The Blue Aura Color Personality

The Blue Aura Color Personality relates to the WATER element, shades of Blue, the Phlegmatic 1 Temperament, the Throat (Visuddha) and Heart (Anahata) chakras, the season of Summer (esoteric) or Fall (pagan), Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, the Tarot Suit of Cups, The Tree of Life: World of Briah (Creation), the senses of Sound and Touch, the Soul Body, the emotion of Sadness, and VAM (part of God's name). It vibrates at 741 Hz.

Blue Anatomical Correspondences


The throat chakra corresponds with the throat, voice, vocal cords, trachea, neck muscles, vertebrae, mouth, teeth, gums, esophagus, parathyroid, pituitary, hypothalamus, and sense of hearing. It supports the thyroid gland and the sense of sound.



Blue Color Meanings & Associations


Blue is associated with the throat chakra, expression, communication, and voice.


  • Blue: Peaceful, loyal, patient, giving, nurturing, and purposeful.
  • Medium Blue: Hardworking with a desire to be of service.
  • Royal Blue: Honest, faithful, and having good judgment.
  • Deep Blues: Spiritual-minded. A tendency to be moody or depressed.
  • Muddy Blue: Melancholy, malicious, ruthless, or lack of faith.



Blue Emotional/Mental State


Calm, caring, quiet, having a purpose, sensitive, loving, helpful, intuitive, compassionate, giving, the desire to serve others, committed, and peaceful.



The Blue Aura Color Personality (Strengths)


Blues have a tremendous depth of feeling and compassion. They love to serve, which is how they express love. These people often ignore their own needs to take care of the needs of others. Blues are motivated by altruism and intimacy (not necessarily sexual). Selflessness is their philosophy.


Blues must be around family and friends, especially on holidays. They do best when living with others and can lend a supportive role. Blues laugh and cry easily. Like the Greens, they intuitively grasp emotions and often base their decisions on their feelings rather than logic or rational thinking. But, they also prefer (because they dislike conflict) consensus in making decisions, which can be challenging for others to understand.


Blues love the softer side of sports such as ice skating or golf. They are quiet people. When not doting on someone, you can find Blue knitting or reading. Dealing with emotional issues is what they are best at, and they are wonderful at coming up with the right words to calm the soul and heal the spirit. Wherever emotional stability is needed, you will find Blues. They spend much of their time in love and will sacrifice an ordinary job for a relationship. To love and be loved is a priority. They need sincere gratitude to be remembered and appreciated.


They take their work very seriously and will be involved in a service that benefits humanity somehow. Blues have the highest sense of integrity and are always motivated to act from the highest self. They would rather lose than cheat.



Blue Aura Color Personality Occupations


Missionary, nun, service technician, counselor, veterinarian, museum curator, surgeon, actor, or director



Challenges for Blues (Weaknesses)


Although Blues do well with positive emotions, they do not fare well with negative ones. They shrivel up and avoid conflict like the plague. Blues take too much upon themselves, often carrying responsibility for others' emotions. As a result, they often suffer from negative emotions such as fear, anger, and resentment when others take advantage of them. Then they feel guilty that they feel these emotions, and if nothing is done to change things, they draw themselves into a downward spiral of problems that are not their own. It would help Blue to learn to say "no" more often. Additionally, Blues would benefit from determining what levels of sacrifices they are willing or unwilling to make and to love themselves as they love others. For Blues, being around positive people is critical to staying emotionally healthy.



Possible Health Issues for Blues


Physical health issues might include throat or thyroid problems (a chronic sore throat, trouble swallowing, problems with vocal cords, hoarse or raspy voice, loss of voice, a nagging or chronic cough from excessive mucus, Tonsillitis, Laryngitis, swollen glands, Temporomandibular Joint Problems (TMJ), neck and shoulder tension and pain, hormonal issues, asthma, emotions that cause physical pain and Tension Myositis Syndrome, PMS, issues with the head, including the ears (hearing, Meniere's, Tinnitus), nose, dental problems, gum disease, canker sores or Scoliosis.


Emotional health issues might involve Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), shyness, phobias, indecision, lack of confidence or esteem, telling lies, avoiding the truth, fear of being exposed, exaggeration, trouble with expression, not listening well, interrupting or interpreting for others, talking too much or too little, critical speech, flitting from job to job, and often wavering in issues of morality and integrity.

Raising Throat Blue & Phlegmatic Temperament Energy Levels

Blues are typically peace-makers. Have you been in stingy mode? If you have a meager Aura Energy Self-Test score in Blue, it may be time to think of others for a bit. Look around. As a Blue personality, you're likely to be interested in anything you can actively do for your family or community.


