Isn't Tarot Evil?

Many people are under the impression that Tarot is evil, an opinion derived from religion and pop culture, which have used Tarot to manipulate and promote scare-factor in the media. However, the Tarot was originally a card game, period. It's made of paper and ink and has no power of its own—none whatsoever. For example, guns are made of metal and wood, and syringes are made of metal and glass (or plastic), but neither are inherently evil or have any power to injure unless placed in the wrong hands. It's not what a thing is that makes it evil. It's what you do with it.


Tarot was never intended to take the place of your spiritual beliefs, faith, prayer, meditation, or values but in addition to them. Your relationship to your higher power (God, whatever that means to you) ALWAYS comes first. Furthermore, God is not against using the Tarot (unless used for fortune-telling) any more than S/He is against guns or needles. Tarot has no power of its own. The cards are only pieces of paper with ink splotches forming words and pictures. Meaning the only evil attached to it is self-assigned. If you think Tarot is evil, then, for you, it is. If you believe it's not, it's not.


Tarot can be extremely useful for inner transformation when used as tool to magnify your intuition and understand your next best step on your wellness journey. 


So, can tarot cards be harmful? Yes. How so?


Tarot can be harmful when you allow it to make decisions for you. It can also be harmful when you allow the cards to predict future events. In these instances, you're giving away your free will and personal power, which isn't mentally, emotionally, or spiritually healthy. You always have a choice. Regardless of what the cards reveal, it comes down to what you decide based on your intuition and gut feeling.


Let's say you're thinking about breaking up with your mate, and the cards lean toward a breakup. Should you rush home and pack your bags just because Tarto said so? No! If that's what you want to do and Tarot validates it for you, then you might do that, but if you feel that isn't what you want, you have free will to go against what Tarot says and go home and work on your relationship.


Picking up the cards to receive answers and insights you may or may not intuitively agree with is fine. On the other hand, depending on Tarot to tell you what to do or direct every detail of your life isn't.


Theatrical Tarot readers who use scare tactics to earn a living can also harm people who depend on the Tarot for answers. They are egotistical smoking guns. These readers give Tarot a bad name and are no better than psychic vampires.


Another way the Tarot can be harmful is if using the cards goes against your religious or cultural beliefs, which can cause negative self-judgment, inner turmoil, condemnation, guilt, or shame. I know this well. If you can't reconcile using Tarot, don't. You'll only stress yourself out. It's not worth it. Instead, try another oracle where you can pull a daily positive quote or thought for the day. There's no harm in that.


Additionally, Tarot can be harmful if you continue to use the cards and no longer feel "great" about doing so. Tarot is a tool, and, as with all tools, there may come a time when you don't need to use it at all because either you fixed a problem or you've found a better tool, such as meditation or prayer.


Here's the thing. If you don't believe the Tarot is evil but feel apprehensive about using it, you have an inner self that thinks it is. In that case, you need to discover why and base your decision about using Tarot on that.


So, is Tarot evil? Can it harm you? Only if you think it is or that it can.

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