking, or engaging in unproductive activities. These distractions can lead to stress, a lack of motivation, and staying stuck.


A Holistic Tarot Iintuitive Consultation can help you focus on what's essential to strive for on your wellness journey at this moment in life. It's a tool that can empower you when you find yourself stuck or fence-sitting (not knowing whether to do this or that) and point you in the right direction, giving you the confidence to make the best decision for your well-being.