Who needs your help, love, or forgiveness but is too afraid to ask? Are you in a situation where you feel you are unable to love? You may need to create a new family of choice. Where normally you would speak up, it may benefit you to bite your tongue to keep the peace. Sacrifice your perfectionism or pride for a change.


It may be an excellent time to get together with family and friends and establish new traditions. Spending time singing, meditating with mantras, or playing an instrument would be equally beneficial. Do you have a pet? Do something special for your pet today.



Blue & Massage


Massaging the ears, chin, neck, and throat helps with stress, nervousness, metabolic problems, energy and immune system stimulation, and calcium absorption. Shoulders also fall under the 5th chakra. Shoulder massage helps with anxiety, upper back tension, and lung and spinal problems.



Supportive Essential Oils for Blue


Chamomile (all types), lavender, marjoram, tea tree, thyme, vanilla, and white musk



Supportive Stones & Crystals for Blue


Blue sapphire, lapis lazuli, blue lace agate, blue topaz, blue chalcedony, blue calcite, blue opal, aquamarine, sapphire, celestite, blue kyanite, angelite, blue tourmaline, turquoise, and nephrite



Blue Sound: RA



Blue Musical Note: G



Foods to Energize Blue


Based on color, plums, blueberries, purple and black grapes, kelp, seaweed, purple broccoli, asparagus, purple cabbage, aubergines, and prunes. Vitamin E, iodine, and potassium may benefit the Blue Aura Color Personality.



Foods Choosing Food & Herbal Remedies Based on the Phlegmatic Temperament


Phlegmatics seem to do well on both vegetarian and traditional diets. Milk, dairy products (including cheeses), wheat (and other foods containing gluten), refined sugar, starches and flours, very cold and icy foods and drinks and moist, creamy, rich foods will bother the Phlegmatic temperament.


The idea is to provide your body with nutrients opposite your dominant humors to correct humor imbalances.


Phlegmatics have a primarily COLD/WET constitution. You would choose HOT and DRY nutrients to create balance and restore health and wellness.


HOT Choices: Choose from onions, garlic, ginger, chicken, horseradish, walnuts, duck, lamb, garbanzo beans, lentils, lemon, apple, olives, aged cheeses, walnuts, peppers, cayenne, chives, astragalus root, chai, ginger, cloves, cardamom, and any foods or nutrients that stimulate the metabolism or make one sweat. Foods served hot or roasted are also considered "heating" foods and tend to increase warmth.


DRY Choices: Dry food choices are also considered "Light". Choose from rice cakes, popcorn, corn, most beans (such as garbanzo), sunflower seeds, pomegranates, asparagus, dried fruits, aged cheeses, any foods or nutrients that are physically dry, such as bread or crackers, or that aid in eliminating excess body fluid through sweating or urinating.


HOT or DRY Herb Choices: Astragalus (HOT/DRY), holy basil (HOT/DRY), rosemary (HOT/DRY), turmeric (HOT/DRY), motherwort (Neutral/DRY), valerian (WARM), ginger (WARM), cannabis (WARM/DRY), wild yam (WARM/DRY), calendula (WARM/DRY), hyssop (WARM/DRY), club moss (WARM/DRY), golden seal (HOT/DRY), nettles (HOT/DRY), echinacea (HOT/DRY), elecampane (HOT/DRY), lavender flowers (HOT/DRY), thyme (HOT/DRY), basil (WARM), hawthorn berry (WARM), safflower (WARM), wild cherry bark (WARM), juniper berry (WARM), watercress (WARM), skullcap (WARM), rue (WARM), dong quai (WARM)


You'll find that many of the same foods considered HOT are also DRY, but not all.


Neutral food and herbs choices are raspberries, elderberries, calendula flowers, flaxseed, chaste berry, carrots, parsley, oat straw, parsley, psyllium, motherwort, blackberries, and lemon balm.


The dietary information above is not condition-specific.



Implementing Blue Wardrobe & Décor Strategies


It helps to increase understanding, peace, calm, contemplation, openness, emotional strength (soothes the nerves), tranquility, purposefulness, sincerity, good health, patience, truth, and generosity.


Because color is absorbed through the eyes and skin, color-gazing meditations are a super easy way of balancing your energy and your emotions.  Simply gaze at Blue for 30 seconds or longer, until you start to feel your interest wane for an instant boost of energy or calm.



Utilizing Blue in Prayer & Ritual


It creates serenity, patience, spiritual understanding, loyalty, honesty, faith, and protection from being drained of energy.



Role Models Helping to Increase the Energy of the Throat Chakra


People who help us increase our throat chakra's energy are priests, religious leaders, advocators, teachers, and intellectuals.



Engaging the Sense of Sound to Increase the Energy of the Throat Chakra


Discover sense-based activities for increasing your sense of sound here.

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