Spiritual Uses of Mirrors

Who hasn't heard about the legend of "Bloody Mary," where if one stands in front of a mirror and says "Bloody Mary" three times, a witch will appear to kill the one who said it? 


People have long been intrigued and fearful of mirrors, and understandably so. In the old world, ancient humans may have believed they were looking at their very soul or spiritual twin upon seeing their reflection peering back through dark water or a shiny object, which is relatively understandable. After all, staring into a pool of water and seeing their reflection must have been perplexing.  


The oldest mirror in the world was likely created during the Neolithic period from obsidian, a smooth, reflective, dark glass made from volcanic ash. It is known that mirrors first created for vanity were created out of polished brass, copper, and silver. These types of mirrors were used up until the Middle Ages. During this time, people began to make mirrors with polished rock crystals backed with metal foil. A few small mirrors were made of glass and metal backing. Some had decorative figurines placed on them. During the Renaissance period, along with glass-blowing techniques, the making of mirrors took off. These mirrors were bubble-like and round in appearance with mercury and silver backings. They were thought to protect the owner from supernatural forces. It wasn't until the 17th century that glassmakers in Venice learned how to make flat mirrors. These mirrors were often enormous, backed with copper and gold, and costly. By the time the Victorian era rolled around, nearly everyone could afford a mirror of one size or another.  


Superstitions surrounding mirrors have been around for as long as mirrors have existed. For example, in Europe, mirrors are nearly always covered in rooms where the sick lie to prevent the soul from being taken from one's body. Mirrors are also immediately covered after someone dies to keep their soul from lingering and help them move on, especially if they die at home. An ancient Chinese myth says our reflection in a mirror is really a demon pretending to be our reflection while secretly plotting our death.  


Superstitious people typically fear mirrors because they are believed to be gateways for spirits, particularly during thunderstorms. The energy of thunder and lightning provides a pathway for ghosts and other spirits to follow and materialize in mirrors. The same holds true when looking at a mirror while holding candlelight. These spirits can be harmless or very evil. In the movie, The Skeleton Key, Ben (John Hurt) sees the image of the spirit who has hexed him in the reflection of the compact mirror his caregiver, Caroline (Kate Hudson), shows him. He is immediately seized with fear and overcome by looking into the mirror, where he sees the evil spirit that hexed him in its reflection, a typical example of how spirits can be seen in mirrors.  

12 Ways to Use a Mirror for Spiritual Purposes 

There are multiple ways to use mirrors for spiritual purposes. Twelve ways to do so are outlined for you directly below.


  • To receive a message from other realms, you can scry, which means to stare into a reflective surface and wait for images to form, which tell a story and have spiritual meaning to the seeker. Scrying is an old English term derived from the word descry, which means to "catch sight of" those things that cannot usually be seen with the five senses. Scrying with mirrors is known as Catoptromancy. It was John Dee (1527-1608 or 1609), an Anglo-Welsh astrologer, mathematician, and occultist who was an advisor to Queen Elizabeth that made scrying reflective surfaces popular. Scrying is usually done with a reflective surface, like the standard household mirror. Even a compact mirror will do. However, you can also scry by observing clouds, crystals, fire, oil, smoke, wax, water, wax, and even old bones. It is important to note that while you can scry with just about any mirror, witches and those involved in magic tend to do their scrying with black mirrors. Black mirrors are not mirrors but dark and shiny objects known as scrying mirrors. However, for nonwitches, any reflective surface will do. You need only relax your vision while staring into a mirror to begin making contact with other realms. Scenes or images will emerge eventually. The idea is to relax and let them come forth.  


  • Mirrors can be gateways to other dimensions or portals for spirits and other entities to enter safely. Of course, your intention should always be positive and loving, lest evil comes through.  


  • You can bless and guard your home by lighting a candle before a mirror and asking a guardian angel, such as Michael, for protection. 


  • Covering a mirror after someone dies will help the deceased not to linger on in this world and to move on into the next. 


  • Mirrors are thought to absorb and contain memories of anything reflected in it. Therefore, a mirror holds valuable information which you can tap. Over time, it can begin to project the energy back onto the owner or into the home, which is fine and dandy if it is projecting positive energy but not so great when it is negative. Mirrors can be rinsed with Holy Water or smudged with sage to be cleansed from previous energies, good or bad. Because mirrors absorb so much energy and information, buying a brand new mirror is suggested before personally using it for spiritual purposes.  


  • Mirrors can amplify the power of intention by multiplying your actions during a ritual. For example, multiple mirrors can be set up at the four corners of a prayer circle. Or, you can set up a mirror to amplify the power of any crystals used in spells. Multiples of three are encouraged.  


  • Hanging a large mirror in the dining room facing the eating table will bring about wealth. Any food reflected in a mirror magnifies blessings, bringing more money and general abundance into the household. On a deeper level, the reflection of food also feeds the spirits in the house, keeps them happy, and keeps the blessings of not just abundance but protection coming forth.  


  • When a home has been full of negativity, arguments, narcissism, abuse, or depression, you can break a pattern by breaking a mirror. The person making the break looks into a mirror and states aloud what is coming to an end. This mirror should have resided in the house for some time and absorbed the negative energies. The mirror is then placed in a disposable bag and safely broken to make a break from the past. It would be best if you buried the shards of glass.  


  • Mirrors are seen as windows into the soul or reflections of your double. Keeping this in mind, you can ask your soul questions or ask to see something happening to your soul elsewhere, which may sound farfetched, but no more so than seeing ghosts and spirits in the looking glass.  


  • Some say it is possible to see your past life reflection if you stare into your own eyes and ask to view it. Stand close to a mirror and stare into your own eyes and nothing else. As all else in the mirror floats away, ask, "What did I look like in my past life?" or "What did I look like in 1761?" and wait for the reveal. I tried this and saw an older Chinese man, which might explain my love of Asian decor.  


  • Some witches use mirrors for "glamoring", a term for changing one's appearance. Once a mirror is cleansed of all other energies, the witch gazes into her mirror and projects what she wishes to see as if it has already manifested. Once content with the visualization, the mirror is wrapped in black or red silk and safely tucked away. This ritual is repeated daily until changes in their appearance become visible. Afterward, the ceremony is held once every week or so, on Friday or Monday, to maintain her outward beauty. Hey. Positive thinking can do wonders.    


  • Additionally, because mirrors absorb energy, you can cast a powerful "spell" of happiness by standing in front of a mirror at home while feeling exceedingly satisfied, confident, joyful, or exhilarated.


  • Not everyone has a mirror hanging in their home. Scrying, which is just one of the uses of a mirror, can be performed with water placed in a dark bowl. Then use the bowl of water the same as a mirror. You can also make use of ponds, lakes, and wishing wells.


Also, see the Light & Mirrors Meditation for spiritual protection. 

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