Sight-Based Activities

Sight-based activities correspond with the AIR element, the Sanguine temperament, Blood (Hot/Wet), Spring (pagan) and Fall (esoteric), the Astral Body, Tree of Life: World of Yetzirah (of Formation), Solar Plexus (Manipura) and Sacral (Svadhisthana) chakras, the Yellow and Orange Aura Color Personalities, the Senses of Sight and Taste, INTELLECT, the emotion of Fear, and YAM (part of God's name). 

Placing a Vision on Your Visor


Place a picture of someone you love on your vehicle visor. Your energy wellness is affected by the things you see around you.



Adding Some Flowers to a Room


Flowers in the home and garden are instant eye candy. Buy yourself some fresh-cut flowers today or potted flowers for the window sill. Plant some wildflowers in the yard. If you are allergic to flowers and grasses, visit an arts and crafts store and purchase silk flowers to arrange. They can be just as beautiful and less expensive in the long run. Also, see Creating Healthy Spaces



Choosing a Symbol


Symbols are all around us, no matter where we look. They are also inside of us. Placing a symbol in your car, office, or home that you can often see will remind you of an intention (something you are striving for). One idea would be to paint a rock with your symbol of choice and use it as a doorstopper (a number, letter, rune).



Visiting Exhibits & Displays


Schedule an afternoon by yourself or with friends and family to visit an art museum, car exhibit, arts and crafts fair, or some other event or destination where the idea is to look at what's on display. It offers the mind a break from routine and monotonous thought patterns.


Wearing Color-Tinted Glasses


One of my favorite pick-me-ups is wearing sunglasses with orange-tinted lenses. When I first put them on, the whole world looks pinkish-orange. However, within just a few minutes, everything I see returns to its original hue but is better, stronger, brighter, and more vivid than ever. Trees are greener, the sky a bolder blue, and the sea a vibrant green instead of a moss-colored canvas. Orange-tinted glasses are worth every penny if you can find them.



Inspecting Something In Nature


When's the last time you just bent over and inspected a blade of grass, the pattern of a butterfly's wings, the lines in a leaf? Go outside, look around, and see your world and the natural things that live there. Also, see Engaging With Nature



Watching a "Good" Flick


Watch a good movie, film, or documentary that's uplifting, funny, teaching, or inspiring.



Drawing a Picture


Do you remember when you were little, and you'd spend hours coloring pictures in your color book? Your world existed only at that moment while experimenting with different colors and trying to stay, ever so carefully, within the lines. And, remember, when coloring in school, how your classmate's voices would drift away, and you would all but forget your teacher was even in the room? You can do that again. Go ahead. Buy yourself some crayons and a coloring book (or chalk, colored pencils, or paints), and let go of all your problems for now.



Reading a "Good" Book


There's nothing like a good book to return to over several days to keep you looking forward to something. Sometimes, looking through magazines and "coffee table" books (on decorating, other cultures, countries, and art) can give you back your perspective and inspire you toward new creations. Or, visit a bookstore. 



Doing Needlework


Twenty minutes of embroidering is equal to 20 minutes of meditation. So, pick up some needle and thread and mend that seam or go to the crafts store to check out their embroidery information and supplies. While you are there, consider other hobbies as well.



Taking a One-Day Vacation


Nothing brings back perspective like a day in the country away from everything. Nature soothes. It's a part of us. We all need roots, and nature provides this. So go out, see the sights, and get energized!



Taking a Drive


Sometimes, getting away from it all as fast as possible is necessary. The next time you need to get out and clear your head, take a drive but take a route that affords you a lovely look at nature. Drive the speed limit and enjoy your surroundings. If you find a charming spot, get out, sit a spell, and breathe the fresh air. No car? Are gas prices too high?



Taking a Walk


Take a walk for at least 20 minutes. Strolling is fine. Focus only on what you see around you. Are you out of shape? Try my easy walking plan under Exercise, where you'll find plenty of suggestions for staying in shape. 



Meditate On Color


Because color is absorbed through the eyes and skin, color-gazing meditations are a super easy way of balancing your energy and your emotions.  Simply gaze at a color you are drawn to for 30 seconds or longer, until you start to feel your interest wane for an instant boost of energy or calm.




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