The Green Aura Color Personality

The Green Aura Color Personality relates to the WATER element, shades of Green and Rose, the Phlegmatic 2 Temperament, the Throat (Visuddha) and Heart (Anahata) chakras, the element of Water, the season of Summer (esoteric) or Fall (pagan), Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, the Tarot Suit of Cups, The Tree of Life: World of Briah (Creation), the senses of Sound and Touch, the Soul Body, the emotion of Sadness, and VAM (part of God's name). It vibrates at 639 Hz.

Green Anatomical Correspondences


The green aura corresponds with the heart, chest, breast, lungs, ribs, diaphragm, shoulder, arms, hands, sense of touch, and circulatory system. It supports the thymus gland and the sense of touch.



Green Color Meanings & Associations


The Green Aura Color Personality is associated with the heart chakra (heart and lungs): Love and relationships.


  • Green: Growth, healing, harmony, social, quickness, organization, and possibilities.
  • Aqua Green: Peace and healing love.
  • Turquoise: A healer or therapist, being tranquil, protective, and sensitive.
  • Rose: Love, friendship, and intimacy.



Green Color Emotional/Mental State


Able to teach, social, loves people, animals, and nature, sympathetic, empathic, responsible, harmonious, sharing, natural, contented, and quick-minded. Green is fascinated with the metaphysical and, very likely, psychic.



The Green Aura Color Personality (Strengths)


Greens are empathic to the extreme. Not only can they feel what others are feeling, but they can also see the beginning of a problem to the end and back without much mental effort. Their thinking processes are almost computer-like, jumping from point one to point ten, with signals being picked up, scanned, and spit back out in patterns that would take the rest of us hours to understand. You will never win an argument with a Green Aura Color Personality. They already know where you are coming from and where you are going and, usually, have the following sentence ready. Not understanding their talent, it would be beneficial if Green understood only some share this gift.


Greens are organized planners, having the ability to get everything done efficiently. They are open to change, have excellent communication skills, and enjoy passing on information. Greens aren't always aware they are full of healing energy. They can heal others with loving energy, even from a distance. Greens care very much about humanity, nature, and the environment. You'll find them in the all-natural section of the grocery store purchasing organic dish soap.


Greens are selective about their friends and how they spend their money. They may be less interactive in social settings and are often social observers. They have no problem waiting for the right moment to arrive. Not wanting to feel choppy waters all around them makes them hesitate. Both security and personal growth are essential to Green in relationships (which may be rocky due to Green's ability to feel truths more than most) and finances.


Greens are loyal until disrespected. Then it is over. Without respect, there is no love. Employment may be a problem. As their interests differ, they might not know what to focus on and feel socially unacceptable. It is hard for the Green to settle for the practical or less. Hence, they continually strive to understand their relationships and their life purpose. Greens are often uniquely self-employed in positions that offer money, power, and prestige, which doesn't have as much to do with the ego as the wish to skip over unpleasant work situations.



Green Aura Color Personality Occupations


Therapist, homeopathy, naturopath, medium, writer, teacher, or salesperson (only sales that don't require persuasion)



Challenges for Greens (Weaknesses)


Greens tend to get upset with others who do not have the speedy mental and empathic abilities they have. Furthermore, they get irritated with those who don't do things as well as they do. (Not everyone can see a task through to such perfection!) The problem lies in that Greens believe that all people are born with these qualities, and if they do not use them, they consider them ignorant.


It would benefit Green to accept their unique qualities as "gifts". Most Greens will not agree, however. Being this empathic can feel like a curse. It is hard to go through life sensing people's true feelings and needs. Some Greens are so highly sensitive they develop phobias.


Additionally, Greens who do not know how to manage their gifts may attract needy or abusive people and relationships out of a desire to belong. Greens tend to be reclusive, but this won't do. They have much to share and will wither if they don't. Of all the aura-color personalities, Green most often falls into the highly sensitive category.



Possible Health Issues for Greens


Physical health issues might include heart problems (disease, Angina, heart palpitations, irregular heartbeat, heart attack), circulatory problems, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, respiratory problems (Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Asthma, cold and flu), allergies (and Histamine Intolerance), poor sleep, bowel dysfunctions (cramps, spasms, ulcers, IBS), weak immune system, upper back and shoulder pain, and breast lumps or Breast Cancer.


Emotional health issues might involve irritability, aloofness, lack of compassion, being distrusting or too trusting, emotionally reserved, self-centered, smothering, codependent, over-nice, over-giving, effusive, unable to act in a kind or loving manner, excessively empathic, defensiveness, difficult to please, grieving for too long a period, Anxiety, Depression, judgmental or sympathy seeking. Green's need for acceptance may be interpreted as love for another person.


The heart chakra is often related to the color rose as well. A thymus chakra is located right above the heart chakra, which governs the thymus gland. This "high heart" is often called the soul seat and relates to the sense of touch and the color of turquoise. It is our connection to humanity, compassion, self-worth, and esteem. The heart chakra has a significant influence on telepathy. It's powerful in babies and children, waning in adolescence. Problems in this area lead to immune issues, self-righteousness, and an attitude of entitlement and coldness.

