The Tarot Emperor

Em'per-er ~ A man who rules an empire or is the head of state (company, office, group, home) in an empire.

  • Number: IV, 4
  • Hebrew Letter: Heh
  • Color: Scarlet
  • Element: Fire
  • Zodiac Sign: Aries
  • Time Frame: March 21 ~ April 19
  • Humor: Yellow Bile 
  • Chakra: Crown and Brow 
  • Temperament: Choleric 1 & 2
  • Sense: Spirit





Leadership, authority, assertiveness, organization, courage, dynamics, fairness, and, when reversed, self-righteousness and abuse



The Lesson of the Tarot Emperor is Leadership


The Fool meets, accepts, and appreciates the masculine, authoritarian, kingly aspect of the personality.



Personality (Strengths & Weaknesses)


Choleric Type 1 is associated with the Violet Aura Color Personality (Fire).

Choleric Type 2 is associated with the Indigo Aura Color Personality (Fire).



The Tarot Emperor Traditional Meanings


You're likely concerned with your status in society. However, your ability to use rational thought and direct action to achieve worldly success is honorable. Rest assured, your stable mind and organized governance have created a structured environment for all under your leadership and care. For this, you are greatly respected.


You are a natural leader and your power, authority, and diplomacy amaze others at times.  For this, you are greatly admired. And, yet, there are times, you are a moody rascal and the boy (or girl) you once were who wished to escape responsibility at all costs, comes out for a visit. It's understandable how you must, at times, despise those who are above you. Remember, always, the value of understanding, kindness, and compassion.


Don't allow responsibility and logic to turn your heart cold to the softer side of life. To forget this, will only make you appear weak and bullish. Do not forget you have friends and family to share the loving side of yourself with.



The Tarot Emperor Biblical Meanings


The Tarot Emperor represents the law of nature (according to logic and order). He prays to God to recognize and respect the needs of others under his authority and help him make right and fair decisions under his leadership. He is, like Jesus, the fatherly shepherd who provides for and protects his followers. Understanding that he too is under law, he asks God, his steady companion, for help in being a proper, respectful citizen as he goes about his daily tasks. Whether he is rich or poor, he lets go of envy. The Emperor prays to not be selfish or egotistical but to reign and be reigned while allowing God's law to rule overall.



The Tarot Emperor in Health Readings


The Emperor corresponds with Aries and governs the head, face, eyes, nose, face, lips, upper teeth, head hair, and adrenal glands. Common health complaints are headaches, migraines, and fever. Aries tends to over-exert and is quick to anger. This card suggests you would do well to take time out to relax emotionally, mentally, and physically.


The Emperor card suggests you would benefit from the type of exercise that tests your stamina and endurance, such as hiking, mountain climbing, and martial arts. Contact sports, such as football, hockey, soccer, rugby, boxing, and baseball, get the heart and blood pumping and eliminate the possibility of becoming too isolated, which is not healthy for you. However, watch for accidents. Accidents are usually caused by being too much in a hurry and not paying attention, but recovery is quick due to a healthy immune system. Injuries might also occur from animals, sharp objects, and war injuries.



Tarot Meditation


How can you become more organized and structured to meet your goals?



Food Remedies


Cholerics tend to do very well on vegetarian diets. Ordinary table salt and salty foods, aged cheeses, vinegar and alcohol, high fat and fried foods, excessive red meat, highly sour foods, fermented foods, and very hot spices will bother the Choleric temperament.


Choleric 1 (Violet): See Raising Violet & Choleric Temperament Energy Levels

Choleric 2 (Indigo): See Raising Indigo & Choleric Temperament Energy Levels



Choosing Herb & Essential Oil Remedies


Choleric 1 (Violet): Cedarwood, clary sage, frankincense, hyssop, jasmine, juniper, lavender, myrrh, peppermint, sandalwood, rosemary, rosewood, viola, violet Leaf, and white spruce


Choleric 2 (Indigo): Beech, calendula (marigold), cedarwood, clary sage, frankincense, helichrysum, hyacinth, jasmine, juniper, lavender, marjoram, myrrh, musk, petitgrain, Roman chamomile, rosemary, rosewood, sandalwood, spearmint, Thyme, Viola, Violet Leaf, Vervain, and White Spruce



Stones & Crystals


Choleric 1 (Violet): Clear quartz crystal, amethyst (deep violet), fluorite, clear diamond, rock crystal, sugilite, onyx, and opal


Choleric 2 (Indigo): Lapis lazuli, moonstone, sapphire, clear quartz crystal, dark blue kyanite, charoite, tanzanite, sapphire, blue adventurine, sodalite, sugilite (rich purple), purple fluorite, dumortierite, sodalite, diamond, jet, jade, falcon's eye, and rainbow fluorite

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