The Tarot Suit of Cups and Hearts

The Tarot Suit of Cups is the same as the Suit of Hearts in a deck of regular playing cards, with the exception of the Knight of Cups. There are no Knights in a regular playing cards.

NOTE: To learn how to read Tarot with an ordinary deck of playing cards, click here

Element: Water

Color: BLUE

Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces

Temperament: Phlegmatic





Their love, understanding, compassion, and humanitarianism save others. When reacting to unspoken signals from others, they take time and effort to sort things out.





They, sometimes, do not know their true feelings and when feelings are suppressed they tend to lapse into escapist behaviors or patterns.



Wellness Concerns Depending Upon the Zodiac Sign Involved


Body parts affected may be the alimentary canal, chest, breast, lungs (respiratory issues), lymph glands (toxicity), reproductive and sex organs, and feet. Emotional states, codependency or phobias may also be an issue, which can usually be relieved through water therapies and love.



The Tarot Suit of Cups Traditional & Health Meanings


Ace of Cups/Hearts – New beginnings in emotional growth, positive change, an opportunity for love, a birth, or codependency, escapism, and neurosis. Be sure to be honest about having an STD, such as Herpes Simplex Virus, in new love relationships. There may be trouble with dry eye, dry mouth, dehydration, or other water or womb issues.


Keywords - New beginnings, love, attraction, positive feelings.



King of Cups/Hearts – You're so intuitive and such a sweetheart! Calm and understanding. Just don’t let emotions swamp you with negative thoughts and behaviors. Like your Queen of Cups counterpart, you're more sensitive and intuitive than most and negative emotions can make you more susceptible to a stress-related symptoms. If you are feeling under the weather, surround yourself with positive people and those you love.


Keywords - Husband, father, counselor, understanding, kind, artistic, spiritual.



Queen of Cups/Hearts – You are such a wonderful friend, mate, wife, and mother. You're spiritual and genuinely care about people and nature. As a Queen of Cups, you're probably highly sensitive and, of the four Queens, most likely to suffer from cold sores and other stress-related symptoms due to your emotions. Beware of investing your love for too long in the wrong people and situations (see Relationship Red Flags). If so, turn to the solace of an older woman, mother, grandmother, or motherly figure for understanding, advice, and support.


Keywords - Wife, mother, psychic, nurturing, sensitive, empathic, or codependent and hypersensitive.



Knight of Cups – You are the prince charming, the proposal, one dreams of and waits for, but you can be a bit fickle and womanizing at your worst. Don't stay up so late or party so often. It will lead to a poor attitude and ill health. Pace yourself and your "loves". And, if you think wearing a condom will protect you against all STDS, think again. 


Keywords- Male, romance, a proposal, idealism, a Romeo. 


NOTE: There is no Knight in a deck of ordinary playing cards.



Page (Jack) of Cups/Hearts - A sensitive, curious, playful youth with a need to give and receive love. An invitation to open your heart to a higher level of emotional sharing. Be careful about spreading germs (colds, influenza, COVID, Herpes Simplex Virus) to others when being affectionate. Pouting, escapist behaviors, and disillusionment can be a part of this picture.


Keywords - A young person, a happy message, new emotions, a birth (probably a girl), a fresh plan.



10 of Cups/Hearts – Everything on the home front is wonderful. Harmony abounds. Life is a dreamy fairytale. Be sure to keep a record of what’s presently working to avoid future conflict and quarrels. When reversed, seek balance in all things to maintain your health, and don't forget to drink 8-10 glasses of water each day.


Keywords - Domestic harmony, happy family, friendships or domestic strife, neglect, or violence.



9 of Cups/Hearts – You get your wish! Whatever it is you want, you are getting it! Just be sure what you wish for is good for you. Don't be a glutton. It will only make you sick or break out in a rash. Sometimes, this card says "No or Not Yet". Meaning, your wishes will go unfulfilled. If you find yourself emotionally unfulfilled, ask yourself who or what is not fulfilling you and how you can become more "joy-full". Then, begin taking small steps toward that.


Keywords - Wishes granted, plenty, desires fulfilled or wishes unmet.



8 of Cups/Hearts – You're walking away. You no longer feel the way you used to about a person, situation, or thing. Something remains to be salvaged from this ordeal, but it’s up to you whether you choose to care at this point. In health readings, whether it's from a broken heart or stress-related symptoms, this card implies walking away from detrimental habits and choosing new ones, so you can heal. Sometimes, the 8 of Cups represents someone walking away from you. Did someone reject you because you were honest with them? Let them go. You deserve better.


