The Tarot Wheel

Wēl or Hwēl ~ In mythology and literature, a revolving device spun by a deity of fate selecting random changes in the affairs of man. A wheel-shaped instrument on which victims were bound for torture and execution in medieval and early modern Europe. Water, spinning, or potter's wheel.





Cycles, change, adaptation, consequence, evolution, luck, wealth and, when reversed, reversals, misfortune, or poverty



The Lesson of the Tarot Wheel is Unpredictable Consequences


The Fool learns he can no longer take things for granted. There is much in life that is unpredictable. He realizes there are karmic consequences to his decisions and actions.



Personality (Strengths & Weaknesses)


Choleric Type 1 is associated with the Violet Aura Color Personality (Fire)

Choleric Type 2 is associated with the Indigo Aura Color Personality (Fire)



The Tarot Wheel Traditional Meanings


You can expect fate to be kind. Lady Luck has indeed showered you with her favor or is about to. All is well. There have been or will be vast improvements where your worries are concerned. This new cycle will be most profitable. A most fortunate set of circumstances (in the near future) will nearly guarantee doors to open. There will be progress. You will be able to taste success at hand.


Still, luck can disappear as rapidly as it comes, so do all you can to ensure that if and when your luck changes once more, you will be in a better position than before to see continued success.



The Tarot Wheel Biblical Meanings


The Tarot Wheel card displays the four ancient Hebrew letters called tetragrammaton. Latin translates them as YHWH, Yahweh, or Jehovah (the name of God). There are four winged creatures in the corners of the card: an eagle, a man, a bull, and a lion (symbolizing Jesus, the lion of Judah), which support the throne of God in the first chapter of Ezekiel. The two-edged sword represents the word of God, and the clouds refer to Jesus coming back through the clouds.

The creature with horns under the wheel is the devil who tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden. One day, he will appear as a man and lead people astray because they are desperate for answers and security. He will appear to provide this, and people will worship him instead of the true God. Of course, card creators added these images to suit the times. The message is that nothing in life is stable. Challenges are not permanent, and neither are blessings. The Tarot Wheel asks how you will deal with the hand of fate and suggests going with the flow.



The Tarot Wheel in Health Readings


Improvements (when the card is upright) or relapses (when the card is reversed) are likely. You could experience many ups and downs before things balance out. Be sure to wash your fruits and veggies and avoid any food that might be remotely contaminated to avoid toxicity. Also, take extra precautions like washing your hands or using hand sanitizer to prevent contracting harmful "bugs" (COVID-19, influenza, Herpes Simplex Virus) while you're out and about. There might be blood or circulation problems. Obesity (from yo-yo dieting) and dizziness could be problems.



Tarot Meditation


What can you do to offset stress in the face of challenging changes?



Food Remedies


Cholerics tend to do very well on vegetarian diets. Ordinary table salt and salty foods, aged cheeses, vinegar and alcohol, high fat and fried foods, excessive red meat, highly sour foods, fermented foods, and very hot spices will bother the Choleric temperament.


Choleric 1 (Violet): See Raising Violet & Choleric Temperament Energy Levels

Choleric 2 (Indigo): See Raising Indigo & Choleric Temperament Energy Levels



Choosing Herb & Essential Oil Remedies


Choleric 1 (Violet): Cedarwood, clary sage, frankincense, hyssop, jasmine, juniper, lavender, myrrh, peppermint, sandalwood, rosemary, rosewood, viola, violet Leaf, and white spruce


Choleric 2 (Indigo): Beech, calendula (marigold), cedarwood, clary sage, frankincense, helichrysum, hyacinth, jasmine, juniper, lavender, marjoram, myrrh, musk, petitgrain, Roman chamomile, rosemary, rosewood, sandalwood, spearmint, Thyme, Viola, Violet Leaf, Vervain, and White Spruce



Stones & Crystals


Choleric 1 (Violet): Clear quartz crystal, amethyst (deep violet), fluorite, clear diamond, rock crystal, sugilite, onyx, and opal


Choleric 2 (Indigo): Lapis lazuli, moonstone, sapphire, clear quartz crystal, dark blue kyanite, charoite, tanzanite, sapphire, blue adventurine, sodalite, sugilite (rich purple), purple fluorite, dumortierite, sodalite, diamond, jet, jade, falcon's eye, and rainbow fluorite

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