Raising Heart Green & Phlegmatic Temperament Energy Levels

A low Aura Energy Self-Test score in Green often means a lack of growth and a certain amount of stress in your life. Green relates to the heart chakra. The Green personality can't survive without unconditional love. A low score may indicate there are changes that you are resisting. Perhaps you are stagnating in a poor relationship.


Try being more selective of the people and situations you allow yourself to be a part of. As an HSP, you are empathic, which means you pick up vibes from others. Be around others whom you feel love you. Be open to change. You can only do this if you are relaxed and feel free. Above all, seek like-minded people to be around.


Visit places where you can enjoy being a spectator, such as museums, operas, plays, or a fair. Surround yourself with beautiful things. Buy some flowers. Spend some time in nature. If there is a way to become more involved with humanitarianism, do so.



Green & Massage


Massaging the breast line (across the top of the rib cage) helps with breast cysts, milk production, lymphatic disorders, lungs, heart, circulatory system, arms, and hands.



Supportive Essential Oils for Green


Basil, chamomile (all types), douglass fir, eucalyptus, inula, jasmine, lavender, lemon balm (melissa), marjoram, peppermint, pine, rose, rosemary, tea tree, thyme, vanilla, and white musk



Supportive Stones & Crystals for Green


Moss agate, green aventurine, olivine, emerald, lapis lazuli, rose quartz, malachite, pink kunzite, pink opal, rhodochrosite, jade, rhodonite, chrysoprase, pink rhodonite, rose quartz, green/pink tourmaline, and pink coral



Green Sound: YAM



Green Musical Note: F



Foods to Energize Green


Based on color, apples, pears, green grapes, green beans, lettuce, lime, kiwi, limes, cabbage, avocado, spinach, kale, peas, leeks, green onion, green herbs, such as basil, oregano, and thyme. All green herbs, vitamins, and minerals may benefit the Green Aura Color Personality.



Choosing Food & Herbal Remedies Based on the Phlegmatic Temperament


Phlegmatics seem to do well on both vegetarian and traditional diets. Milk, dairy products (including cheeses), wheat (and other foods containing gluten), refined sugar, starches and flours, very cold and icy foods and drinks and moist, creamy, rich foods will bother the Phlegmatic temperament.


The idea is to provide your body with nutrients opposite your dominant humors to correct humor imbalances.


Phlegmatics have a primarily COLD/WET constitution. You would choose HOT and DRY nutrients to create balance and restore health and wellness.


HOT Choices: Choose from onions, garlic, ginger, chicken, horseradish, walnuts, duck, lamb, garbanzo beans, lentils, lemon, apple, olives, aged cheeses, walnuts, peppers, cayenne, chives, astragalus root, chai, ginger, cloves, cardamom, and any foods or nutrients that stimulate the metabolism or make one sweat. Foods served hot or roasted are also considered "heating" foods and tend to increase warmth.


DRY Choices: Dry food choices are also considered "Light". Choose from rice cakes, popcorn, corn, most beans (such as garbanzo), sunflower seeds, pomegranates, asparagus, dried fruits, aged cheeses, any foods or nutrients that are physically dry, such as bread or crackers, or that aid in eliminating excess body fluid through sweating or urinating.


HOT or DRY Herb Choices: Astragalus (HOT/DRY), holy basil (HOT/DRY), rosemary (HOT/DRY), turmeric (HOT/DRY), motherwort (Neutral/DRY), valerian (WARM), ginger (WARM), cannabis (WARM/DRY), wild yam (WARM/DRY), calendula (WARM/DRY), hyssop (WARM/DRY), club moss (WARM/DRY), golden seal (HOT/DRY), nettles (HOT/DRY), echinacea (HOT/DRY), elecampane (HOT/DRY), lavender flowers (HOT/DRY), thyme (HOT/DRY), basil (WARM), hawthorn berry (WARM), safflower (WARM), wild cherry bark (WARM), juniper berry (WARM), watercress (WARM), skullcap (WARM), rue (WARM), dong quai (WARM)


You'll find that many of the same foods considered HOT are also DRY, but not all.


Neutral food and herbs choices are raspberries, elderberries, calendula flowers, flaxseed, chaste berry, carrots, parsley, oat straw, parsley, psyllium, motherwort, blackberries, and lemon balm.


The dietary information above is not condition-specific.



Implementing Green in Wardrobe & Decor


Green helps to increase growth, luck, femininity, fertility, freshness, nature, healing, harmony, love, empathy, nurturance, abundance, stability, balance, youth, and promising possibilities.


Because color is absorbed through the eyes and skin, color-gazing meditations are a super easy way of balancing your energy and your emotions.  Simply gaze at Green for 30 seconds or longer, until you start to feel your interest wane for an instant boost of energy or calm.



Utilizing Green in Prayer & Rituals


Green restores, heals, balances, creates abundance and financial increase, eases stressful situations, increases persistence and fertility, and promotes growth.



Role Models Helping to Increase the Energy of the Heart Chakra


People who help us increase our heart chakra's energy are those who love us unconditionally.



Engaging the Sense of Touch to Increase the Energy of the Heart Chakra


Discover sense-based activities for increasing your sense of touch here

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