Creating Healthy Spaces

It makes no difference whether you live by land or sea. Your environment represents the state of your health. And, when looking to improve your health and wellness, you cannot ignore your living spaces.


When your environment is cluttered, filthy, or in a place that isn't pleasing, on a subconscious and energetic level, this comes across negatively, even if you're unaware. This type of environment only serves to cause stress, and ongoing stress lowers your immunity and the ability to prevent illness and recover from it.



Using Color to Improve Energy


When light enters the body, it affects the primary gland of the endocrine system, which is the pituitary. The pituitary gland controls hormones released by the endocrine glands. These regulate body functions such as metabolism, energy levels, appetite, sex drive, quality of sleep, and growth. 


You don't have to see a color to be influenced by it. By choosing more carefully what colors you wear and bring into your environment, you can bring about better emotional, physical, and mental balance. The colors you choose to have around you communicate what you feel and who you are to the world.


Color positioning can also help create more harmony in your environment. Adding a splash of color here and there can instantly change the energy of a room.


While you may have a particular affinity to specific colors because they resonate with and support our vibrations, it is still essential to include warm and cool shades in your personal spaces and the colors you wear. For example, coordinating your outfit with a complementary color or in your color scheme at home can instantly help balance your personal and environmental energy.


A color wheel can help with this. You can find color wheels at paint stores or use Google to peek at color wheels. 



Color Meanings


  • Black: Unifies physicality and spirituality and absorbs negative vibes. Use it only when you feel negative energy surrounding you. Burn only for as long as you feel the negative energy, then switch to a color that better suits your goals.


  • Blue: Creates inner peace, patience, spiritual understanding, loyalty, honesty, and faith.


  • Brown: Is grounding, heals the earth and the animals.


  • Green: Heals, balances, creates abundance, financial increase, calms stressful situations, persistence, fertility, and growth.


  • GoldBrings wealth, charisma, and employment.


  • Indigo: Helps to enhance love to a more spiritual state between family members and in the home.


  • OrangeProvides optimism, expansiveness, confidence, enthusiasm, friendship, and community. Orange helps with nutritional issues and female sexual problems.


  • Pink: Encourages love, attraction, affection, peace, close friendships, harmony, and softness.


  • Purple: Adds personal spiritual perspective (between friends) and intuition and is calm, soothing, and comforting.


  • Red: Represents strength, courage, steadfastness, stamina, passion, sexuality, and sensuality.


  • Silver: Produces enlightenment during lunar rituals.


  • Violet: Lends healing, better sleep, and communication with higher beings.


  • White: Stands for purification, fidelity, transformation, and love of all life. Use White when you are unsure of another color to use.


  • Yellow: Lends expression, freedom, playfulness, clarity, study, organization, and detail

Creating Healthy Spaces Room By Room

Kitchens & Pantries


  • Kitchens are great places to use natural objects. Flowers and items made from natural ingredients, such as baskets, go well here.   
  • Keep your kitchen clean. It is, in many ways, the heart of your home. 
  • Kitchens should have good lighting. There is nothing wrong with placing lamps in your kitchen as long as the cords are not visible. You don’t want them to cause accidents. 
  • Find another storage place for those individual items you rarely use. 
  • Purchase a water filter for your sink. 
  • Leave bowls of healthy snacks (fruit, trail mix, etc.) in your kitchen and dining room.



Feng Shu Tips for the Kitchen & Pantry


  • Place bar stools under counters.
  • Keep stoppers in the sink drains.
  • Remove water vessels from the stove when not in use.
  • Place soft lights in your china cabinet.
  • Avoid purchasing tables or center islands with sharp corners.



Dining Areas

  • Dining rooms should have low lighting but be lit well enough to see the food on your plate.  
  • Colored candles, flowers, tablecloths, napkins, and placemats are pleasant accessories that stimulate conversation when applied in warm colors and uplift any dining room.
  • Seat cushions add cheer and warmth.
  • The table should be big enough to hold bowls of food and still eat simultaneously.
  • Wood tables are preferred, as glass furniture can make people uncomfortable. This table should not be used for storing things and should always offer a bowl of veggies, fruit, or trail mix for healthy snacking.
  • Floors should be wood. ​



Living Rooms


  • Living rooms benefit from comfortably placed chairs, enough for your typical crowd of guests, and sitting areas should be placed in areas of the brightest light. ​
  • White or cream walls with brown accessory tones work best.
  • During the day, there should be open blinds for lots of natural light. In the evening, there should always be the possibility of balanced lighting. Candles are excellent for achieving this effect.
  • Bring in elements of the natural world, but make sure never to leave flowers or plants in dirty water.
  • The focal point in the living room should never be an entertainment center. Instead, the focal point should be a painting, a window with a view, or a fireplace. Fireplaces can be decorated with candles on the grate or red or orange flowers when not in use.
  • Paintings should reflect something important to you, an aspect of the kind of life you live or wish for, or something you enjoy.
  • Floors should be wood, covered in rugs with all-natural cotton area rugs.





