The Violet Aura Color Personality

The Violet Aura Color Personality relates to the FIRE element, shades of White, Gold, Violet, and Indigo, the Choleric 1 Temperament, the Crown (Sahasrara) and Brow (Ajna) chakras, the season of Spring (esoteric) or Summer (pagan), Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, the Tarot Suit of Wands, The Tree of Life: World of Atzilut (of Emanation), the Sense of Spirit and the Spirit Body, the emotion of Anger, and RAM (part of God's name).It vibrates at 963 Hz.

Violet Anatomical Correspondences


The crown chakra corresponds with the the pineal gland, right eye, brain (cerebrum and cerebral cortex), upper skull, muscle system, skeletal system, and skin.



Violet Color Meanings & Associations 


Violet relates to the crown chakra (understanding and knowledge).


  • Violet: Intuitive, theorist, futuristic, visionary, noble, leadership ability, and innovative.
  • Lavender: Imagination, fantasy, fragility, daydreamer, sensitive, and ethereal.
  • Orchid/Purple: Deeply spiritual, perceptive, worldly, magnetic, and mystical.
  • Dark Purple: Passionate, independent, and morally strong-willed.
  • Muddy Purple or Dark Violet: Stingy or selfish, obstacles to face



Violet Color Emotional/Mental State


Magical, futuristic, divine intuition, psychic ability, idealistic, transmutation, guidance, theoretic, visionary, charismatic, innovative, inventive, spiritual, and non-conformist



The Violet Aura Color Personality (Strengths)


Although Violets may appear cold and indifferent to others, they are deep and passionate on the inside. They love intense conversations that serve some meaningful purpose. Although a natural loner, sharing lofty ideals can spell heaven to them, especially if it elicits interested followers. Healthy Violets convey universal life energy combined with practicality, which means they can follow up on their visions for the future in a common-sense way. This simplicity may seem like magic to most people because Violet always seems, without effort, to place all of the pieces of life exactly where they should go. They pour all of their energy (with help from ties to universal energy) into causes and beliefs.


Violets inspire others through enthusiasm and dedication. They are extremely driven and are natural leaders who communicate boldly but simply in a motivating manner. They educate the masses and inspire lofty ideals.


Like Indigo (and attached to Indigo), they intuitively understand foreign and ancient ideas and are natural researchers. Violets hear a calling and pursue it! The rest of us consider Violet to be courageous (perhaps even heroes) and, at the least, innovative. Violets rely on faith. Violets know they are here for a higher purpose, to do something extraordinary. They just may not be sure what it is or how to do it, which can drive a Violet a little nuts.


On a personal note, Violet has a wonderful sense of humor but rarely shows it. They cannot tolerate anyone laughing at what they consider to be their mission. Violets light the way for others and will do nothing to be taken less seriously.



Violet Aura Color Personality Occupations for Violet


Police officer, politician, priest, demonstrator, or activist



Challenges for Violets (Weaknesses)


Because Violets keep their feelings to themselves, it is hard for others to see the effect of their thoughts on Violets. It also makes it difficult for Violet to find help pursuing their goals, dreams, and visions.


Violets may seem unapproachable and somehow "above" the rest of us. On the outside, Violets seem unbothered, but Violet's inner churnings can be choppy, especially when Violets intuitively sense negative impressions about what others feel toward them, making Violet doubt their abilities and even God. It would help Violet to know that if they are questioning themselves and the world they live in, they are further along than most of us already.


To share that wonderful hidden sense of humor and risk being seen as human after all (and being accepted for it) would benefit Violet and increase their inner strength, rather than take it away, as Violet expects. Laughter is medicinal for Violet.



Possible Health Issues for Violet


Physical health issues might include headaches, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, neuralgia, Epilepsy, Alzheimer's, hypersensitivity (chemical sensitivity, food allergies, pain sensitivity, sensitivity to light or sound), insomnia, muscular-skeletal disorders (including pain), Fibromyalgia Syndrome, senility, energy disorders, and nervous exhaustion.


Emotional health issues might involve being ungrounded, spiritual depression or attack, confusion, Psychotic or Manic Depression or other mental problems, feeling a loss of purpose or meaning in life, a lack of spiritual awareness or faith, a Messiah complex, being out of touch with the world, fanaticism, narcissism, lack of spiritual beliefs or conscience, religious issues, anxiety, feeling haunted, attracting negative spirits, chronic negativity, and stigmata.

Raising The Crown Violet & Choleric Temperament Energy Levels

A low Aura Energy Self-Test score in Violet may indicate you need to be in touch with your dreams. Violets are the visionaries and dreamers. Martin Luther King was a Violet personality. You may not aspire to become a world leader, but you can be a leader among your circle of family, friends, and community as long as you stay connected to universal energy or spirit.


If there is something you should be doing, do it. Is there something you have invented or would like to? Is there a positive message you would like to present somewhere?


Do you need help with your faith? Meditate on your goals. Get involved in things related to your faith or philosophies in life (fellowships, church, organizations, a belief in some “cause”).


