Fast HSV Relief

Let’s face it. No one has the time, energy, or patience to learn how to create natural remedies when they're in the middle of a herpes breakout. You'll learn to make "simples" using three ingredients or less to ease burn, itch, and pain quickly before learning to make formulas.


  • You can use aloe vera gel to ease the itch. Use the gel inside a fresh plant blade or buy gel from the store. When purchasing over-the-counter aloe vera gel, ensure it is pure and does not contain alcohol. Ouch!


  • Manuka honey can help relieve burning sensations and speed healing. Because you don't want a sticky mess, use a Q-Tip to dab the tops of the sores with honey. Some say honey can sting a little. In this case, add a bit of pure water or coconut, emu, tamanu, neem, or Saint John's Wort oil (all are antiviral) to the honey before applying. 


  • Coconut oil can provide moisture and a protective barrier so your skin doesn't pull tight when in motion. 


  • Hot or cold packs can help. Take a sock. Fill it with rice. Warm it in the microwave for a minute or two and apply it to the area for 20 minutes at a time (20 minutes on, 20 minutes off). Or place an icepack in the area for 20 minutes at a time (20 minutes on, 20 minutes off). You can also rotate the heat and cold every 20 minutes.


  • Make a paste with baking soda and water and apply it to stop the itch and dry out sores. Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate, acids, and starch, so it can sting a little on raw skin. Like raw honey (above), you can combine baking soda with a bit of coconut, emu, tamanu, neem, or Saint John's Wort oil (all are antiviral) before applying to reduce the chance of it stinging. 


  • Make a lysine paste. If you have lysine capsules or tablets on hand, you can break open the capsules or crush the tablets into a fine powder. Mix this with a bit of virgin coconut oil to apply to the sores as a paste. Lysine helps correct pH, which herpes hates, and will help you heal quicker. The coconut oil is soothing. You can also make a paste with hydrogen peroxide, witch hazel, Saint John's Wort oil, tamanu, or neem oil and apply it to blisters with a Q-tip or folded corner of a Kleenex or toilet tissue.


  • Mix one part apple cider vinegar with three parts water and dab onto sores to speed healing.


  • Sometimes, lesions can look infected (ooze pus). You don't want a secondary infection. Crush a garlic clove into a paste, add a tiny bit of olive oil, and apply to the lesions 3-4 times daily.


  • Apply Saint John's Wort oil to target the herpes virus.


  • Apply diluted witch hazel to ease inflammation.


  • Neem targets the herpes virus. Neem Extract needs to be diluted before applying to the skin.


  • Apply diluted lemon balm (melissa) essential oil to target the herpes virus. Mix 12-15 drops in one tablespoon of olive or coconut oil.


  • Echinacea extract can be used as an anti-inflammatory. It doesn't need to be diluted. 


  • Ginger root kills the Herpes Simplex Virus on contact. However, dilute it first because it's a "hot" spice. The best way to form a paste is to add powdered ginger to base oil, such as olive, jojoba, or coconut oil. You can also create ginger oil by adding ginger essential oil to a base oil instead of the powder.


  • Calendula (marigold) can be made into a tea (just the dried petals) and applied topically (once cooled) to relieve the pain of shingle sores, which also works to relieve anal herpes and hemorrhoids. Add one heaping teaspoon to 1 cup of boiled water—steep for 3 minutes and strain. Cool and apply gently to your skin with a soft cloth. You can also drink calendula tea.


  • Sage and rhubarb extract works well, if not better, than Acyclovir for HSV-1 (cold sores). Be sure to dilute it before applying.


  • Thyme essential oil is antiviral and must be diluted. 


  • Grapefruit extract may alleviate symptoms when used topically. Taken internally, it cleanses the gut while safeguarding friendly bacteria. It inactivates HSV directly. It also controls Candida.


  • Mexican oregano essential oil is a potent antiviral and must be diluted.


  • Apply goat's milk to target the herpes virus.


  • Mix one tablespoon of Manuka honey (or raw honey from a farmer’s market), one tablespoon of aloe vera gel (no alcohol), and six drops of vitamin E oil (or open 2-3 capsules and squeeze out the contents). Apply to lesions. There's no need to keep it in the fridge.


  • You can buy two types of licorice root, standard and de-glycyrrhizinated (DGL). For easing the itch, burn, and pain of herpes lesions, choose the herb (or product) with Glycyrrhizin, as it is one of the components thought to fight against the herpes virus. You can apply Licorice Extract directly to blisters as an anti-inflammatory and to target the herpes virus. You can also make a Licorice root tea or decoction and apply it topically. However, due to possible side effects, I don't suggest consuming it, except in small quantities and mixed with other herbs in teas.

The Fast HSV Relief Guide PDF

See The Tarotpothecary for product and ingredient resources.

Natural Remedy Safety Precautions

It's essential to remember that just because something is natural, it doesn't mean there aren't precautions.


  • ALWAYS research potential herbal side effects and adverse interactions to any medications you're taking (prescription and over-the-counter). 


  • ALWAYS test for sensitivity to herbs before applying them. To perform a patch test, place a tiny pea-sized amount on your inner arm or the top of one foot and cover it with a bandage. Over the next 24 hours, check for any signs of itch, redness, irritation, or inflammation. If so, don't use it. 


  • If you are pregnant or nursing, ALWAYS consult your care provider or someone trained in herbal preparation for moms and babies before trying any new herbal remedy. Some herbs (and the essential oils derived from them) are dangerous to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Topical oils are generally safe to use as long as the baby doesn't come into contact with the oils. Still, do your homework.


  • AVOID SUNBURN. Essential oils derived from citrus plants (lemon, lemon balm) can cause a phototoxic reaction when applied topically. If you go out into the sunlight or use a tanning bed with essential oils applied to your skin, you may burn more quickly.


  • ALWAYS label your remedy creations with names and dates. You can do this with masking tape and a waterproof Sharpie, buying labels at a craft store, or creating labels through an online printing company.


  • NEVER USE essential oils on or around your cat. Cats do not have the necessary enzymes to break down essential oils as humans and dogs do. Inhaling and licking essential oils can cause your cat to become ill and even die. If an area of the home requires diffusing, such as a sick room, remove your cat from the room, diffuse behind closed doors, and ventilate the room well before allowing the cat access back into the area.


NOTE: This content is for educational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for professional diagnosis, medical advice, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.



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