The Tarot Strength

Strenth ~ The state or quality of being strong. A worthy attribute. The capacity to resist stress, strain, or attack. A protective or supportive power. Persuasiveness.

  • Number:  8
  • Hebrew Letter: Teth
  • Color: Yellow
  • Element: Fire
  • Zodiac Sign: Leo
  • Time Frame: July 23 - August 22, Summer, Waxing Moon
  • Chakra: Crown and Brow
  • Humor: Yellow Bile
  • Temperament: Phlegmatic 1 & 2
  • Sense: Spirit 


NOTE: In the original deck of Tarot, the Strength card was in the 11th position. It was not moved to the 8th position until much, much later by Arthur Waite.





Overcoming obstacles, inner strength, compassion, patience, and, when reversed, brute force



The Lesson of the Tarot Strength is Inner Strength


Realizing true strength is found in gentleness, compassion, and humility, The Fool learns to develop self-trust, confidence, and inner strength.



Personality (Strengths & Weaknesses)


Choleric Type 1 is associated with the Violet Aura Color Personality (Fire).

Choleric Type 2 is associated with the Indigo Aura Color Personality (Fire).



The Tarot Strength Traditional Meanings


You may be being too forceful or pushing too hard. Insecurities and fears (stemming from self-doubt, may be leading you to act in ways that are, indeed, contrary to any true form of courageousness. Bullish actions will only cause one to appear weak and unable.


True strength lies in solving one's issues with patience and compassion. It also takes the ability to face one's darkest self with acceptance. In the past, you may have acted cowardly by taking the easy way out by imbibing in drink, sex, and brawling. It may have made you ill in the end.


Take this advice to heart. To take care of your health, you can no longer be that person. Indeed, there's a need to find honorability within your character again, which can only begin with reconciliation.



The Tarot Strength Biblical Meanings


The Tarot Strength card says true strength is found in understanding, empathy, and compassion. Inner power isn't inherited physically but spiritually and is a gift from God. Strength is about having the compassion to be able to reach out to others to talk to, listen to, and help without fear, prejudice, or brutality.



The Tarot Strength in Health Readings


Tarot Strength corresponds with Leo, which governs the sides of the trunk, the spine, back, sides of the trunk, and heart, and solar plexus. Over-exertion, especially food and wine, or being bullied into adrenal burnout and pride getting in the way of treatment are also concerns. 



Tarot Meditation


What might you do to curb your overwhelm and impatience in challenging situations?



Food Remedies


Cholerics tend to do very well on vegetarian diets. Ordinary table salt and salty foods, aged cheeses, vinegar and alcohol, high fat and fried foods, excessive red meat, highly sour foods, fermented foods, and very hot spices will bother the Choleric temperament.


Choleric 1 (Violet): See Raising Violet & Choleric Temperament Energy Levels

Choleric 2 (Indigo): See Raising Indigo & Choleric Temperament Energy Levels



Choosing Herb & Essential Oil Remedies


Choleric 1 (Violet): Cedarwood, clary sage, frankincense, hyssop, jasmine, juniper, lavender, myrrh, peppermint, sandalwood, rosemary, rosewood, viola, violet Leaf, and white spruce


Choleric 2 (Indigo): Beech, calendula (marigold), cedarwood, clary sage, frankincense, helichrysum, hyacinth, jasmine, juniper, lavender, marjoram, myrrh, musk, petitgrain, Roman chamomile, rosemary, rosewood, sandalwood, spearmint, Thyme, Viola, Violet Leaf, Vervain, and White Spruce



Stones & Crystals


Choleric 1 (Violet): Clear quartz crystal, amethyst (deep violet), fluorite, clear diamond, rock crystal, sugilite, onyx, and opal


Choleric 2 (Indigo): Lapis lazuli, moonstone, sapphire, clear quartz crystal, dark blue kyanite, charoite, tanzanite, sapphire, blue adventurine, sodalite, sugilite (rich purple), purple fluorite, dumortierite, sodalite, diamond, jet, jade, falcon's eye, and rainbow fluorite


NOTE: The John W. Waterhouse painting at the top of this page has been revised (breasts graffitied) to avoid offending anyone. 

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