The Tarot Fool

Fool ~ One who is deficient in judgement, sense, or understanding or acts unwisely on a given occasion.





Childlike trust, spontaneity, adventure, a new phase or path, faith, openness, optimism, and, when reversed, lack of faith or recklessness



The Lesson of the Tarot Fool is Faith


We all, like the Fool, begin our journey in life with childlike eagerness and innocent expectations. We are enveloped in Spirit (higher consciousness). Our thoughts and beliefs are manipulated by what we experience and what we learn from our parents, culture, and society (the world) during our lives. The Fool reminds us not to be foolish by accepting the thoughts and opinions of others as our own. Instead, the lesson involves staying true to our heart's desire through faith, regardless of our downfalls and what others have taught us about them.



Personality (Strengths & Weaknesses)


Sanguine Type 1 is associated with the Yellow Aura Color Personality (Air).

Sanguine Type 2 is associated with the Orange Aura Color Personality (Air).



The Tarot Fool Traditional Meanings


  • You're fresh, innocent, and enthusiastic about a new course you have decided upon. 


  • You exude radiance, hope, and are, no doubt, full of potential. 


  • You are an independent person who holds unique perspectives and your originality begs to be expressed. 


  • Your free-spirited and adventurous spirit longs for enlightenment and to bring it to others.


  • Be careful when standing at the precipice of a making any major decisions. Look both ways while making this leap of faith.


  • Balance in all things is crucial to avoid utter foolishness. Sincerely try to keep your perspective about you and not be blinded by optimism or possible risk.


  • Some may not understand your unique perspective as you begin your journey into the unknown. They may not be not entirely convinced your determination is founded upon rationality, which, due to your lack of clarity in this matter, is is extremely likely.


  • Don’t be reckless or uncommitted to your vision. Above all, trust in your higher power.



The Tarot Fool Biblical Meanings


The Tarot Fool is God before anything existed, infinite and full of potential. The Fool reminds us that our birthright is to walk unafraid, in light and love, with God and that we can hope to expect the very best for and from ourselves and others with child-like trust. With the innocence of a child, we are able to depend upon our loving parents (female and male aspects of God) and take any new path with faith and optimism.



The Tarot Fool in Health Readings


A fall. This could be a physical fall, an accident, or a risk that was taken that caused illness, injury (legs or ankles), or surprise (pregnancy, for example).


Health issues are usually a result of not paying attention or some form of carelessness, like not taking preventative measures to avoid contracting the flu, stepping to close to the edge of a cliff, getting bit by a dog, driving drunk and running off the road, failing to prepare your parachute correctly. 



Tarot Meditation


What new path are you considering stepping out on? What exciting chapter would you like to embark on? If you could step out in any new direction, what would it be?



Food Remedies


A light vegetarian diet is best with some eggs, milk, and fish. Not eating enough vegetables and fruits and overeating meat will bother the Sanguine temperament.


Sanguine 1 (Yellow): See Raising Yellow & Sanguine Temperament Energy Levels

Sanguine 2 (Orange): See Raising Orange & Sanguine Temperament Energy Levels



Choosing Herb & Essential Oil Remedies


Sanguine 1 (Yellow): Bergamot, Camphor, Cedar, Citronella, Evening Primrose, Geranium, Grapefruit, Lemon, Lemon Grass, Juniper, Vetiver, and Ylang Ylang


For the Sanguine 2 (Orange): Bergamot, calendula (marigold), camphor, cardamom, carrot seed, clary sage, citronella, evening primrose, geranium, grapefruit, lemon, lemon grass, jasmine, juniper, mandarin, neroli, orange, rose absolute, sandalwood, vetiver, and ylang ylang



Stones & Crystals


Sanguine 1 (Yellow): Golden Topaz, Yellow Amber, Yellow Citrine, Golden Tiger Eye, Yellow Aragonite, Yellow Calcite, Rhodonite, Apache Gold, and Yellow Jasper


For the Sanguine 2 (Orange): Carnelian, tiger eye, orange amber, sunstone, malachite, peach aventurine, yellow/golden Topaz, Orange agate, yellow jasper, carnelian, moonstone, yellow fluorite, and citrine

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