The Tarot Hermit

Hur' mit ~ An early Christian recluse. A religious (or any other) person who has withdrawn from society and lives a solitary existence.

  • Number: IX, 9
  • Hebrew Letter: Yod
  • Color: Yellow-Green
  • Element: Earth
  • Zodiac Sign: Virgo
  • Time Frame: August 23 - September 22, Summer, Waxing Moon
  • Chakra: Root
  • Humor: Black Bile
  • Temperament: Melancholic
  • Sense: Smell





Gathering inner wisdom, searching for meaning, delving for truths, guidance, and, when reversed, avoidance



The Lesson of the Tarot Hermit is Wisdom


The Fool learns to look within himself, meditate, and trust his inner guidance.



Personality (Strengths & Weaknesses)


The Melancholic temperament is associated with the Red Aura Color Personality (Earth).



The Tarot Hermit Traditional Meanings


No doubt, you have been through much of late. I have only the following advice to offer you. Find yourself a solitary place, quiet, away from the clatter of the word, where you can find the peace you need to search your soul for answers no one else can provide you. It is time for a spell of isolation. I will do you much good. A sage's words of wisdom may be of help, but this is a time to withdraw, to search your mind and heart for self-understanding. And, consider your intentions carefully.


Do not ignore this warning, for to do so would be to postpone the inevitability of having to take some time to yourself. However, do not stray away for too long of a period, lest you be reduced to becoming your own worst enemy, becoming a nervous recluse. Indeed, too much alone time can drive one to become too detached from their visions and the cause of breaks in unions.



The Tarot Hermit Biblical Meanings


The Tarot Hermit reveals that when we are alone that we find true religion in our heart of hearts. Being alone (not lonely) is an opportunity to be upfront and personal (one-on-one) with God. The Hermit suggests we don't need others to tell us about the word of God. God does this when s/he gets us alone. All we need to do is be still and listen. In the original Hermit cards, the Hermit held a sand clock (not a lantern), implying taking time is necessary for hearing the voice of God. 



The Tarot Hermit in Health Readings


The Tarot Hermit corresponds with Virgo and governs the stomach, abdomen, intestines, digestive tract, and the hands. IBS may be a problem. Virgo may have trouble with nervous systems, uterus, the skin, and allergies (and possible histamine  intolerance). The Hermit symbolizes a need for some alone time to relax. When the Hermit is reversed, it can mean hypersensitivity, nervousness or anxiety, and social or agoraphobia. The mind may be in a constant state of "monkey-chatter," making it hard to relax or sleep.



Tarot Meditation


How can you incorporate private time or sacred space for self-reflection into your day or week?



Food Remedies


The Hermit doesn't do well with spicy or processed foods. Stale, rancid or astringent foods, soy, too many nuts (especially peanuts) and beans, nightshades, especially tomatoes, and eggplant, will bother the Melancholic temperament. The Melancholic fairs better with diets containing meat.


Melancholic (Red): See Raising Red & Melancholic Temperament Energy Levels



Choosing Herb & Essential Oils


Basil, benzoin, black pepper, cedarwood, cinnamon, red clover, eucalyptus, frankincense, geranium, holy basil, lavender, lemon, myrrh, oak moss, orange, patchouli, peppermint, rose hips, rose absolute, rose otto, rosemary, rosewood, sage, sandalwood, turmeric, vanilla, vetiver, and violet leaf.



Stones & Crystals


Red garnet, red ruby, red jasper, red-brown tiger's eye, red coral, hematite, black onyx, obsidian, bloodstone, smokey quartz, jet, or a plain black pebble

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