The Tarot Falling Tower

Tou' ar ~ A tall, usually square or circular structure, sometimes part of a larger building and usually built for a specific purpose. A place of defense or retreat. A tall, movable structure used in ancient and medieval warfare in storming a fortified place. To rise above or surpass others.





A shock, natural forces, a bolt from the blue, a nasty surprise, misfortune as a result of repeating a lesson, disasters, and, when reversed, back to the drawing board



The Lesson of the Tarot Tower is Change


The Fool learns how change can strike the best-laid plans, without any warning, due to stubbornly refusing to unite body and soul, heart, and mind.



Personality (Strengths & Weaknesses)


Choleric Type 1 is associated with the Violet Aura Color Personality (Fire)

Choleric Type 2 is associated with the Indigo Aura Color Personality (Fire)



The Tarot Tower Traditional Meanings


You may have been caught off guard in a sea of destruction. Your world might be crumbling down around you. You might be feeling struck dumb with no recourse. You may even be shocked to find that things have gone the way they have. Denial and procrastination ultimately blinded you toward an impending disaster, which has become your life. When the Falling tower is reversed, it means you might have seen it coming. 


All you can do is hope to salvage what is left, pick up the pieces of what may originally have been a solid foundation, and rebuild from the ground up. With the knowledge and wisdom you have gained through this ordeal, your priorities have, likely, changed.


You may be seeing how insecurities and lack of confidence caused you to sabotage your happiness. From this point forward, you shall forever form an appreciation for whatever good comes your way fore you may never know when it shall be stripped from you like a bolt from the blue.


Most disasters are foreseeable. Personal disasters in life, unless caused by nature's catastrophes, are nearly always preventable as long as we are honest with ourselves and act with good conscience.



The Tarot Tower Biblical Meanings


In France, in the 16th century, the Tarot Tower was called La Maison Dieu (The House of God). It wasn't so much a tower as it was a temple or church. There's a biblical story about the Tower of Babel where humans tried to construct a tower to heaven (a highly egotistical endeavor). God was displeased. He..."confused the language of all the earth, and from there...spread them all over the earth (Genesis 11: 9).


Because we question our faith, people have fears about denying ego and letting go of material pursuits, which can cause us to build our lives on false foundations. Sometimes, it's necessary to experience a tragedy that rocks our world and shakes us up to see what is truly valuable and meaningful to us. It often turns out to be those who love us unconditionally or a spiritual belief that keeps us going strong, but without the tragedy, we never would have seen it and lived up to it. The tragedy doesn't have to be a large-scale tragedy. It could be anything that feels like a tragedy to you.



The Tarot Tower in Health Readings


A crisis, a breakdown, or panic attacks. An accident, a fire, health issues related to a catastrophe or disaster. Health issues may also be related to head injuries, strokes, lightning strikes, or the body's muscle system. Also, since the Tower is a phallic symbol, problems with testosterone levels, male fertility, andrpause (male menopause). or erectile dysfunction might be an issue.



Tarot Meditation


Am I standing on shaky ground in any area of my life that might crumble beneath me? What would happen if it did? What can I do, if anything, to prevent myself from falling? And, if things have already fallen apart, how can I begin to rebuild?



Food Remedies


Cholerics tend to do very well on vegetarian diets. Ordinary table salt and salty foods, aged cheeses, vinegar and alcohol, high fat and fried foods, excessive red meat, highly sour foods, fermented foods, and very hot spices will bother the Choleric temperament.


Choleric 1 (Violet): See Raising Violet & Choleric Temperament Energy Levels

Choleric 2 (Indigo): See Raising Indigo & Choleric Temperament Energy Levels



Choosing Herb & Essential Oil Remedies


Choleric 1 (Violet): Cedarwood, clary sage, frankincense, hyssop, jasmine, juniper, lavender, myrrh, peppermint, sandalwood, rosemary, rosewood, viola, violet Leaf, and white spruce


Choleric 2 (Indigo): Beech, calendula (marigold), cedarwood, clary sage, frankincense, helichrysum, hyacinth, jasmine, juniper, lavender, marjoram, myrrh, musk, petitgrain, Roman chamomile, rosemary, rosewood, sandalwood, spearmint, Thyme, Viola, Violet Leaf, Vervain, and White Spruce



Stones & Crystals


Choleric 1 (Violet): Clear quartz crystal, amethyst (deep violet), fluorite, clear diamond, rock crystal, sugilite, onyx, and opal


Choleric 2 (Indigo): Lapis lazuli, moonstone, sapphire, clear quartz crystal, dark blue kyanite, charoite, tanzanite, sapphire, blue adventurine, sodalite, sugilite (rich purple), purple fluorite, dumortierite, sodalite, diamond, jet, jade, falcon's eye, and rainbow fluorite

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