The Phlegmatic Temperament

The Phlegmatic Temperament corresponds with the WATER element, Phlegm (COLD/WET), the Heart (Anahata) and Throat (Visuddha) chakras, the Blue and Green Aura Color Personalities, shades of Blue, Green, and Rose, the season of Summer (esoteric) or Fall (pagan), The Tree of Life: World of Briah (Creation), ), Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio, the Tarot Suit of Cups, the senses of Touch and Sound, the Soul Body, FEELING, and VAM (part of God's name).

Phlegmatic ~ Water Element


(+)Tranquil, adaptive, modest, meek, devoted, empathetic, dependable, authentic, reflective, integrating, cooperative, taking the initiative, trusting, efficient, thoughtful, tolerant, trustworthy, diplomatic, observing, pleasing, patient, calm, quiet, relaxed, easy-going, care-free, peaceful, self-aware, inspiring.


(-) Codependent, self-doubting, needy, cowardly, stagnant, passive, resentful, apathetic, addicted (sex, drugs, spending, devices), low self-esteem, jaded, stubborn, self-blaming, indecisive, lazy, depressed, a follower, submissive, introvert. They may also have trouble expressing themselves, be wishy-washy, and may tend to job-hop.



The Phlegmatic Personalities (Strengths & Weaknesses)


Phlegmatic Type 1 is associated with the Blue Aura Color Personality.

Phlegmatic Type 2 is associated with the Green Aura Color Personality.



Food Remedies


Phlegmatics seem to do well on both vegetarian and traditional diets. Milk, dairy products (including cheeses), wheat (and other foods containing gluten), refined sugar, starches and flours, very cold and icy foods and drinks and moist, creamy, rich foods will bother the Phlegmatic temperament.


The idea is to provide your body with nutrients opposite your dominant humors to correct humor imbalances.


Phlegmatics have a primarily COLD/WET constitution. You would choose HOT and DRY nutrients to create balance and restore health and wellness.


HOT Choices: Choose from onions, garlic, ginger, chicken, horseradish, walnuts, duck, lamb, garbanzo beans, lentils, lemon, apple, olives, aged cheeses, walnuts, peppers, cayenne, chives, astragalus root, chai, ginger, cloves, cardamom, and any foods or nutrients that stimulate the metabolism or make one sweat. Foods served hot or roasted are also considered "heating" foods and tend to increase warmth.


DRY Choices: Dry food choices are also considered "Light". Choose from rice cakes, popcorn, corn, most beans (such as garbanzo), sunflower seeds, pomegranates, asparagus, dried fruits, aged cheeses, any foods or nutrients that are physically dry, such as bread or crackers, or that aid in eliminating excess body fluid through sweating or urinating.


HOT or DRY Herb Choices: Astragalus (HOT/DRY), holy basil (HOT/DRY), rosemary (HOT/DRY), turmeric (HOT/DRY), motherwort (Neutral/DRY), valerian (WARM), ginger (WARM), cannabis (WARM/DRY), wild yam (WARM/DRY), calendula (WARM/DRY), hyssop (WARM/DRY), club moss (WARM/DRY), golden seal (HOT/DRY), nettles (HOT/DRY), echinacea (HOT/DRY), elecampane (HOT/DRY), lavender flowers (HOT/DRY), thyme (HOT/DRY), basil (WARM), hawthorn berry (WARM), safflower (WARM), wild cherry bark (WARM), juniper berry (WARM), watercress (WARM), skullcap (WARM), rue (WARM), dong quai (WARM)


You'll find that many of the same foods considered HOT are also DRY, but not all.


Neutral food and herbs choices are raspberries, elderberries, calendula flowers, flaxseed, chaste berry, carrots, parsley, oat straw, parsley, psyllium, motherwort, blackberries, and lemon balm.


The dietary information above is not condition-specific.



Choosing Herb & Essential Oils


Phlegmatic 1 (Blue): Chamomile (all types), lavender, marjoram, tea tree, thyme, vanilla, and white musk


Phlegmatic 2 (Green): Basil, chamomile (all types), douglass fir, eucalyptus, inula, jasmine, lavender, lemon balm (melissa), marjoram, peppermint, pine, rose, rosemary, tea tree, thyme, vanilla, and white musk



Stones & Crystals


Phlegmatic 1 (Blue): Blue sapphire, lapis lazuli, blue lace agate, blue topaz, blue chalcedony, blue calcite, blue opal, aquamarine, sapphire, celestite, blue kyanite, angelite, celestite, blue tourmaline, turquoise, and nephrite


Phlegmatic 2 (Green): Moss agate, Green aventurine, olivine, emerald, lapis lazuli, rose quartz, malachite, pink kunzite, pink opal, rhodochrosite, jade, rhodonite, chrysoprase, pink rhodonite, rose quartz, green/pink tourmaline, and pink coral



NOTE: Of the seven personalities, those with a phlegmatic constitution are inclined to be highly sensitive, so if your aura is primarily blue or green, you will be way more sensitive than most Highly Sensitive People and, maybe, psychic.​ 

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