The Tarot Suit of Coins & Diamonds

The Tarot Suit of Coins is the same as the Suit of Spades in a deck of regular playing cards, with the exception of the Knight of Coins. There are no Knights in a regular playing cards.

NOTE: To learn how to read Tarot with an ordinary deck of playing cards, click here

Element: Earth

Color: GREEN

Zodiac Signs: Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn

Constitutional Temperament: Melancholic





They are the "managers" in life, especially in business, and are driven by a strong sense of purpose. Physical energy and economic balance take priority. Powerlessness is a curse! Coins people often provide resources or are those who can help in some way.





Since they tend to be perfectionists, worry about the body and material things. Finances can drive them a bit crazy.



Wellness Concerns Depending Upon the Zodiac Sign Involved


Body parts affected may be the lower jaw, cheek, teeth, neck, throat, vocal cords, thyroid, abdomen, intestines, nervous system, joints (especially the knees), facial hair, and skin. A healthy diet and exercise to take care of the body are a must. Otherwise, a check-up will be in store. Placing faith in a higher power would not hurt either.



The Tarot Suit of Coins Traditional & Health Meanings


Ace of Coins/Diamonds – New beginnings in physicality, such as money, material things, a new lover, or physical health, and a possible pregnancy (things are generally looking up) or poverty or weakness in any area of the physical and material world. Pay attention to any physical weaknesses (pain or other symptoms) that might contribute toward more frequent or severe infections (colds, flu, or herpes breakouts), such as nutrient deficiencies, lack of exercise, or genetic mutations, such as The MTHFR Gene Mutation, which doesn' tallow your body to assimilate folic acid properly. 


Keywords - New beginnings, new money, opportunities, fortune, or worldly concerns.



King of Coins/Diamonds – Wise management is one of your gifts. Just don’t become a workaholic. Ongoing stress isn't healthy or productive. Remember to spend time with your friends and family, the ones you work so hard for. Like your Queen of Coins counterpart, you enjoy abundance, and the beautiful things in life, including nature. Don't forget to spoil and splurge on yourself every so often to keep from becoming a gloomy bugger. In other words, seek balance in all of the compartments of life.


Keywords - Husband, father, ownership, discipline, structure, or doom and failure.



Queen of Coins/Diamonds – Like your counterpart, the King of Coins, wise money management is one of your gifts. You love beautiful things, a comfortable environment, and being in nature. Budget wisely, eat an abundance of healthy food, decorate to your heart's content, and walk in the grass barefoot often to stay grounded. The Queen of Coins may have a sweet tooth. Avoid excess sugar. It causes inflammation, which triggers pain.


Keywords - Wife, mother, mature, practical, resourceful, material success, or excess and infertility.



Knight of Coins – You are down to earth and traditional, the more solid and grounded of the four Knights. You keep your eyes open and wait for the right moment for everything. Your only downfall is hesitating too long and losing the opportunity, which makes you appear a bit dull. Sitting on your "horse" or the "fence" for so long may seem to have its benefits, but it may also cause stiff joints and muscles. Be warned. Sitting too many hours out of the day causes muscle tension, which can irritate nerves and trigger pain and cold sores.


Keywords - Male, sensible, progressive, grounded, patient, conventional, or a serious attitude and immobility.


NOTE: There's no Knight in a deck of ordinary playing cards.



Page (Jack) of Coins/Diamonds – A younger person interested in improvements in the tangible world. A message to improve your finances, your health, or your fitness. Nothing frustrates this Page more than not having the funds to do what he or she needs or wants. If you're experiencing money problems (and don't have money for the remedy products you'd like to try) start managing your health in other ways, such as avoiding pain triggers, working on your diet, and using stress-easing techniques. Also, if you're a young, female page, a pregnancy, birth, or child may be affecting your health.


Keywords - Young person, a beneficial message, a financial opportunity, formal study.



10 of Coins/Diamonds – You've been able to establish security for your family for future generations and even put something aside for unexpected visitors or family members who need your help. So far, so good. It also looks like you've gotten your symptoms or condition under control. Make sure everyone continues to pull their own weight. Also, because this is a card of family and legacy, be sure to wash your hands after being around others or in public to avoid catching or handing off viruses.


Keywords - Family matters, security, stability, traditions, or legacy.



9 of Coins/Diamonds – You are in the process of deciding whether you want to add something to your world. Even though you may feel something is missing from your life, you are currently rather content and happy. Be sure to consider all the ramifications of making any changes. If you're in a relationship, you might be thinking of having a family (or getting pregnant). When reversed, there may be a need to get out more. Staying in will only cause paranoia. If you're single, this might be a good time to start dating again.  


Keywords - Self-sufficiency, love of nature and wildlife, a solitary existence, and social phobia.



