Your Bio-Electrical Energy Field

Your electromagnetic energy field comprises about 3.5 volts of electricity and is inside and around your body. It is commonly called an aura, the essence that leaves your body when you expire. While you are here, there are five levels of healing.


Your aura is charged by your chakras, seven primary energy centers running along your spine from your tailbone to the top of your head. Each chakra corresponds to a part of your body and relates to a particular color and sense. Your chakras are responsible for your overall physical health and emotional wellness.


  • Crown: Spirit - The Right to Know
  • Brow: Intuition - The Right to Hear Truth
  • Throat: Voice - The Right to Speak
  • Heart: Love - The Right to Love and Be Loved
  • Solar Plexus: Control/Willpower - The Right to Act
  • Sacral: Emotions/Creative Expression - The Right to Feel
  • Root: Survival - The Right to Have


In addition to the chakras, your body also contains energy meridians: the Triple Heater (adrenals and thyroid), Pericardium (the heart sack), Liver, Lung, Spleen, Stomach, Gall Bladder, Small Intestine, Large Intestine, and Urinary/Bladder Meridians. Energy meridians are directly affected by the energy levels of your chakras and, in turn, affect your body's 11 systems: the circulatory, digestive, endocrine, immune, lymphatic, muscular, skeletal, nervous, respiratory, reproductive, and urinary systems. The cells that produce and direct this "energy" are the mitochondria.


All three of these systems (the chakras, energy meridians, and body systems) work together and are interconnected. They depend on one another to keep you healthy. Whenever the energy in these three systems is reduced or blocked, stressful symptoms and syndromes develop. Why? Because blockages lower energetic vibration. Since your strengths and weaknesses are uniquely yours, your stress-related symptoms will be completely individual.



Possible Cause of Blockages In Your Energetic System


    • Generational: Generational blockages occur with every generation and last as long as four generations. Even though these blockages didn't start with you, they can cause pain and suffering. Think cellular memory.


    • Gestational: Gestational blockages are remnants of pain and suffering that started in the womb. 


    • Life Events: Life events that are traumatic or cause negative emotions from the past, conscious or unconscious, cause blockages that prevent you from living a healthy life (health, love, and abundance). These blockages can cause symptoms and syndromes that don't appear to have a cause and can lead to disease.


    • Environment: Crowded places and negative people can disrupt your energy field and cause blockages or depletions of energy, particularly if you are highly sensitive.



    Aura Layering


    There are multiple layers to your aura. The first layer extends 2-4 inches outside your body's physical outline, called the etheric body. The next layer, the astral (emotional) body, forms an oval around the first layer. Beyond this is a third layer, the mental and spiritual body. Some say an aura has as many as eight layers or more. The layer closest to your skin has a slower energy vibration than the spiritual body, which reaches toward others and the universe.



    Aura Colors


    The seven prominent aura colors are the primary colors seen in rainbows: Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red. These colors correlate with your Crown, Brow, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Root chakras. One of your colors may dominate, while others may be missing altogether. Your most energetic chakra determines the primary color of your aura, and every color of the aura corresponds with certain personality traits. For example, the auras of many Highly Sensitive People reveal cooler shades, such as the color of Indigo, which often represent being more intuitive, empathic, and compassionate. Warmer colors, such as Yellow, Orange, and Red, usually represent those individuals who are more physically active and worldly.


    Your aura's color, size, and brightness indicate the state of your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual energy wellness, or lack thereof. Stress, nervous conditions, and disease affect your chakras and create changes in your aura's shade, size, and brightness. Therefore, knowing the color of your aura can be of great value in understanding yourself profoundly and preventing distress and disease.


    The color of your aura also reveals your constitutional temperament and how your emotions might manifest, mentally or physically.



    Unique Color Meanings


    White: The higher dimension, a healer, connection to truth, purity, protection, unity, illumination, spirituality, and enlightenment.


    • Gold: Luck, charm, fortune, or self-wisdom.


    • Brown: Earthiness, rooted/grounded, practicality, honesty, stability or cynicism, blocked energy, or no imagination.


    • Cloudy Areas: There's a need to deal with areas of your life.


    • Gray: Indifference, stagnation, neutrality, transition, transformation, a change, or something coming


    • Silver: Pregnancy (may have been or soon will be) or someone with extreme creativity.


    • Black: In-home decorating can mean mystery, strength, magic, depth, power, restriction, and formality. However, black in the aura can represent physical and spiritual imbalances, an unhealthy attitude (depression) or behavior, a dis-ease, a negative spiritual attachment, or a need to energize the aura dramatically.


    Except for trauma, nothing affects your aura worse than stress. All organic disease affects and infects your inner aura. Disease and nervous conditions cause your aura to become grayer or duller.



    Compatible & Conflicting Aura Colors


    The color of your aura can help you understand why some decisions are easy while others seem to make you procrastinate or run into a wall. 


    Some dominating aura colors flatter each other, while others oppose each other. For example, Violet and Indigo support each other. The Violet Aura Color Personality has excellent vision, and the Indigo Aura Color Personality supplies the intuition necessary to make good choices toward Violet's dreams. However, Violet and Green may have conflicts. The Green Aura Color Personality is very rational and organized. It wants to see proof before investing in ideas, especially concerning finances, whereas Violet is ready to skip down a path of faith. Even though spiritual, the Green needs something more concrete. 


