Sea Salt for Protection

People have used salt for centuries to protect against negativity and evil spirits. Ancient Celts used salt to ward off a case of bad luck. Both Jesus and Mohamed mentioned salt as being a blessing.


Some people throw salt over their shoulders to ward off bad luck, while others place salt around the home to purify it of evil spirits. Salt is often used to purify alters before and after rituals.


Using salt to ward off evil may seem superstitious, but salt absorbs negative energies in the following ways.


  • Salt works well for ridding spaces of stagnant or negative energy in the home. Old attics and hardly visited basements will benefit from salt purification. Negative energies from a recent argument or a "sickly" visitor can also be "erased" with a salt purification ritual. Place salt in the four corners of your home or along the edges of the room you are purifying. However, never lock yourself into a room with a spirit (see below). Please leave it in place for 24 hours and then remove it.


  • If you feel that a ghost or benevolent spirit is in a particular room, place a line of salt at the doorway to keep it from coming out until you figure out what to do. The salt divides the space between yourself and the presence. The salt line should be no less than a half-inch thick.


  • Placing salt in your vehicle (if you have to make a quick getaway and don't want to give a ghost or someone else's negative energy a ride home with you) is a good idea.


  • If you are stuck in a room and can't leave, drawing an inch-wide protective circle of salt around you can help to protect you until you can figure out how to remove yourself. A white candle (or four in the four directions) can also help. Sea salt and candles work well for a residual haunting but not against demons. When faced with a demon, holy water will also be necessary.​ Hopefully, you packed salt with you for these types of situations ahead of time. Better yet, avoid these situations whenever possible.


All salt used for purification and protection should be "sea" salt (not table salt) and disposed of properly by pouring down the drain or burying it in the earth. Never keep the salt to reuse. And, whatever you do, don't eat it, or you'll consume negative energy.


If you want to cleanse your entire aura (your electromagnetic energy field), take a walk on the beach. The salty air and wind will flush your aura of negativity, which is why being by the water is so calming.

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