What Might My Doctor Not Tell Me About HSV?

When diagnosed with herpes, there are certain things your doctor, clinic, or lab may never tell you about herpes, which aren't necessarily secrets or a result of negligence or an uncaring attitude. They are things that, more or less, go unsaid.


Medical professionals tend to say only some things upfront and wait for you to come back with different symptoms rather than lay everything on you. It's also possible that certain information is omitted due to a lack of the doctor's knowledge or the desire not to frighten you.


Here's what your doctor may not tell you about the Herpes simplex Virus. 



Medications Can Cause More Frequent HSV Breakouts


  • Steroid based medications, such as Cortisone and Hydrocortisone
  • Birth control shots (Depo-Provera)
  • Flu vaccinations, especially COVID-19 jabs
  • Any medication or drug that weakens the immune system
  • Nasal sprays, such as Fluticasone



HSV Hides From Your Immune System


Herpes can hide and move from cell to cell under a protective coating called Biofilm, making it impossible for your immune system to see and destroy it. When you read about herpes turning off your immune system, this is what's being referred to. The virus doesn't actually turn your immune system off. It's still working in every other way. It just can't work against herpes in hiding (sleeping, dormant, in remission). However, it does work to fight the active virus. 



HSV Can Change DNA


Herpes can change DNA and your personality.



HSV Symptoms Can Mimic and Cause Other Conditions


HSV can mimic canker sores, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, hemorrhoids, and neurological conditions. Herpes can also cause Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, IBS, Interstitial Cystitis, dental problems, and certain forms of Cancer. With the exception of Cancer, you'll find holistic alternatives for these conditions here.



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