Engaging With Nature

The Earth and everything in nature, including you, have an electrical frequency that can help raise your vibration and ease stress. So, one of the best things you can do to relieve nervous tension, anxiety, and depression is to get outdoors and engage with nature to absorb these energies. By doing so, you'll become more grounded.





Grounding is sometimes called Earthing, a stress management technique that relies on electrical charges to reconnect you to the Earth. When we aren't connected to the Earth, we can lose our bearings and develop stressful symptoms, such as anxiety and depression, chronic fatigue, and chronic pain. Evidence shows Earthing can increase cellular function, calm the heart, reduce pain and fatigue by influencing healing ability, and improve mood within 20-30 minutes.



Walk Barefoot in the Wilds


Our shoes tend to have rubber soles, which prevent you from grounding to the Earth. Walking barefoot in the sand, grass, and even in a river bed will help your body to absorb the Earth's energy. "Forest-bathing" is a term for Shinrin-Yoku, for soaking up the forest through mindful walking, hiking, or even just sitting quietly in the forest and soaking up its energy. When you breathe in the microbiome of the forest floor, you feed your microbiome and nourish your immunity.



Lie On the Ground


Lie on the grass in your yard, in a park, or at the beach, and soak up the Earth's energy. It's okay to lay on top of a sheet or blanket. Fabrics should be 100% natural, including your clothing. Polyester and latex materials may block the Earth's energy. Take your shoes off. Relax or take a nap.



Get In the Water


Go wading or swimming in a clear lake, slow-moving river, or ocean. Dance in the pouring down rain. Water is a natural relaxer. Salt washes away negativity and impurities. You might visit a hot spring for a warm mineral soak.



Listen to Nature Sounds


Go somewhere outside where it's quiet and listen to birdsong, water flowing, the wind blowing, and bees buzzing. Close your eyes, relax, and listen to the sounds of nature, which is called mindful meditation, by the way. You can find nature soundtracks to listen to on YouTube.com.



Use Grounding Equipment


If you can't get outside to engage in activities, grounding socks, bands, patches, sheets, blankets, and mats are available online. 



Spend Time With a Pet


If you have a pet, take the time to engage with them fully. Run, play, talk to your pet, and reward your friend for loving you unconditionally. If you don't have a pet, visit someone who does and give (and get) some love. 



Bring Nature Into Your Home


You can bring natural, positive energy into your home by decorating with natural objects. How often have you pocketed a unique-looking rock or a pretty little shell? Bringing these treasures home with you will remind you of fond moments and special memories and ground you spiritually. Materials used in your home can help to ground you as well.


Adding wicker in the kitchen, driftwood on your porch, or flowers on your coffee table adds life to your home.


Placing pictures or paintings around your home that display nature can be soothing. Adding a water fountain or aquarium to your decor creates a bond with the outdoors.


Flowers in the home and garden are instant eye candy. Buy yourself some fresh-cut flowers or potted flowers for the window sill. It may be time to plant some wildflowers in the yard. If you are allergic to flowers and grasses, visit an arts and crafts store and purchase silk flowers to arrange. They can be just as beautiful and less expensive in the long run.


You never want to use dry flowers and plants to decorate your home. Some are beautiful but "dead" and offer no positive energy. If you do not care for live plants, use silk plants and flowers instead, but be sure to wash them every so often. When they fade, replace them. If you wish to dry flowers and save them as keepsakes, find a particular container or display case for them.


Bringing plants into the home or adding a few potted herbs to your windowsill will help clean the air of unhealthy electromagnetic energies and add oxygen to the atmosphere. 


English ivy, Spider plant, Bamboo palm, Dwarf date, Boston fern, Peace lily, Schefflera, Rubber plant, and the Janet Craig dracaena are a few household plant options. However, do your research. Some plants are poisonous to animals.


A unique bowl filled with rocks, gemstones, and crystals can be left within view anywhere in your home or office. It's a beautiful reminder of nature, and these stones absorb negative energies. Larger crystals can be set around your computer to help eliminate harmful EMFs (electromagnetic energy fields).


A basket of seashells is a gentle reminder of nature. Passing a basket of seashells is uplifting. Entryways, bathrooms, desks, and coffee tables are excellent places to set a basket of shells. You can also place shells in clear jars and vases.


Also, see Creating Healthy Spaces



Collect Rain


Collect rain in cups, buckets, or rain barrels. Rain barrels may be illegal in some states, but there's no law saying you can't leave pots in your yard (that I'm aware of). Use winter rain for courage and endurance, Spring rain for love and attraction, Summer rain for playfulness and sexiness, and Fall rain for enthusiasm, thankfulness, and closure. Use leftover rainwater for watering plants or as a hair rinse after shampooing. It makes hair so very soft!



Sprinkle Sand


Sprinkle sand to bring like-minded people into your life. Sprinkle it in your plant pots and watch your friendships grow, or place sand under candles or seashells (or both) as an attractive centerpiece.



Decorate With Willow Branches


Have you seen those wonderful curly, naked branches they have in gift shops that have crystals or tree ornaments hanging from them? They are often willow or grapevine branches. As mentioned, dead flowers and plants can bring negative energy into the home, but Willow can help you adjust to new situations. When out in nature, standing under a willow tree can strengthen you. Tell the willow your problems. Trees offer much wisdom. Be sure to thank the tree if you remove a small branch or a few leaves.



Plant a Tree


Plant a tree in your yard or on your deck or balcony. As long as you have space, you can add beauty and romance to your world with a small price of watering. When planting, keep your tree away from pipes and your septic tank. Some trees, such as willow trees, have tiny roots that can get into the tiniest places. As they grow, they can strangle septic tanks and split pipes wide open. 



Grow Herbs


Take a trip to a garden center and choose a few of your favorite herbs to grow in your kitchen. Herbs add a bit of charm to a kitchen and can be clipped and added to your favorite dishes as they grow.



Place a Vision On Your Visor or Cell Phone Lock Screen


Place a picture of someone you love on your vehicle visor or cell phone lock screen. Your energy wellness is affected by the things you see around you. Seeing a photo of a loved one on your visor or cell can instantly shift your mood to "happy".



Hang Nature Scenes


Hang pictures of nature in your home or office. However, avoid placing photographs of ice, snow, crashing waves, or parched desert in your office unless they are associated with happy memories. Stick with images of trees, fields, calm waters, plant life, fruit, flowers, or pictures of healthy people. The idea here is growth, not a threat."



Eat Something Fresh


Eat something fresh and natural every single day, such as an apple, blackberries, or sweet peas, to experience the taste of nature. 

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