
Using silver as a natural remedy for Herpes Simplex Virus is controversial and somewhat mind-boggling. Does it work? Many people say it does. Silver is touted to protect against and remedy conditions caused by viruses and bacteria. 


While researching COVID-19, I was privileged to have run across a video on Facebook presented by Dr. Gordon Pedersen (, which big pharma has since shut down. They also removed his book, The Silver Miracle, from Amazon. In the early 1900s, colloidal silver was a respected antibiotic. However, colloidal silver was placed on the back burner once Penicillin and Sulfa drugs arrived.



How Silver Works


Back in the day, when not everyone had a refrigerator, people often placed a silver coin in a jar of milk to keep it from growing harmful bacteria, such as mold. After realizing the power of silver to prevent bacteria from growing, colloidal silver, a solution of nano-meter-sized silver particles in purified water, was eventually developed to help prevent the spreading of disease caused by bacteria. Basically, you make colloidal silver by running electrical currents through a silver wire in a water bath. Colloidal Silver became known as an agent that fought off infections and speeded the healing of wounds. The first doctor to document silver as a bactericide was Dr. Carl Credé.


Silver boosts the immune system and fights off infections, including scarlet fever, pneumonia, and syphilis. Multiple studies have revealed mixed results on the effects of colloidal silver against various strains of viruses and bacteria. Some say it also works against fungi. However, while it is proven to inhibit viral and bacterial growth, it has yet to be proven effective against fungi.


It's important to mention that the studies that ruled out the effectiveness of silver against fungi were studying only colloidal silver. Not all silvers work the same way. There is ionic silver, colloidal silver, hydrosol silver, and structured silver. Only this last one, structured silver, which is alkaline-based, not acid-based, works against all three.



So, how does silver work to put herpes in remission? 


In a nutshell, silver works a bit differently than an antibiotic by inhibiting the herpes virus by cutting off its oxygen supply. It does this by disabling the enzymes the virus needs to survive, binding itself to the viral membrane, and suffocating it, which is how silver works against most viruses, such as colds and flu.


The drawbacks to colloidal silver are that it can harm healthy cells as well as sick ones, which is due to its acidic nature. When taking colloidal silver internally, you should take it with a prebiotic to be sure good gut bacteria continue to flourish. Because colloidal silver is acidic, it can negatively affect your body's pH. Furthermore, using some types of silver can cause Argyria, bluish skin discoloration, which is irreversible. The cause of argyria is improper exposure to protein-based forms of silver. Silver may also boost melanin production in the skin.


Those living with HSV must always maintain pH, as a negative pH can cause more frequent and severe breakouts. Yes, silver will attack herpes and help keep them in remission. However, the lower pH will also negate some of the effectiveness. Also, because of the cellular science behind the workings of colloidal silver in the body, this type of silver doesn't work as well for putting and keeping herpes in remission when taken internally. However, it can be helpful to use topically on herpes lesions. It's entirely safe to use on and around the mouth, vagina, anus, and penis. It is also safe to use when swishing and spitting. There's no burning whatsoever. However, silver does nothing for the pain. I suggest dabbing it on after a shower, waiting for it to dry, and applying other natural remedies to help ease the pain.



Breaking Down the Types of Silver on the Market


Ionic silver solutions are the most popular products on store shelves because they are inexpensive to produce. However, an ionic silver solution isn't a genuine colloidal silver. Its percentage of silver particles is low and doesn't carry the same medicinal benefits as genuine colloidal silver.


Colloidal silver home-generators produce ionic silver solutions but not authentic colloidal silver. Silver protein-based products contain gelatin. These products can be hazardous. Manufacturers bind silver particles to proteins to keep them in suspension. You may as well be buying snake oil. A tip-off is that they often foam and are yellow to black. Avoid these no matter how high the concentration of silver particles the label reads.


Genuine colloidal silver is hard to find, and production costs are high. If you Google it, you'll run across many sites detailing scientific processes (along with fourteen-letter words) that will make you want to throw your hands in the air and forget about ever using it.


The NCCIH states there are no advantages to taking colloidal Silver (NCCIH). But don't give up just yet. I've found an authority who explains it all. ​Also, colloidal silver has no negative interactions with medications, but if you are taking antibiotic drugs, check with your doctor before using any silver solution internally or otherwise.


Dr. Gordon Pederson created a safe, Structured Silver product that's even safe for animals (and it's ALKALINE!). So, when taken internally, there's no damage to healthy cells, negative pH imbalance, or turning blue.


In mentioning, "silver-laced" condoms are available, proven to help the fight against contracting HSV. Here's a link to learn more 



NOTE: Neither Dr. Pedersen nor The Captains Ladys Holistic Tarot claim silver is a CURE for anything. 

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