    When you discover a conflicting set of colors in your aura, try to find a way of making the different aspects of your personality happy. For example, as a Violet/Green Aura Color Personality, you might be at odds with yourself because humanitarianism and environmental issues mean everything to you. You want to become a mission worker (the Violet in you). Still, you also need significant financial security (the Green in you). If these two parts of your personality can come up with a way to benefit humanity and make money enough to feel secure simultaneously, you will find your bliss. 



    The Size of Your Aura (Electromagnetic Energy Field)


    Small Auras have lower energy levels, which means lower physical energy levels. Those with smaller auras are often seen as timid and more introverted.


    Those with Medium Auras, although having a solid presence and brilliant color, sometimes need more focus but can achieve goals by getting more focused and setting smart goals.


    Large Auras are powerful and radiant. You can feel strength radiating from these folks. They often use their magnetism and charisma to achieve their dreams. If you have a large aura, you are visionary and very healthy.



    Your Aura's Yin & Yang Balance

    Yin represents the feminine (more receptive) in all things. Yang represents masculinity (more outgoing) in all things. Just as each human body on earth contains male and female hormones, auras have male and female aspects. Cooler aura colors are considered Yin, more emotional, and receptive. Warmer colors are considered Yang, which is more physical and active. Just as you need to find balance in other areas of your life, such as diet, work, and relaxation, it is helpful to keep Yin and Yang balanced in your personality.



    Signs Your Aura is Distressed


    • Memory lapses
    • Frequent nightmares or insomnia
    • Sudden profound fatigue and feeling drained
    • Constantly feeling as though someone is watching you
    • Irrational or sudden emotional outbursts or mood swings
    • Feeling off-balance or dizzy for a continued period
    • Sudden physical pain, illness, or discomfort that is relatively unexplained
    • Suddenly acting out of character or significant changes in behavior
    • Unexplainable negative or obsessive thoughts
    • Recurring accidents or a string of bad luck
    • A dramatic loss of self-confidence
    • Suicidal tendencies


    NOTE: These are also signs of negative energy attaching to your aura. 

    The 5 Levels of Healing

    When it comes to healing, you might think of your doctor who runs tests and prescribes medicine for your body, your counselor who helps heal your mind, or your pastor who helps heal your heart. But there's more to you than body, mind, and spirit. There are five levels of healing. 



    Level Five: The Spirit/Astral/Immortal Body 


    This level represents your connection to the divine (spirit, universal consciousness, God/Goddess). When you engage in prayer, it flows through all levels of healing, which is why prayer is so effective at speeding healing on all levels. 


    • Prayer
    • Chanting
    • Contemplative meditation
    • Developing a deeply personal connection with the Divine (God/Goddess, spirit guides, angels, ancestors) and spiritual protection



    Level Four: The Intuitive/6th Sense Body


    Level Four represents your 6th sense, intuition, gut feelings, and ability to follow signs.




    Level Three: The Mental/Conscious and Subconscious Body


    Level three represents your thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes. In many ways, it means your habits. 


    • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
    • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
    • Hypnosis
    • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
    • Affirmations
    • Visualization



    Level Two: The Electromagnetic Energy Filed/Aura Body


    Level Two represents your bio-electromagnetic energy field, comprising chakras (major energy centers) and energy meridians. It carries your emotion, which isn't just free-floating nothingness. Emotions are bits of energy that can flow like water (positive emotions) or slice and dice like shards of glass (negative emotions). Emotions change electrical currents and body chemistry. 


    • Touch therapies and grounding  (massage, acupuncture, earthing mats (see The Tarotpothecary for mats)
    • Yoga, Tai Chi/Qi Gong
    • Reiki
    • Sound healing (singing bowls and tuning forks, music)
    • Breathing exercises



    Level One: The Physical/Material Body


    Your physical body is what you should start with because it's the foundation for all other healing levels.


    How to Balance Your Chakras

    First, discover your actual aura color by taking The Aura Energy Self-Test, photographing your aura, or seeing a reliable psychic who can see auras, which is only sometimes reliable (sometimes we don't know the truth about ourselves). 


    Then, change your aura energy field by applying natural, sense-based activities to relieve symptoms of energy imbalance. Every color relates to a chakra, and every chakra relates to one of the senses. Each of the senses corresponds with specific energy-balancing activities. For example, Green relates to the Heart chakra and sense of Touch. Sense-based activities to increase the strength of Green are "heart" based. But what if Green is too dominant? What if life has become too "touchy-feely" and emotionally overwhelming (Greens tend to be highly sensitive)? You can offset Green (or any dominating aura color) by increasing its opposite color. You can use sense-based activities to offset Green by activating the Indigo or Red in your aura (the Brow or Root chakra, respectively). Indigo is about independent study, artwork, meditation, and insight. Red is about baking, sex, and stopping and smelling the roses (enjoying life in the physical/material world).  


    Next, change your behavior (a little more complicated since people are creatures of habit), which means committing to caring for yourself and asking for help when needed. Creating a change in your behavior requires changing daily and personal habits. Think about some of the behaviors, relationships, patterns, or habits you are currently involved in that may be taking a toll on your energy and making you feel fatigued, irritable, sad, or hypersensitive (FISH). What have the nagging voices in your mind been asking you to look at or change? Also, see Pinpointing Hidden Stress


    Finally, change your emotions (the hardest by far) by changing false or negative perceptions, ideas, thoughts, and beliefs. Nothing changes feelings more quickly than the art of forgiveness or being thankful. Yet, these two can be the hardest to achieve because of ego, pride, or lack of self-esteem. There must be something you can be thankful for today, even if it is only the air in your lungs. Try to think of as many things you are grateful for. Who needs to be forgiven or let off the hook? Start with that.

    Discover Your True Color!

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