Keywords - Moving on, a change of heart, leaving, and walking away.



7 of Cups/Hearts – You are mostly daydreaming and weighing your options at this point. Inspiration is coming from different sources. At some point, soon, you will need to be more objective. Confusion plays a role in whatever health issues you are facing. There is a need to be more clear about what you are dealing with. 


Keywords - Daydreaming, scattered energies, escapism, uncertainty.



6 of Cups/Hearts – Our memories can be gifts that befriend us and help us move forward in life or hold us back. Any health issues you are experiencing (or feelings about them) are likely related to something that happened in the past (good or bad) or have a genetic component. A "gift" of sorts may be on the way that will soothe some of your hurts. Another possibility is that you've been in your "cups" and are suffering from a hangover.


Keywords - Nostalgia, childhood, something returns, memories from the past (positive or negative).



5 of Cups/Hearts – To say you are disappointed may be an understatement. The novelty has worn off, and an unwanted reality has set in. The 5 of Cups might appear when you're a herpes newbie but it could be anything that's hurt you or lost it's appeal. Perhaps you are pining for what was or could have been. The truth is it is up to you to create your own heaven. Watch out for symptoms of clinical depression, which is anger turned inward.


Keywords - Disappointment, burned out, something lost, betrayal, regret, or abuse. So that you know, someone giving you herpes on purpose is an act of abuse. 



4 of Cups/Hearts - This card implies you feel you have nothing to look forward to in life (life's pains can do that). You’re withdrawn and wrapped up in your own little world. That’s OK. Just be sure to come out of your shell soon before you miss what’s being handed to you. It's far better to seek success and fail than to never try at all. However, being in a state of apathy can become a bad habit and, in health readings, pouting will keep you from aiding your own recovery.


Keywords - Withdrawal, dissatisfaction, fussy, and re-evaluation.



3 of Cups/Hearts – Happy times, something to celebrate, feeling joyful, and being surrounded by like-minded people. A time for getting together with friends, family, and groups, especially for the womenfolk. If you can’t meet in person, make phone calls, send emails, or engage in positive social media. It’s crucial to accept invitations right now. Seek out female alternative therapists for health-related issues.


Keywords - Feminine get-togethers, festivities, celebrations, good times, gratefulness or, when reversed, a quieter (inner) celbration or nothing to celibrate at this time and cancellations.



2 of Cups/Hearts – Partnerships, usually dealing with emotions, are the focus here. You may be entering a relationship, falling in love with your partner all over again, getting engaged, or working with a business partner you really like. Be honest by placing your expectations (and secrets that might affect your new partner) on the table to avoid incompatibility and arguments later. In health readings, you may be dealing with issues related to bodily pairs (eyes, ears, breasts, lungs, kidneys, ovaries) or a pair of bodies (think safe sex).


Keywords - A happy union, romance, harmony, or incompatibilities. 



The Tarot Suit of Cups Holistic Alternative Associations


Tarot Cups people respond well to therapies involving water, such as soaking, swimming, taking walks in the rain, listening to ocean sounds, being near bodies of water, and finding ways to share love.


Eating BLUE foods, such as blueberries, eggplant, purple cabbage, and prunes are also helpful. However, BLUE food remedies are Tarot-related by color association only and may or may not agree with remedies related to temperaments. Always follow your temperament when looking to remedy an ailment. Cups represent the Phlegmatic temperament, which may or may not be your particular temperament.


Herbs and essential oils to strengthen Water signs are basil, chamomile (all types), Douglass fir, eucalyptus, inula, jasmine, lavender, lemon balm (melissa), marjoram, peppermint, pine, rose, rosemary, tea tree, thyme, vanilla, and white Musk. 



Stones & Crystals for Cups/Phlegmatic Temperament


Stones and crystals according to the Suit of Cups would be those that are shades of BLUE. However, according to the temperament the Suit of Cups represents, they would be BLUE, GREEN, and ROSE (see below).


Phlegmatic 1 (Blue): Blue sapphire, lapis lazuli, blue lace agate, blue topaz, blue chalcedony, blue calcite, blue opal, aquamarine, sapphire, celestite, blue kyanite, angelite, celestite, blue tourmaline, turquoise, and nephrite


Phlegmatic 2 (Green): Moss agate, green aventurine, olivine, emerald, lapis lazuli, rose quartz, malachite, pink kunzite, pink opal, rhodochrosite, jade, rhodonite, chrysoprase, pink rhodonite, rose quartz, green or pink tourmaline, and pink coral

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