Essential Oils for Spiritual Protection

There are specific signs of negative energy in a home or work space you shouldn't ignore. If you notice any of the signs listed below, you can use essential oils to protect yourself and your spaces.


  • Strange sounds and noises
  • Things moving by themselves, with no explanation
  • Bad smells that you can't find any reason for
  • Light bulbs and appliances going out or not working right
  • Plants that won't grow even when you care for them well
  • Pets are often sick or die
  • Seeing shadows and getting "goosies" (tingling and goosebumps)
  • People are often "not well" (feel under the weather, are sick, chronically fatigued, anxious, or depressed)
  • Restless and anxious pets can be a sign of negative energy accumulating in the home. Cats and dogs can see energies, so if your pet is staring "at nothin' that ain't there" pay attention. 



Possible Causes of Negative Energy Shoring Up


  • Negative energy can be left over from previous residents from trauma (chronic illness, abuse, deaths)
  • Negative energy from people who are involved in dysfunctional chaos and conflict and often express negativity, anger, and agression
  • Energy vampires
  • Household clutter, hoarding, keeping a lot of old junk in the house that's broken or no longer used
  • Dirt and filth
  • Negative energy attached to antiques, old toys and mirrors, and objects used in dark magic
  • Unwanted or problematic guests or vistors
  • Books, magazines, diaries, and illustrations containing something evil, demonic, or violent
  • Dark magic, hexes, curses, and spells
  • An area of high electromagnetic energy, especially around water (lake, river, underground stream)



Signs of Negative Spiritual Attachments to Your Aura


  • Memory lapses
  • Frequent nightmares or insomnia
  • Sudden profound fatigue and feeling drained
  • Constantly feeling as though someone is watching you
  • Irrational or sudden emotional outbursts or mood swings
  • Feeling off-balance or dizzy for a continued period
  • Sudden physical pain, illness, or discomfort that is relatively unexplained
  • Suddenly acting out of character or significant changes in behavior
  • Unexplainable negative or obsessive thoughts
  • Recurring accidents or a string of bad luck
  • A dramatic loss of self-confidence
  • Suicidal tendencies



Essential Oils for Spiritual Protection and How to Use Them


Essential oils can be used for spiritual protection. Certain essential oils are known as high vibrational oils and are thought to raise the levels of positive energy. These oils include frankincense, lotus, lemon balm (melissa), myyrh, rose and rose otto, and sandalwood. Lemon balm, for example, protects against unfriendly, negative, complaining, toxic people and energy vampires. You can use essential oils in the following ways. 


  • Use a diffuser to scent and purify a room or your home or add a few drops of essential oil to a small pan of simmering water on the stove. If you have a cat, it's better to do one room at a time. Close the door of the room, after rmoving your cat and don't let your cat back in the room until it's aired out. Cats don't have the enzyme necassary for breaking down essential oils in the body. Inhaling or licking essential oils can kill your cat. Dogs are OK with essential oils. Still, if you are using a strong scent, it's best to remove them as well. You can also use a humidifier (one that you can use essential oils in).


  • Or, add 8-12 drops of essential oil to a cup of warm water in a spray bottle, shake well, and spray around the house. 


  • By placing your oils in a small bottle or cork jar, you can inhale your essential oils any time you feel the need to. Essential oils don't need to be diluted unless you are applying them to your skin. 


  • To apply to your skin (to wear as a perfime oil), dilute your essential oil(s) in a carrier oil before applying (30 dropes to 2 tablespoons of carrier oil, such as olive oil).



Essential Oil Protection Blends


  • Protection Blend (General): Bay, cinnamon, and rosemary
  • Psychic Protection: Patchouli, frankincense, and myrrh
  • Drive Away Evil: Sage, rosemary, and violet
  • Spiritual Well-Being: Rose otto, sandalwood, frankincense, cypress, cedarwood, and, perhaps, peppermint 


NOTE: Lavender can be added to any of these blends for added protection and purification.

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