The Tarot Devil

Dev' el ~ In many religions, the major personified spirit of evil, ruler of Hell, and foe of God. A demon. A wicked or malevolent person. An energetic, mischievous, daring, or clever person. A device or machine, especially one having teeth or spikes and used for tearing.

  • Number: XV, 15
  • Hebrew Letter: Ayin
  • Color: Deep Blue-Violet
  • Element: Earth
  • Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
  • Time Frame: December 22 - January 19, Winter, Waning Moon
  • Chakra: Root
  • Humor: Black Bile 
  • Temperament: Melancholic 
  • Sense: Smell





Unconscious fears, tests, lust, physical abuse, bondage, unhealthy attachments, negative self-talk, and, when reversed, dropping the chains that bind or self-loathing



The Lesson of the Devil is Acceptance


Despite all The Fool has learned, he still has to fight his own demons and learn to accept the part of himself he hides in the shadows.



Personality (Strengths & Weaknesses)


The Melancholic temperament is associated with the Red Aura Color Personality (Earth).



The Tarot Devil Traditional Meanings


You are a prisoner of your own making. You suffer oppression and, yet, are the oppressor. You're in hell! You are probably wondering why fate landed you in this cursed situation of enslavement. While part of your mind rationally accepts that you can drop the chains that bind you and walk away, you still do not.


You’re questioning what kind of fool you have become and are beginning to believe it is in your nature to be a victim of sorts, that you will never be able to change, and that it is your destiny to suffer. What began as only abstract curiosity, a flirtation, has become an oppressive addiction. The hopelessness you feel stifles you, and yet, in it, there is a strange comfort. Because of this, you might be wondering if you've gone utterly mad.


As much as your situation seems unbearably burdensome, you are not bound to suffer as you think. You may cut the ties which bind you and walk away from the bondage of oppression at any time. Unless you do so, and rather quickly, you risk the spirit of depression falling upon you. You do not have to be dominated by fear, bad habits, or poor relationships. It is not your destiny as much as you may believe it to be so.


Admit your selfishness and greed (likely due to insecurities). Surely, there is some of this keeping you where you find yourself. Once you see this and face it without shame, you will know that you and you alone are the very chains that bind you to your hell, and this acceptance will set you free.



The Tarot Devil Biblical Meanings


The Tarot Devil represents the fallen angel, Lucifer, who tempted Eve in the garden to eat the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. Therefore, the Tarot Devil represents anything we are tempted by (Jesus being tempted for forty days and forty nights in the desert) and anything that will try to prevent us from walking the straight and narrow path to redemption. 



The Tarot Devil in a Health Reading


The Tarot Devil corresponds with Capricorn and governs the skeleton, knee tendons, upper teeth, nerves, hair, and skin. Unhealthy bondage, addiction, or attachment to things (food, drugs, sex, gambling, people) causes negative emotions, such as low self-worth or self-loathing. Inhibitions may affect one's health. Health risks caused by temptation (over-eating, unsafe sex). Health conditions related to old age, include more frequent illnesses (cold and flu) and infections, such as the Herpes Simplex Virus), aging skin, rheumatism, arthritis, broken bones, and chronic conditions.



Tarot Meditation


Are there any unhealthy temptations in your life? What can you do to avoid or break away from them?



Food Remedies


The Hierophant doesn't do well with spicy or processed foods. Stale, rancid or astringent foods, soy, too many nuts (especially peanuts) and beans, nightshades, especially tomatoes, and eggplant, will bother the Melancholic temperament. The Melancholic fairs better with diets containing meat.


Melancholic (Red): See Raising Red & Melancholic Temperament Energy Levels



Choosing Herb & Essential Oil Remedies


Basil, benzoin, black pepper, cedarwood, cinnamon, red clover, eucalyptus, frankincense, geranium, holy basil, lavender, lemon, myrrh, oak moss, orange, patchouli, peppermint, rose, rose hips, rose absolute, rosemary, rose otto, rosewood, sage, sandalwood, turmeric, vanilla, vetiver, and violet leaf



Stones & Crystals


Red garnet, red ruby, red jasper, red-brown tiger's eye, red coral, hematite, black onyx, obsidian, bloodstone, smokey quartz, jet, or a plain black pebble

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