Stones & Crystals for Stress & Anxiety

Stones and crystals have been used for centuries to block or absorb negative energy and alleviate stress and medical conditions. The following stones and crystals are most commonly used to relieve stress and anxiety. They can be worn as jewelry (close to your heart), used in prayer, or placed around the office and home to harmonize personal and environmental energies. When worn as jewelry, try to wear the stones close to your heart.


  • Agate is often yellow-colored with shimmering bands running through it. Agate is associated with Earth and helps to stabilize and center the individual who feels anxious or out of sorts. It settles conflicts and helps you to regain balance in life. Because it is a grounding stone, it benefits someone who experiences panic attacks or agoraphobia. Agate's vibrations are softer and slower than many other crystals, which helps to calm stressful situations. Moss agate, a green-colored agate, is known to help people persevere, especially when kicking addictions. It also helps with fungal infections. Blue lace agate helps to heal eye infections. 

  • Amethyst is a luxurious-looking lavender or purple-colored crystal that helps one to relax. It protects the human electromagnetic energy field (the aura) and draws in spiritual intervention and blessings. Amethyst is considered a protective stone, but mainly concerning finances and work-related issues. In some cultures, amethyst is believed to magnify prosperity by encouraging wise and intuitive decision-making skills. It is also thought to inhibit drunkenness. 


  • Aventurine is a green-colored stone that helps individuals get out of their way and accept challenges head-on when making tough decisions. It is often called the gambler's stone as it brings confidence, luck, and, perhaps, wealth. It is an excellent stone to choose when one's fate needs a positive change. It also calms negative emotions and restores positivity, thankfulness, and appreciation.


  • Azurite is a blue-colored stone that works to activate one's spiritual quest. It enhances intuition and spiritual wisdom. It also increases creativity and is an excellent stone for initiating projects or studying for final exams. It promotes communication by helping one to find their voice and to speak their truth. Azurite connects an individual to the divine. 


  • Black tourmaline (my personal favorite) is a black, jagged-looking stone with a white or silver layer running through it that protects one from dangerous energy drainers, such as black magic, psychic vampires, toxic people, and abusers. It is one of the most powerful stones for spiritual protection. When worn on the body, it is said that this crystal redirects evil intentions from others back to themselves. When placed anywhere in a room, it drives away negative energy. And, when placed near electrical devices (computers, microwaves, televisions), it reduces the harmful effects of electromagnetic energy fields. Tourmaline, in general, can also release guilt. Green tourmaline can repair holes in the aura. 


  • Celestite is a pretty, sky-blue crystal with a very high vibration that helps to relieve anxieties related to relationship turmoil and helps one to calm the storm of emotions dysfunctional relationships bring in their wake. It is also a stone of reconciliation and helps to reduce chaotic thoughts and quiet "monkey-chatter" in the mind while trying to sleep. 


  • Chrysocolla is primarily a sea blue-colored stone with the color of black speckling or swirling through it. It helps an individual stop living in a dream world, to make a choice, commit to it, and begin taking steps to manifest desires in the real world. Chrysocolla is about increasing one's capacity for self-love, relieving burnout, and new beginnings. 


  • Citrine is a highly energetic, transparent yellow crystal that lightens one's load and promotes optimism and cheerfulness. It is an excellent stone for increasing mental abilities, which increases motivation toward achieving personal goals. Citrine comes in handy whenever there's an intention to increase happiness. Citrine also promotes prosperity.


  • Clear quartz is a transparent crystal that looks like ice and is likely in every healer's first aid kit. It is known as one of the master healers. It brings enlightenment and clarity, dispels negativity, and helps one to focus and manifest one's goals and desires. The quartz will amplify any energy surrounding it, whether positive or negative, so this stone must be cleaned regularly to maintain positive energy. Smokey quartz can align the chakras from head to toe. Also, see Rose quartz below.


  • Fluorite is a multi-colored stone (primarily greens, browns, and lavenders) reflecting different colors when UV light is exposed. It absorbs and neutralizes negative energy in its vicinity, clarifies emotionally clouded situations, and clears the chakra pathways. Fluorite can help to relax the overwhelmed mind and is especially useful for Highly Sensitive People and those with ADD. It also helps to promote a better night's sleep. Fluorite can also be used to magnify the power of other stones. Fluorite is also the "go-to" stone for viral protection (herpes, colds, and flu). However, NEVER use stones and crystals as a single source of protection from illnesses.


