Magnifying Your Intuition

Intuition is that gut feeling you get in the pit of your stomach or that inner message that tells you some person, place, or thing is or isn't right for you. It's essential for guarding your mind, body, and spirit against harm.


When stressed, it can be challenging to understand what's happening in our lives or know which direction to turn because stress stifles intuition, which usually tells us what is right and wrong for us to take part in or back away from. When intuition goes silent or can't be heard over the roar of stress, the result is doubt, confusion, poor decision making, immobility, nervous ills, lowered vibration, and chronic conditions.


Whether you're trying to dump dysfunctional thoughts, attitudes, or actions or ease an old-fashioned headache, Tarot can be just the thing to provide you with clarity, snap you out of the doldrums, and put you on track to a higher vibration, whichattracts better health, love, and abundance.


Have you ever seen a dog or cat communicate with something you can't see? It's rather eerie. Animals sense energies in their environment and immediately understand whether they are harmful. Like some other animals, cats and dogs can also sense how people feel, whether they are happy, sad, angry, tired, or in some way, under the weather. Watching your pet's mannerisms can tell you a lot about what's going on within and around you. They are very intuitive, and so are you.


It is an experience of knowing something that you can't quite explain. For example, you intuitively chose not to wear a skirt to the office this morning and discovered later that your boss wanted you to climb a ladder and organize a top shelf. Or, maybe you were driving across town one day and, suddenly, felt you should take another route to your friend's house even though you didn't know why, only to find out later there was a flood covering the road. Or, have you ever heard the phone ring and knew who it was at the other end even though you hadn't expected to hear from the caller? All are examples of your inner voice speaking to you.


Many people fail to understand that their intuition is based on knowledge and spirit. Yes, it can be a gut feeling. Yes, it can seem to come from nowhere or the divine. However, for intuition to whisper to you, it must come from a place of learning or connection to universal energy (or both). The Bible calls intuition the Gift of Discernment, also known as empathy. Have you ever not felt like doing something and did it anyway, based on a hunch that you just should and ended up being in the right place at the right time? Now, that's divine intuition!


When it comes to intuition, it's usually the culmination of research and experience that allows you to trust your gut feeling. What I mean by this is that knowledge fine-tunes intuition. For example, let's say you are considering going on a camping trip with friends but have this gut feeling you shouldn't go. When you feel this way, it can be helpful to recognize it as a spiritual request for more information.


When intuition kicks in, the first question should be, "Why might I feel this way?" Performing an internal assessment will help you decide based on your gut feeling. The more you know and understand, the better your ability to choose wisely based on intuition and reason. 


The funny thing about intuition is that the more you try to ignore it, the more it screams until it hides altogether. Then, symptoms develop. How often do you experience symptoms of stress, such as anxiety, irritable bowel, chronic pain, or sleep problems that interfere with your mood, work, relationships, or plans? Symptoms can be your intuition trying to get your attention. If you've been to see your doctor and been told your symptoms are likely due to stress and to go home and try to relax, it may be time to start listening to your intuition.



How are Intuitive Messages Received?


Intuition is something that you know without being emotionally unattached. On the other hand, hopeful wishing or fearful thinking involves highly charged emotions and lacks that gut feeling. It may even be selfish or demanding. Wishful thinking and fearful thoughts are grounded in insecurity. Any time we feel insecure, our emotions are involved. There's no emotional attachment to genuine intuitive messages.



What Does Intuition Have to Do With Health and Wellness?



Your intuition can help you develop a wellness regime by providing answers and insights about what natural remedies and activities suit you as an individual to prevent, manage, and even erase symptoms and conditions. ​All you need for your intuition to kick in is knowledgeable information, an open mind, and free will.


Without intuition, you'd be like a feather in the wind, but intuition provides direction and an anchor when you most need one. Throughout this site, I provide knowledgeable information on easing stress and stress-related symptoms, which allows for multiple choices between remedies, foods, and activities. Your intuition will guide you to what is right for you to try based on your unique individuality. For example, if your gut feeling tells you something, someone, or someplace is unsuitable for you, listen. It will prevent a lot of anguish. Alternatively, if something is immediately appealing to you, try it. There's a good reason for feeling the way you do.​ Don't doubt yourself.



How to Magnify Your Intuition


  • Several times each day, stop (be still) and ask yourself what you are sensing (seeing, hearing, feeling), which will jumpstart your intuition and kick it into high gear, if you do this regularly.


  • Meditate or pray daily. Get quiet with yourself. When meditating, focus on your senses while breathing in a relaxed manner. What do you hear (birds, dogs, bees, water, cars, people), smell, or feel (cool air, warm sun, the soft lining of your jacket)? When praying, think of those things you are thankful for or anyone who needs forgiveness. 


  • Get away from your routineRemove yourself from the situation for a while. Take a walk around the block, a day trip to the beach, or a short stay away from home.


  • Be honest with yourself. Never ignore your feelings if something seems wrong, even though you may not understand why. You will stop trusting yourself if you do this too often and for too long. It's easy to want to ignore feelings that are asking us to say no to others or are demanding we change, but being honest, especially with ourselves, is the best policy.


  • Listen to your body. The body has a language of its own. For example, when tired or overwhelmed, it hunches over and doesn't stand as straight and tall. When it is around toxic people, it will feel drained of energy. Backaches can be a sign of carrying too much responsibility and needing support. A stomach ache can symbolize control issues, either yours or of someone else around you. Your intuition can help to provide answers about what your body is expressing.


  • Pay attention to your dreams. Dreams are your mind's processing of your conscious and subconscious thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Write them down if you can't remember them. If people talk to you in your dreams, write down what they tell you. If there are strong feelings, what are they? Look for insights, suggestions, and patterns.


  • Flip a coin. Seriously. Give yourself an ultimatum. Say, heads, you are going to start exercising. Tails, you're going to remain a couch potato. Flip a coin. See how you feel about which side of the coin lands first. You have the right to change your mind at any time.


  • Give kinesiology (muscle testing) a try. You can perform a simple exercise with your fingers that will tell you whether someone or something is right for you. It is an excellent way to allow your body's energy system and intuition to speak to you directly. You can use kinesiology to determine which foods, herbs, oils, salts, and substances are right for you. Watch this short video that explains kinesiology very well. It only lasts a minute or two.


  • Keep a journal of your thoughts, feelings, and any flashes of insight or ideas that come to you while meditating or praying. In this journal, you might role-play for advice from your highest self. If not a journal (that someone else might find and read), at least grab some paper and write what you feel. Tear it up or burn it afterward (you can make a creative ritual of it), but put your thoughts on paper about anything bothering you.

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