Bathrooms, just like kitchens, should be kept exceptionally clean. ​

All furniture should be wood rather than glass. 

  • Use untreated cotton towels if you can afford to and cotton rugs with slip-proof backing.
  • There should be no permanent carpet, as mold likes dark places. 
  • Colors that mimic nature and work exceptionally well in bathrooms are shades of Green, Blue, Brown, and White. White in the bathroom makes everything appear to be fresh and clean. 
  • A large mirror is well worth having, but make sure the glass is not distorted, cracked, or creates multiple images of yourself. 
  • Candles come in wonderfully for the bathroom. 
  • Add colorful bath salts and soaps to your bath. Display them in clear jars and containers. If you are concerned about glass jars being bumped and broken, choose clear plastic ones. 
  • Plants love the moisture bathrooms provide as long as natural lighting is available. 
  • If electrical wiring runs along highly conductive water pipes, electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) will travel through your body and drain you as you bathe or shower. 
  • Purchase a water filter for your showerhead. As we shower, we inhale toxic chemicals, such as chloride. 
  • Adding a handful of baking soda to your bath will help clear negative energy from your aura. Let it dissolve first before stepping in. 
  • Borax works great as a cleanser for the bathroom, especially in cleaning tiles.



 Feng Shui Tip for the Bathroom


  • Keep the lid down and close the bathroom door when the toilet is not in use. You don't want your prosperity going down the drain. 
  • Place a small silk plant, flowers, or fabric on both sides of the toilet base. Slip floral-patterned napkin rings over the knobs that bolt the toilet to the floor. They can be thrown in the wash whenever needed.



The Home Office

  • Your home office is an excellent place for symbols, articles, and books that interest you and pertain to your career. Make sure there is proper ventilation. Healthy plants go well here. They eliminate acetone and formaldehyde. 
  • If you are working under slanted ceilings or beams, keep them 'lifted' with lights that shine up at them. Use natural daylight bulbs.
  • Artwork and pictures containing scenes of water should be of water running smoothly. It should be inspiring and music soft and calming.
  • EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) in your office can drain away your energy. Place an electromagnetic screen over your monitor to block this from happening. 
  • Natural wood floors help to reduce static or purchase a protective floor mat. Choose cane and wicker organizers over plastic.



 Feng Shui Tips for Office & Work Surroundings


  • Place a manifestation board of your goals in your office (a collage of drawings, pictures, or cut-outs from magazines). 
  • Do not place your office over your bedroom (on the second floor), or you will always have work hanging over you. 





  • Bedrooms are for sleeping and intimacy, not TV, work, and late-night reading. They should be neat, dark at night, comfortable, and not too warm. 
  • Colors used should be conducive to rest, such as creams, beige, whites (neutrals), soft greens (healing), or roses (affection). 
  • To keep energy balance in the bedroom (and in your relationship with your mate), nightstands should be the same height.
  • Various lights should be available (overhead lights, matching lamps on nightstands, candlelight, nightlights, etc.).
  • There should always be natural light filtration in the bedroom to balance your circadian rhythms. You don't have to keep curtains open, but neither should you blacken out the windows.
  • A bench, quilt hanger, or trunk at the end of the bed helps contain the energy of those sleeping.
  • Mirrors should not face the foot of the bed. Some would say not to have them face the bed at all, as they can cause restlessness and insomnia.
  • Buying a new mattress is just a good idea if you should become divorced and take on a new spouse. It will help your relationship to remain monogamous.
  • Artwork should be inspiring and have personal meaning.
  • Adding plants to the bedroom, aromatherapy, and soft music are conducive to sleep. 
  • Use untreated cotton and linen if you can afford to, and wash sheets and blankets often. 
  • Try not to wear shoes in this room. Shoes bring in pollutants. 
  • Don't ever use harsh chemicals in your bedroom.



 Feng Shui Tips for the Bedroom


  • In the bedroom, make sure your view from the bed faces the door, and your reflection cannot be seen in a mirror or the TV when you are in bed. 
  • Try never to share the head of your bed with a wall that has a toilet attached to it on the other side.
  • Don't put things under your bed or have electrical cords running behind your headboard, which will drain your energy as you sleep.



