The Tarot Hanging Man

Hang'd ~ Put to death (execute) by hanging, which may include being drawn and quartered. Or, to remain suspended, unresolved, or uncertain (limbo).

  • Number: XII, 12
  • Hebrew Letter: Mem
  • Color: Deep to Pale Blue
  • Element: Water
  • Chakra: Throat and Heart (primarily Throat)
  • Humors: Phlegm 
  • Temperament: Phlegmatic 1 & 2 (primarily Phlegmatic 1)
  • Sense: Sound and Touch (primarily Sound)





Limbo, new perspective, principles, acquired wisdom, hanging in there, and, when reversed, martyrdom or useless sacrifice



The Lesson of the Tarot Hanging Man is Sacrifice


The Fool appreciates the need to seek other perspectives and abandons the things of the world. He lets go and seeks spiritual enlightenment concerning personal sacrifices and materialism.



Personality (Strengths & Weaknesses)


Phlegmatic Type 1 is associated with the Blue Aura Color Personality (Water)

Phlegmatic Type 2 is associated with the Green Aura Color Personality (Water)


NOTE: Of the seven personalities, those with a phlegmatic constitution are inclined to be highly sensitive, so if your aura is primarily blue or green, you will be way more sensitive than most Highly Sensitive People and, maybe, psychic.​ 



The Tarot Hanging Man Traditional Meanings


There are times when everyone questions the sacrifices they have made, and this is one of those times. You may feel as if you are being tested. As dedicated as you are to your cause, your mind is in limbo, and your perspective is lost. You are at a stand-still of sorts.


While you may never have been the martyring type before, it may be paining you that you are now feeling mistaken in your loyalties. Part of you would like to continue to sacrifice for the greater good, but at what cost to your health or your very soul?


It is a time of reevaluating life, relationships, goals, and your choices concerning them. Indeed, it is a time for questioning many issues, especially issues related to feeling a particular duty toward others, as you may no longer be convinced of the importance of your sacrifices.


If you find yourself loathing the thought of squandering your energies on goals no longer worth your while, you must reset your priorities post-haste and redirect your actions elsewhere.



The Tarot Hanging Man Biblical Meanings


The Tarot Hanging Man is about surrendering the pursuit of material wants and gain and redirecting your footsteps toward God. When you suspend yourself from the way you think things should be or want them to be, you'll be able to see how you've been making useless sacrifices. These sacrifices are not necessarily huge ones like Jesus dying on the cross. They can be other things, like spending time and money trying to achieve or maintain the status quo. Pausing to meditate on your relationship with God can help you gain perspective and get your priorities straight. In other words, it's time to crucify ego.



The Tarot Hanging Man in Health Readings


There may be a problem with the immune system or the need for psychic or spiritual healing. Thoughts of death or suicide may be an issue. While this card may suggest a period of gaining new perspective, fence-sitting may not be helpful at this time. Sitting around in limbo (procrastinating) will only causes things to stay the same or worsen. It might be time to take inventoryjournal, or set a SMART goal



Tarot Meditation


What in your life needs a temporary pause or suspension or a dose of healthy perspective? 



Food Remedies


Phlegmatics do well on both vegetarian and traditional diets. Milk, dairy products (including cheeses), wheat (and other foods containing gluten), refined sugar, starches, and flours, very cold and icy foods and drinks, and moist, creamy, rich foods will bother the Phlegmatic temperament.


Phlegmatic 1 (Blue): See Raising Blue & Phlegmatic Temperament Energy Levels

Phlegmatic 2 (Green): See Raising Green & Phlegmatic Temperament Energy Levels



Choosing Herb & Essential Oils


Phlegmatic 1 (Blue): Chamomile (all types), lavender, marjoram, tea tree, thyme, vanilla, and white musk


Phlegmatic 2 (Green): Basil, chamomile (all types), douglass fir, eucalyptus, inula, jasmine, lavender, lemon balm (melissa), marjoram, peppermint, pine, rose, rosemary, tea tree, thyme, vanilla, and white musk



Stones & Crystals


Phlegmatic 1 (Blue): Blue sapphire, lapis lazuli, blue lace agate, blue topaz, blue chalcedony, blue calcite, blue opal, aquamarine, sapphire, celestite, blue kyanite, angelite, celestite, blue tourmaline, turquoise, and nephrite


Phlegmatic 2 (Green): Moss agate, Green aventurine, olivine, emerald, lapis lazuli, rose quartz, malachite, pink kunzite, pink opal, rhodochrosite, jade, rhodonite, chrysoprase, pink rhodonite, rose quartz, green/pink tourmaline, and pink coral

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