  • Garnet is a deep red gemstone that provides grounding energy and encourages living life through the senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch (to live life fully). It enhances the laws of attraction and deepens love between partners. Garnet helps to relieve depression and promotes courage.


  • Hematite is a dark stone with a silvery sheen. It is the best stone for getting out of one's head and becoming more grounded physically. Whenever toxic emotions are causing unsteadiness, hematite can help. It is known for reducing tension in times of turmoil. This stone can help to promote positive outcomes in legal disputes and court cases. Additionally, because of its high iron content, it supports blood circulation. 


  • Holed rocks are natural rocks found at beaches and rivers that have formed a natural hole in the center. Holed rocks and rocks with white lines running through them are called "witch stones". Holed rocks are not crystals but, as mentioned earlier, are composites of one or more different minerals. Holed rocks offer protection specifically against lousy weather or home invasion.


  • Iolite is a black and dark-blue stone that helps an individual or company escape financial debt. It provides a push in determining what caused financial problems, such as poor money-handling habits or oversights. It can help one to rework budgets and get back on track by avoiding financial pitfalls.  


  • Jade is a green-colored stone used mainly for luck, wisdom, and fortune. It's particularly prized in Asian cultures. It promotes financial prosperity and success in all areas by helping one get past previous self-limitations, including phobias caused by negative self-talk, and encourages an individual to visualize a new existence. It is also used for love and protection. 


  • Moonstone is a white, feminine stone with traces of other colors (blue, yellow, grey) that brings out receptiveness, sensitivity, and tenderness. It can help an individual get in touch with their feelings while soothing emotions and to go with the flow. It helps reveal hidden secrets to those seeking to understand what's really happening in any situation, including secret enemies. Moonstones can also help with hormonal issues, such as puberty, PMS, and Menopause. 


  • Pyrite (fool's gold) is a jagged, silvery, shimmery stone with strong protective powers that guides a person to higher wisdom and attracts wealth, prosperity, and abundance. It improves determination and persistence and motivates one to stop fence-sitting and get things done.


  • Red jasper is primarily a red stone. However, it can also contain beige, white, and black colors. It is another stone best used for grounding and feeling more stable during stress. However, it also shakes a person up in a positive way and helps one to acknowledge and align themselves with their passions. Red jasper increases creativity, strength, and courage.


  • Rose quartz is a pink-colored glassy crystal with a high vibration that drives away negativity and hurt. Rose quartz is primarily associated with romantic love and feelings of resentment and disappointment in love relationships. It opens the heart to friendship, love, and forgiveness and promotes compassion in every area of life. Rose quartz can help one to find true love (their soul mate).


  • Rhodochrosite is a primarily white and pink-colored stone that may also include smatterings of black and light-brown colors. It improves feelings of self-worth by increasing unconditional love toward the self. As a result, rhodochrosite helps one to love again after being hurt by encouraging trust once more. At the same time, it helps one to give up harmful scripts that cause poor relationships to develop in the first place. 


  • Selenite is a lower vibrational opaque white stone that brightens up the energy of people and spaces. It is a stone that cleanses and purifies. It subtly raises one's energy levels, drives away negative emotions like fear and grief, and promotes calm and happiness. It helps an individual to pinpoint personal issues that need to be worked on and ways to solve them. Selenite also boosts the metaphysical powers of other stones and crystals. 


  • Sodalite comes in shades of black and blue with white or light brown rivers running through it. Sodalite helps best with issues of self-esteem and self-confidence. It gets one back in touch with their true self and the strength to express themselves creatively. Sodalite also helps to calm overstressed adrenal glands and to handle stress more effectively, thereby increasing harmony and balance. 


  • Tiger eye (or tiger's eye) is a brown-colored stone with yellow-gold bands, known for protecting one from the evil eye, a glare meant to harm another person. Meaning it prevents and removes curses. It also resolves internal conflicts. Tiger eye is also the "go-to" stone for strength, courage, maximizing focus, and brainstorming new ways to handle life's significant challenges.


  • Turquoise is a blue-green stone containing iron oxide, giving it a speckled Easter egg look. It is considered the master healer of stones. Native Americans believe it to be the bridge between heaven and earth. Turquoise opens up honest communication and helps heal the body, mind, and spirit through communication. It's a protective shield against anything invading one's aura negatively. It brings tranquility and calms the wounded heart. ​

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