Violets are often afraid to show their feelings. It may be time to show others you have a great sense of humor and can laugh at yourself. Try not to take others’ criticisms to heart. Use them instead to fuel your determination to succeed.



Violet & Massage


Head massage helps with head injuries, stroke, stress, confusion, headaches, mental clarity, depression, motor thinking and functions, and the balance of the left and right hemispheres of the brain and the Central Nervous System (CNS).



Supportive Essential Oils for Violet


Cedarwood, clary sage, frankincense, hyssop, jasmine, juniper, lavender, myrrh, peppermint, sandalwood, rosemary, rosewood, viola, violet leaf, and white spruce



Supportive Stones & Crystals for Violet


Clear quartz crystal, amethyst (deep violet), fluorite, diamond (clear), rock crystal, sugilite, onyx, and opal



Violet Sound: LA



Violet Musical Note: B



Implementing Violet in Wardrobe & Décor


Violet helps one to have more vision, ambition, nobility, leadership ability, and strong values. It increases spirituality, sensitivity, intuition, imagination, mysticism, regeneration, and restoration. It reduces nervousness, especially related to addictions.


Because color is absorbed through the eyes and skin, color-gazing meditations are a super easy way of balancing your energy and your emotions.  Simply gaze at Violet for 30 seconds or longer, until you start to feel your interest wane for an instant boost of energy or calm.



Blue, Violet & Indigo Foods to Energize Violet


Based on aura color, plums, blueberries, purple and black grapes, kelp, seaweed, asparagus, purple broccoli, cabbage, aubergines, and prunes. vitamin E, potassium, and St. John’s Wort may help to energize the Violet Aura Color Personality.



Choosing Food & Herbal Remedies Based on the Choleric Temperament


Cholerics tend to do very well on vegetarian diets. Ordinary table salt and salty foods, aged cheeses, vinegar and alcohol, high fat and fried foods, excessive red meat, highly sour foods, fermented foods, and very hot spices will bother the Choleric temperament.


To correct humor imbalances, the idea is to provide your body with the nutrients opposite your dominant humors. Let's say you have a primarily HOT/DRY constitution. You would choose COLD and WET (MOIST) nutrients to create balance and restore health and wellness.


COLD Choices: Cold foods are also considered "Cooling". Choose from mint, banana, most tropical fruits, milk and dairy, fresh cheeses, lettuce, melons, cucumber, watermelon, fish, dandelion leaves and root, bee pollen, alfalfa, plantain, beets, wild lettuce, most bitters, and any foods or nutrients that sedate the metabolism and relieve excess heat.


WET (Moist) Choices: Wet and moist foods are also considered "heavy". Choose from beef, eggplant, avocados, raspberries, cherries, watermelon, peaches, dark red and blueberries, oysters, all fat from meat and fish, various types of meat in moderation, vinegar, lemon, coconut, bee pollen, and all rich or oily foods or foods that are emollient.


COLD or WET Herb Choices: red raspberry (COLD), Chinese rhubarb (COLD), lemon peel (COLD), Oregon grape root (COLD), vervain (COLD), self heal (COLD), uva ursi (COLD), aloe vera (COLD), white willow (COLD), milk thistle (COLD), marshmallow root (COOL/MOIST), catnip (COLD/MOIST), comfrey leaf (COLD/MOIST), slippery elm (COLD/MOIST), passionflower (COOL), bladderwrack, kelp, Irish moss (COOL), black cohosh (Cool), peppermint (COOL), elderflowers (COOL), feverfew (COOL)


Some COLD foods can also be considered WET, but not all.


Neutral food and herbs choices are raspberries, elderberries, calendula flowers, flaxseed, chaste berry, carrots, parsley, oat straw, parsley, psyllium, motherwort, blackberries, and lemon balm.


The dietary information above is not condition-specific.  



Utilizing Violet in Prayer & Ritual


Violet, in ritual, adds spiritual perspective and communication not just with higher beings but also between friends. It is meditative and comforting and yet encourages moving beyond boundaries.



Role Models Helping to Increase the Energy of the Crown Chakra


People who help us to increase the energy of our crown chakra are gurus, mentors, and saints.



The Crown Chakra is also associated with White, Silver, and Gold


  • White Wardrobe & Décor - Purity, cleanliness, spirituality, a sense of “uplift”. Increase healing, unity, illumination, and enlightenment. White stands for a higher dimension, connection to truth, protection, purification, fidelity, transformation, and love of all life. Use White when you are unsure of another color to use.


  • Silver in Wardrobe & Décor - For self-confidence, enlightenment, and others, wanted pregnancy, and extreme creativity.


  • Silver in Ritual - Produces enlightenment during lunar rituals.


  • Gold Wardrobe & Décor - For capability, discipline, perseverance, luck, charm, and fortune. 


  • Gold in Ritual - Brings wealth, charisma, the wisdom of the self, and employment.



Engaging the Sense of Spirit to Increase the Energy of the Crown Chakra


Discover sense-based activities for increasing your sense of spirit here.

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