Soul Protection

There are ways to eliminate negative spiritual attachments and protect yourself from them reattaching to your energy field so you can feel safe in your own body. 


Prayer, chanting, meditation, and positive affirmations can help to raise and protect soul energy. Items, such as stones and crystals, amulets (for example, a cross necklace), sage, essential oils, sea salt and candles, can be used during these types of protective rituals to set your intentions and for additional protection. You can also surround yourself in loving white light. Still, if you are energetically imbalanced, these things are like bandaids, a temporary fix covering a deeper problem. 


Many people suffering from chronic fatigue, irritability, sadness, and hypersensitivity have negative spirit attachments. Negative spirit attachments can cause these symptoms and more. While you're driving to the store to buy the latest supplement for fatigue, your spirit attachment is secretly going along for the ride, and the supplement will never work because the problem isn't physical; it's spiritual even though you're experiencing a bodily symptom. 


You must become energetically balanced to fully protect your soul, especially if you are a Highly Sensitive Person. Here's the thing. When you're energetically out of balance or drained from negative self-talk or negative outside influences, such as the negativity of others or negative spiritual attachments, it enables even more negativity to gravitate toward you, causing a downward spiral in your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual health.


The following are steps you can take to protect your energy field (aura) from negative influences, such as harmful spirit attachments, psychic vampires, curses, and the negative thoughts and emotions of others.



Wrap Yourself in White Light


Close your eyes and visualize yourself wrapped in a loving cocoon that no negative energy can penetrate. This light can be silver or gold or any other color you associate with love. I, sometimes, imagine white light with beautiful specks of gold, rose, and turquoise. Learn how here



Follow Your Intuition


Pay attention to your gut feeling about people, places, and things. Your intuition knows what's in your best interest and what is not. You can learn more about what intuition is (and isn't) and how to magnify yours here. Energy attached to objects can influence you energy. Antiques are notorius for this. If you have objects in your home that make you feel uneasy, pay attention. You may have to have them cleared with sage or crystals, have them blessed, or remove them altogether.



Walk Away or Block Energy From Others


Whenever you're faced with somone who drains your energy, change your body language to a more protective stance (not defensive, just self-protective). You'll want to avoid making direct eye contact, touching, or even speaking with that person, if you can help it. Leave their presence as quickly as you can. If it's not possible to turn and walk away, protect your energy by visualizing a blanket of protective loving energy all around you. You can see, breathe, and move under this blanket of positive energy. Stay under it as long as you need to. If this person has bestowed gifts or an object upon you, think seriously about whether it's something you need to keep. Negative energy can attach to objects that have been in a person's possession for some time or that have been intentionally "spelled" in some way.



Listen to Music or Sing


Listening to music is an easy way to increase your energy levels. Just make sure the music is uplifting and not headbanging or something that's going to make you cry your eyes out, unless you badly need to shake yourself up (dance like crazy) or let go of some pent up emotion through tears. Listening to sounds of nature can also be energizing. 



Be As Healthy and Energetic As You Can


It's not just your body that can get sick. Your spirit (energy) can too and, when that happens, you can become physically ill. You can't separate the two, body and spirit. You are both and each affects the other. The more unhealthy and unfit you are the easier it is to attract negative energies that want to set up home in your electromagnetic energy field. On the flip side, when you're healthy, physically fit, and full of energy, your aura isn't nearly as attractive to these types of energies and it is better prepared to deflect negative energy when it does come sniffing around, which is why your health and wellness plays a significant role in energetic defense.



Engage With Nature


Whether it's walking on the beach, forest bathing, or just standing barefoot in your yard, being out in nature increases your energy levels in a way nothing else can. Read more here about the benefits of engaging with nature. 



Take a Bath in Sea Salt


Sea salt is powerful in its ability to dispell negativity. See Sea Salt for Protection.



Avoid Negative Talk


Avoiding negative talk can be challenging. You may not be able to do this all of the time because you may live with people who are negative or rub you the wrong way or you might dislike some of your coworkers but it's essential to give your self "energetical" space as often as possible. Try to avoid people who always want to complain, gossip, or tell you the latest bad news. When you're at home, don't have CNN or crime shows running in the background. Turn them off or change the channel to something more uplifting. Negative talk is negative talk, whether it's from another person or the TV or radio. Avoid it as much as you can. You'll also want to avoid negative slef-talk. 



Meditate or Pray


Meditation brings quiet and peace so you can let go of negative energy or, at the very least, take a break from it. During meditation you can also use the first suggestion of filling yourself up from head to toe with radiant, loving light.



Surround Yourself With Positive People


One of the best things you can do is to surround yourself with people who genuinely like and support you. Those kind of people are, sometimes, hard ot find but, once you do, you'll likely begin meet others through them and before you know it, you'll have established a tribe you can enjoy intermingling with and a few close friends to depend on. One way to meet your tribe is to join groups that have the same interests as you do. What are your interests? Do you like to read, paint, work out, cook, collect something, do craft work, hike, camp, travel, go antiquing, or _____ (fill in the blank)? Look for groups on Facebook (or elsewhere) with people who share your passions. Better yet, create a group. Positve interactions, being helpful, and sharing kindnesses breed more of the same, raise your energy levels, and help protect you from negative influences.



Wear An Amulet


Your amulet can be anything you want it to be, a cross necklace, a crystal pendant, a medicine bag, or a pocket angel. It's up to you.



Apply Essential Oils


Certain essential oils are known for siritual protection. Incense made from the same plants essential oils are derived from, such as sage, can also be helpful in banashing negative energy.



Smoke Bad Energies Out


Sage has been used for centuries to purify spaces. See Smudging Away Negativity and A Space Clearing Ritual.  Burning incense can also be helpful.

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