The Tarot Moon

Muun ~ A natural satellite revolving around a planet. A month, especially a lunar month. Moonlight. Something unreasonable or unattainable: as in asking for the moon.

  • Number: XVIII, 18
  • Hebrew Letter: Qoph (or Kuf)
  • Color: Crimson
  • Element: Water
  • Zodiac Sign: Pisces
  • Time Frame: February 19 - March 20, Winter, Waning Moon
  • Chakra: Throat and Heart
  • Humor: Phlegm 
  • Temperament: Phlegmatic 1 & 2
  • Sense: Sound and Touch





Confusion, deceits, moodiness, lack of clarity, imaginings, 28-day cycles, mother figures, travel on or near water, and, when reversed, clarity or madness



The Lesson of the Tarot Moon is Clarity


The Fool is learning to deal with hidden forces and lack of clarity. Moodiness, illusion, basic instincts, and repressed emotions make it hard to see things clearly. Imagination gets carried away and takes on a fearful lead. Don't let your mind run away with you.



Personality (Strengths & Weaknesses)


Phlegmatic Type 1 is associated with the Blue Aura Color Personality (Water).

Phlegmatic Type 2 is associated with the Green Aura Color Personality (Water).


NOTE: Of the seven personalities, those with a phlegmatic constitution are inclined to be highly sensitive, so if your aura is primarily blue or green, you will be way more sensitive than most Highly Sensitive People and, maybe, psychic.​ 



The Tarot Moon Traditional Meanings


You are likely uncertain what to think in your situation, much less what action to take. It may seem that just when you wrap your rationality around your circumstance, your imagination steps in and strips you from your sound senses, which may be especially true at night while gazing at the moon outside your window. That's when you may seem to arrive at the best of solutions and decisions. However, as the sun rises, those solutions and decisions may seem foolish, and you are left feeling more confused than ever.


You may be a victim of false information. Something is surely amiss, as struggling with uncertainty isn't usually one of your traits. Neither is being uncertain and perplexed to no end.


A mother figure may, perhaps, shed light on the matter. However, one thing is certain at this time. Don't allow anyone to force a decision upon you while clarity continues to evade you. It may also benefit you to keep strict confidence over your recent confusion and concerns. At least over the next 28 days.



The Tarot Moon Biblical Meanings


The Tarot Moon represents Jesus at Gethsemane and humanities struggle with the power of faith. It also represents the struggle over how we react to our fears. We often want to analyze and understand "Why?" and "How?" and "What?". Sometimes, it's just better to go with the mystery of the power of God. Stop fearing. Stop reacting. Have faith in the confusion.



The Tarot Moon in Health Readings


The Tarot Moon is associated with the back of the head (the cerebellum) and Pisces, which governs the feet, lymph glands (detoxification), kidney and bladder (sharing with Justice/Libra), and mental state.


There may be problems with 28-day cycles, such as hormonal (think PMS) or sensitivity to the moon's gravitational pull during the full moon.


The Tarot Moon card may signify unresolved subconscious mental health issues causing confusion, fear, panic, anxiety, hypochondria, or depression, emotional over-sensitivity, and problems with sleep, due to circadian cycles. A trained professional (counselor, therapist) may be required to rule out hidden conditions or diseases. Sometimes, when the Moon is reversed, it means there is either sudden clarity or lunacy.



Tarot Meditation


What are your dreams or emotions telling you? Based on past experience, can you trust your emotions at this time? If so, proceed cautiously. If not, wait until the sun rises to make a decision or give things 28 days to see how things play out.



Food Remedies


Phlegmatics do well on both vegetarian and traditional diets. Milk, dairy products (including cheeses), wheat (and other foods containing gluten), refined sugar, starches, and flours, very cold and icy foods and drinks, and moist, creamy, rich foods will bother the Phlegmatic temperament.


Phlegmatic 1 (Blue): See Raising Blue & Phlegmatic Temperament Energy Levels

Phlegmatic 2 (Green): See Raising Green & Phlegmatic Temperament Energy Levels



Herbs & Essential Oil Remedies


Phlegmatic 1 (Blue): Chamomile (all types), Lavender, Marjoram, Tea Tree, Thyme, Vanilla, and White Musk.


Phlegmatic 2 (Green): Basil, Chamomile(all types), Douglass Fir, Eucalyptus, Inula, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemon Balm (Melissa), Marjoram, Peppermint, Pine, Rose, Rosemary, Tea Tree, Thyme, Vanilla, and White Musk



Stones & Crystals


Phlegmatic 1 (Blue): Blue Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Topaz, Blue Chalcedony, Blue Calcite, Blue Opal, Aquamarine, Sapphire, Celestite, Blue Kyanite, Angelite, Blue Tourmaline, Turquoise, and Nephrite


Phlegmatic 2 (Green): Moss Agate, Green Aventurine, Olivine, Emerald, Lapis Lazuli, Rose Quartz, Malachite, Pink Kunzite, Pink Opal, Rhodochrosite, Jade, Rhodonite, Chrysoprase, Pink Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Green/Pink Tourmaline, and Pink Coral

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