The Metaphysical Properties of Foods & Herbs

When placed in recipes or around the home, items right in your kitchen can help increase the positive energy in your home, ward off ills, and create peace of mind.


  • Need more money? Place green apples where you can see them until you are ready to eat them.


  • Need personal protection? Tuck a bulb of garlic somewhere or add it to your pasta dish.


  • Want more playfulness in your life? Keep a bowl of nuts, such as walnuts, Brazil, and pine, within reach for their magical benefits or as a healthy snack for others.





·   Acorn: Personal power, wisdom, good luck 

·   Apple: (Green): Fame, beauty, vanity, prosperity, love, healing

·   Apricot: Rejuvenation

·   Avocado: Calm and beauty

·   Bladderwrack: Protection, money (brings customers), increases psychic powers

·   Blueberry: Protection (especially for children), strengthens your energy field ​

·   Cilantro: Awareness, creativity

·   Honey: Luck, fortune

·   Lemon: Love, beauty, purification

·   Lemon Drops: For wooing

·   Milk: Job success

·   Mustard: Good memory

·   Nuts: Playful communication

·   Olive: Longevity

·   Onion: Dispelling anger

·   Peanuts: Fertility

·   Pineapple: Friendship

·   Potato: Grounding

·   Rice: Protection

·   Salt: To absorb negative energies (also, see Sea Salt for Protection)

·   Tomato: Contemplation





·   Allspice: Success

·   Alfalfa: Money, happy home life, generosity

·   Allspice: Money, success, increased compassion

·   Angelica: Courage (as far as visions go), harmony, balance, healing

·   Basil: Love, protection, wealth, exorcism

·   Bay: Protection, success, increased intuition

·   Beech: Inspiration, cheerfulness

·   Benzoin: Purifying relieves stress and depression and improves mental capacities

·   Bergamot: Guards against illness and increases personal power and luck

·   Black Pepper: Banishes negativity and strengthens one's resolve

·   Blackthorn: Protection from negative spirits

·   Blessed thistle: Protection against evil and improves one's energy reserves

·   Calendula (Marigold): Success, justice (in legal matters), prophetic dreams, and the reduction of negativity

·   Cardamom: Fidelity, love, lust (great for love prayers)

·   Catnip: Love, happiness, beauty

·   Cedarwood: Purity, luck, power, healing

·   Chamomile: Improves sleep, reduces stress, aids in meditation

·   Cinnamon: Prosperity, fortune, and favor and increases spirituality and is healing and strengthening

·   Clove: Stops slander, protects from opposing forces, draws love, stops pain

·   Comfrey: Safety during travel, healing, endurance

·   Dandelion: For making wishes, healing, purification, calling spirits

·   Dill: Spices up your sex life, money

·   Echinacea: Increases psychic awareness and power, draws fertility and abundance

·   Fennel seed: Success in many things, healing, purification, protection, motherhood (inner strength)

·   Feverfew: Health, protection (while traveling and against evil spirits), inner strength

·   Flax Seed (linseed): Money, healing, beauty, protection

·   Frankincense: Spirituality, self-control, protection

·   Fumitory: Monetary gain, protection, consecration

·   Garlic: Protection, health, inner strength, exorcism, purification

·   Ginger: Success, magical power, love, money

·   Ginseng: Promotes love, healing, lust, beauty

·   Horehound: Healing, protection against evil, creative inspiration, energy balancing

·   Hyssop: Banishing, protection, healing

·   Irish moss: Gambler's luck, protection

·   Jasmine: Success, money, prophetic dreams, love

·   Lavender: Purifying, healing, calming, improves sleep

·   Lemon balm (melissa): healing, love, success, and healing (emotional/mental issues)

·   Lemon Grass: Cleansing, clarity

·   Licorice root: Fidelity, love, lust, passion

·   Marjoram: Relieves depression, cleansing, soothing (grief and sadness)

·   Marshmallow root: Protective, cleansing, and increases psychic powers

·   Mint: Increases energy and vitality, improves friendships and communication, and increases psychic power

·   Mugwort: Strength, healing, protection, amplifies psychic power

·   Myrrh: Luck, peace, healing, spiritual wisdom, protection

·   Nettle: Dispels fear, breaks hexes, renews, increases lust between lovers

·   Nutmeg: Luck in money and favor

·   Oregano: Health, vitality, strength, joy, justice, astral projection, protection

·   Paprika: Healing, loyalty

·   Parsley: Purification, other-worldly communications, increases vitality, uplifting, spiritual growth

·   Pepper: Raises energy

·   Passion flower: Improves sleep, calms, friendship, passion

·   Patchouli: Connecting with the dead, healing (antiviral), money success, lust, fertility, peace

·   Pine needles: Purifying, healing, success, protection, blessings

·   Pumpkin seed: Heals, increases divinatory powers (under moonlight)

·   Raspberry leaf: Healing, protection, love, sweet dreams

·   Rose: Psychic power, love, healing, compassion,

·   Rose hips: Healing, good luck, strengthening love, contacting "good" spirits

·   Rosemary: Love, improves sleep and mental clarity, protects, protects against negativity and evil spirits

·   Rue: Exorcism, healing, good health, love, increases clarity (never to be used internally)

·   Sage: Cleanses, purifies, eases grief and loss, protects and heals, increases intuition

·   Sandalwood: Protection (use like sage for smudging), luck, success, increases spiritual vibration

·   St. John's Wort: Protects against hexes and ill-wishes, relieves depression, and increases happiness.

·   Tea leaves (all): Courage, strength, lust for life

·   Thyme: Loyalty, love, fidelity, love, affection, luck, increases psychic power

·   Valerian (graveyard dust): Improves sleep, sedates, calms emotions

·   Valerian (tea): Peace

·   Vervain: Peace, love, youth, and chastity

·   Verbena: Psychic protection, peace, love, and purification, lifts depression, increases beauty and love.

·   White willow bark: Reduces negativity, removes hexes, strengthens love, and overcomes sadness

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