Stones & Crystals for Depression

Depression can be caused by negative emotions, such as anger, resentment, grief, pessimism, and even perfectionism. Sadness and oppression can initiate depression and are often expressed with the same symptoms as depression. Depression is not meant to be taken lightly on any account. It's essential to know what you're dealing with. Any time you experience moderate to severe depression, you should visit a doctor or therapist for treatment. 


An inadequate diet, lack of exercise, and poor sleep also cause depression. Many alternative therapies, such as crystals, can help you move beyond sadness, oppression, and mild depression.


While no case studies support using crystals for depression, some studies support depression as energy-related. It has long been known that stones and crystals can help build up one's energy reserves by dissolving, removing, or redirecting negative energy. However, specific crystals are better than others at performing these tasks. There is no such thing as a single magic crystal that can make one immune to depression. There are reports that crystals have helped people better cope with emotions worldwide. However, not just any crystal will do.


It's essential to consider your intention when choosing crystals for depression. Crystals are each different, just like people. While some individuals experience anxiety, anger, and tears while depressed, others may feel extremely tired and numb.


Each of the following crystals contains a unique chemical and energetic composition known to help relieve aspects of depression.


  • Agate (laguna agate) heals depression by helping you accept reality, persevere, and make wise decisions that align with your purpose. Botswana agate also allows you to release repressed emotions.


  • Aventurine helps you to reconnect to previous bonds. All too often, depression can cause people to isolate themselves, which only deepens feelings of low self-worth. This stone helps you feel more compassionate toward yourself and others and encourages reaching out to others.


  • Amethyst is protective and healing and rids the mind, body, and spirit of stress and toxic energy. It helps to stop negative thoughts and to promote better sleep. It's also said to encourage sobriety.


  • Carnelian helps to relieve fatigue, promote motivation, and increase courage. Orange carnelians work well for all types of depression, especially concerning fertility issues. It also works when you feel in a physical or emotional rut. Additionally, carnelian works for depression over one's sexual orientation.


  • Citrine is a stone that radiates hopefulness, happiness, and joy by releasing stagnant energy and fear, especially when you're stuck in the past. It helps to encourage optimism, motivation, and clarity. It also improves focus and concentration. Citrine has a way of turning negative energy into positive. Since it does not absorb negative energy like other crystals, it can be used or worn without being cleansed. Citrine is a powerful healing crystal for when you're older (retired) and feel something is missing.


  • Jasper protects you from negative vibes by absorbing them and is extremely good at helping you feel more empowered and confident.


  • Lavender lepidolite helps you better accept and maneuver transitional phases in life. It is a stone of adaptation, which promotes joy. It is an excellent stone to choose when fear of change is at the root of your depression.


  • Rose quartz is all about love (self-love and trust) and romance. It helps relieve depression caused by a loss of faith in relationships or loss in general. It helps to improve personal connections and calms grief.


  • Obsidian helps relieve depression by forming a shield against negative energy, removing energy blockages caused by negative emotions, and helping you find your true self.


  • Smokey quartz helps you to feel more grounded by absorbing negativity. It relieves anger, resentment, and fatigue associated with depression. Like aventurine, it can help you to reestablish bonds with others. Quartz crystals, such as smokey, clear, and rose, also have the power to magnify the energy around them, which comes in handy for amplifying the capabilities of other stones and absorbing negative energy. However, unless cleaned often, they'll begin to emit the negative energy they have stored.


  • Sunstone can be used for depression caused by Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).


  • Tiger eye (or Tiger's eye) helps relieve anxiety, fear, self-doubt, and numbness (emotional disconnect). It helps to overcome feelings of insecurity and increases motivation. Tiger Eye is the go-to stone for protection from the evil eye, hexes, and ill wishes that cause depression.


  • Tourmaline (black) is exceptionally good at returning negative energy to where it came from. It is a handy stone to protect yourself from psychic vampires or narcissists. Black tourmaline helps to remove negative thoughts, worry, anxiety, and toxic emotions. It prevents self-loathing and allows you to overcome addictions, mainly where alcohol and drugs are concerned. It releases tendencies to cause self-harm (cutting, burning, suicidal thoughts). It may be beneficial in treating obsessive or compulsive behaviors.


  • Turquoise is a master healer and helps heal the mind, body, and soul. It is incredibly grounding and bridges the gap between the material and spiritual worlds. This stone is helpful for anyone needing clarification about their life's meaning or purpose. 


The stones and crystals listed above can be used while meditating, in the bath, placed in an infuser and dropped in a teacup (please do not swallow), worn as jewelry, or carried in a pocket. They can also be placed in your home, office, or vehicle. 


The positive effects of crystal therapy should begin to be felt in your energy levels within two weeks. If initial efforts fail, try wearing crystals closer to your heart or trying a more suitable stone. Also, keep in mind when it comes to easing depression, a holistic approach works best.

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