Children’s Rooms


  • Children's rooms should have stimulating colors in the play area and peaceful ones in the sleeping area. If you live somewhere where you are not free to paint or paper the walls, you can achieve this by using specific colors in a child's toy bins, artwork, curtains, and bedding. ​
  • Keep in mind that a newborn should never enter a room that has been recently remodeled, painted, or wallpapered in any way. Their delicate immune systems will become overwhelmed.
  • With today's technology, children's rooms are bombarded with electromagnetic energy fields that disrupt their auras and cause a host of symptoms and dysfunctions. The energy emitting from electronic screens, games, toys, baby monitors, and other gadgets discourages the use of their imaginations and peaceful sleep. There should be no TV in a child's room. Save these items for the family room, where the time involved can be monitored.
  • Synthetic carpets can cause children to react allergically. Wooden floors are best in a child's room, and natural fabric rugs can protect a toddler's knees.
  • All-natural cotton fabrics are excellent for babies and families.



Bringing Nature into the Home


  • Decorating with natural objects can bring natural, positive energy into your home. How often have you pocketed a unique-looking rock or a pretty little shell? Bringing these treasures home with you not only reminds you of fond moments and special memories but also grounds you spiritually. Materials used in your home can also help to ground you.
  • By adding wicker in the kitchen, driftwood on your porch, or flowers on your coffee table, you add life to your home.
  • Placing pictures or paintings around your home that display nature can be soothing. Adding a water fountain or aquarium to your decor creates a bond with the outdoors.
  • Bringing plants and flowers into the home or adding a few potted herbs to your windowsill will help clean the air of unhealthy electromagnetic energies and add oxygen to the atmosphere. English ivy, Spider plant, Bamboo palm, Dwarf date, Boston fern, Peace lily, Schefflera, Rubber plant, and the Janet Craig dracaena are a few household plant options. However, do your research. Some plants are poisonous to animals.
  • Never use dry flowers and plants to decorate your home. Some are beautiful, but they are “dead” and offer no positive energy at all. If you do not care for live plants, use silk plants and flowers instead, but be sure to wash them every so often. When they fade, replace them. If you wish to dry flowers and save them as keepsakes, find a particular container or display case for them.
  • Try not to place pictures of ice, snow, crashing waves, or arid deserts around. Stick with images of trees, fields, calm waters, plant life, fruit, flowers, or pictures of healthy people. The idea here is growth, not threat.





  • When you are away from home, you can incorporate some of these same ideas in keeping your spaces organized. The following tips can help. 
  • Keep the interior of your rental car clean of trash and crumbs.
  • Bring a favorite colorful blanket to toss on your bed or sofa at the hotel.
  • Keep healthy foods (nuts, fruit, tea, honey, etc.) available for snacking.
  • Bring a crystal to sit in the room to absorb any negative vibes from the last person who rented your hotel room. A small chime can also ward off negativity.
  • Buy some flowers and put them in your room.
  • Bring your child's favorite stuffed animal (or comfort toy) or yours.
  • The lighting in many hotel rooms is too bright. Bring along a 25-watt bulb or an orange bulb for softer light. Just remember to take it home with you.
  • Take a wind-up travel clock with you and remove the electric clock from the side of the bed to reduce electromagnetic stimulation.





  • Is your vehicle a rolling, flying, or sailing wastebasket? Some vehicles have dust and pet hair stuck to their beverage-splashed dashboards, air vents spitting crumbs, old bottles, bags, containers under seats, and mud and other debris on seats and floors. A vehicle doesn't have to be new or pretty to be clean. It's essential to take care of a vehicle's mechanical basics and clean out compartments and trunks. Your energy wellness is affected by the things you own. Take care of your vehicle, and it will take care of you.
  • Wash and vacuum your vehicle regularly. Designate a place for trash, a trash bag, or a bin behind the driver's seat. Empty it often.
  • Lay down some mats for muddy feet in the winter.
  • Hang a natural air freshener somewhere inside.
  • Place a picture of someone you love where you can see it often.



Do All You Can to Eliminate Environmental Toxins


Toxins negatively affect your brain and gut function. They cause early puberty, early menopause, and all manner of diseases. Here are some things you can do to significantly reduce or eliminate toxins from your environment.  


  • Use natural cleaning supplies
  • Filter your water (sinks, tubs, and showers)
  • Place house plants in every room
  • Vacuum and dust often
  • Wear natural makeup and personal care products
  • Open the windows, even in cold weather, to let fresh air in
  • Avoid GMO foods and hormone-laced animal products
  • Don't use plastic containers

The Creating Healthy Spaces Guide PDF

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