8 of Coins/Diamonds - You’ve found your bliss! Work is more like play. Just make sure not to cut any corners when it comes to the bits you don’t care for or you will come across as shallow and sloppy. Set SMART goals. Where your health is concerned, you're becoming your own master. Good for you!


Keywords - Mastery, training, work, talent, or shoddiness (you have it in you to do better).



7 Coins/Diamonds – You have sewn your seeds in hopes of future prosperity. However, there may be one more thing you can do to guarantee success. It may take a bit of planning for long-term success, including your health and level of wellness. However, don't let your health take a back seat. Is there something you've been neglecting? Whatever it is, take care of it now. It could be something as simple as drinking more water or as extravagant as planting yourself firmly in the gym.


Keywords - Assessment, consistent effort, one more thing to put in place, or procrastination.



6 of Coins/Diamonds – Finally, there is enough energy, time, and money to share with others who may depend on you or need your assistance. If living with someone else is breaking you financially, it's healthy to expect others to pull their own weight and share living costs, especially when they can afford to. Furthermore, if you need financial assistance, there's nothing wrong with asking for help. The whole point of the 6 of Coins is to not allow money to become a chronic stressor. Chronic stress causes emotional and physical symptoms that can lead to illness. If you are finding more money expected from you, rather than coming to you, it’s time to take charge of your thought patterns concerning money and finances. Go back to the drawing board and create a budget based on what you can really afford and stick to it so you'll have enough for your necessities when you need it.


Keywords - Abundance, helping, sharing, giving, budgeting, debt, pay offs, and receiving financial assistance.



5 of Coins/Diamonds – Poverty, in any area, has its grip on you. It will only get worse unless you begin to see the spiritual riches around you. When living with any symptom or condition, it can be easy to lose our identity to it, which causes poverty of the soul. Your condition is not who you are. If you are feeling isolated and unsupported, be sure it's not because you're unwilling to accept help that's being offered, which may be coming from God, whatever that means to you, spirit guides, angels, ancestors, and people in your life. Reach out. Reclaim yourself. Also, if you have reduced function in either of your legs or constantly feel cold, see a specialist. Don't wait.


Keywords - Poverty of all types, lack of faith, in it together, crippled or coming in out of the cold.



4 of Coins/Diamonds – You're either enjoying wealth and assets or you're holding on tight to something you should be more relaxed about. Whatever it is, it brings you a form of security. Eventually, as life changes, you will find there is much beyond your control. However, you should always be in the position of having enough. Where your health is concerned, it's fine to experiment but hold onto what's been working thus far. The only thing you might consider letting go of is your own fear


Keywords - Wealth, assets, inheritance, scurity, over-caution, holding on tightly, hoarding, or, when reversed, being miserly or over-spending and a need to budget.



3 of Coins/Diamonds – In your work life, things are coming together, and you may be called upon and paid for your expertise. If you find you are not being compensated for your services, it may be time to listen to a bit of constructive criticism. This is a great time to build on your health (what you already have going for you) for future security and wellness.


Keywords - First accomplishments, ability, hardworking, recognition, or laziness.



2 of Coins/Diamonds – You are juggling things, people, or situations. So far, you are doing well, but sooner or later you will have to drop the ball, so to speak. Decide your priorities now before life decides for you, and everything rolls away. You may have to choose between what you feel makes you happy and what makes you healthy. Eventually, you will see that what makes you healthy also makes you happy.


Keywords - Juggling acts, robbing Peter to pay Paul, making ends meet, or dropping the ball.



The Tarot Suit of Coins Holistic Alternative Associations


Coins respond well to therapies involving the body, such as diet, nutrition, supplements, exercise, working with the hands, and getting organized.


Eating GREEN foods, such as seaweed, green vegetables, green apples, and pumpkin seeds, are also helpful. However, GREEN food remedies are "tarot" related by color association only and may or may not agree with remedies related to temperaments. Always follow your temperament when looking to remedy an ailment. Coins represent the Melancholic temperament, which may or may not be your particular temperament.


Herbs and essential oils to strengthen Earth signs are basil, benzoin, black pepper, cedarwood, chamomile, cinnamon, Clover, eucalyptus, frankincense, geranium, lavender, lemon, myrrh, oak moss, orange, patchouli, peppermint, rose, rose absolute, rosemary, rose otto, rosewood, sage, sandalwood, turmeric, vanilla, vetiver, and violet leaf.



Stones & Crystals for Coins/Melancholic Temperament


Stones and crystals according to the Suit of Coins would be those that are shades of GREEN (and possibly Rose). However, according to the temperament the Suit of Coins represents, they would be RED, BROWN or BLACK (see below).


Melancholic (Red): Red garnet, red ruby, red jasper, red-brown tiger eye, red coral, hematite, black onyx, obsidian, bloodstone, smokey quartz, jet, and a plain black pebble

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