The Tarot World

Wurld ~ The universe. The earth, especially with the life it supports. Humankind. A realm or domain. A state of existence. All that relates to or affects the life of a person. As in, what's going on in your world.

  • Number: XXI, 21
  • Hebrew Letter: Tav
  • Color: Indigo or Blue-Violet
  • Element: Earth
  • Season: Winter (stormy)
  • Time Frame: Some say, within one to three months.
  • Chakra: Root
  • Humor: Black Bile 
  • Temperament: Melancholic 
  • Sense: Smell





Triumph, perfection, karma, self-leadership, wholeness, lessons learned, fulfillment, completion, "Job well done!" When reversed, doubt, limbo, and repeating old (often negative) patterns.



The Lesson of the Tarot World is Wholeness


The Fool has reached the end of a journey and risen above the threats and temptations of the world, and his current cycle is complete. He has actualized the self and is in harmony. He has found the Holy Grail and achieved wholeness.



Personality (Strengths & Weaknesses)


The Melancholic temperament is associated with the Red Aura Color Personality (Earth).



The Tarot World Traditional Meanings


Having a moment of insight and clarity, wrapping things up, a happy and successful ending, a new cycle beginning (a willingness to step out on the path again), or having come full circle and taking a much-deserved rest (perhaps, an eternal one).


The following letter from a husband to his wife sums the Tarot World card up quite nicely.



My Sweet Wife, 


Do you remember when we were young and foolish, making one mistake after another, thinking we had all the time in the world to correct things, how we thought life was just one long road of never-ending opportunities?


I look back on all of the times we quit our goals too soon and how procrastination, even laziness, kept us from success time and time again simply because we were too afraid to commit to a task and see it through. When I think of those days gone by (only because I know we finally came to push through our illusions to get where we are today), I can smile warm-heartedly.


We learned to direct our own lives by sailing toward our goals, and, eventually, we reached the promised land, which to my never-ending surprise, is not a destination at all, but the journey we've traveled together. We discovered it is journeying well in life that creates satisfaction at the end of a long life. One must learn to ride the waves of life rather than thrash, choke, or drown in them. We came close to drowning a few times, did we not? In truth, my lovely wife, there are times I am convinced you are partially mermaid to have put up with me for so long.


I have to admit, all is well, and I am glad to say that we can now enjoy what we have overcome and achieved thus far. Still, I have no doubts, no doubts at all, there will be more waves to cross on our journey in life together, but for now, I think this would be the perfect time to sail into the sunset. My beloved, how would you like to sail with me tonight?


Your Doting Husband, 


~ Robert



NOTE: When reversed, the Tarot World card can imply a lack of vision, refusal to move on, lack of closure, or repeating old lessons. You might be trying very hard but going in the wrong direction. Fear and reluctance cause stagnation. Listening to other's ideas can be beneficial.



The Tarot World Biblical Meanings


The Tarot World represents the wedding (union) between the Jesus within us and the resurrected Jesus who returns. Everyone is fully united into the body (church) of Christ, and God's plan for the universe is complete. The World may also represent the beginning of a new heaven on earth, whatever that means to you (a new start, a new mountain to climb in faith).


The Tarot World in Health Readings


There could also be problems with balance (in any area of your world), finishing what you start, or dizziness. Sometimes, it can mean death at the end of a long and fulfilling life. 



Tarot Meditation


What are you getting ready to complete in your life? How do you feel about it? Is there anything else that needs to be added before things are finalized or you wrap things up? Are you giving yourself the credit you deserve? What might you do or begin next?



Food Remedies


The Hierophant doesn't do well with spicy or processed foods. Stale, rancid or astringent foods, soy, too many nuts (especially peanuts) and beans, nightshades, especially tomatoes, and eggplant, will bother the Melancholic temperament. The Melancholic fairs better with diets containing meat.


Melancholic (Red): See Raising Red & Melancholic Temperament Energy Levels



Choosing Herb & Essential Oil Remedies


Basil, benzoin, black pepper, cedarwood, cinnamon, red clover, eucalyptus, frankincense, geranium, holy basil, lavender, lemon, myrrh, oak moss, orange, patchouli, peppermint, rose, rose hips, rose absolute, rosemary, rose otto, rosewood, sage, sandalwood, turmeric, vanilla, vetiver, and violet leaf



Stones & Crystals


Red garnet, red ruby, red jasper, red-brown tiger's eye, red coral, hematite, black onyx, obsidian, bloodstone, smokey quartz, jet, or a plain black pebble

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