The Aura Energy Self-Test

The Aura Energy Self-Test is a comprehensive tool that unveils your aura's predominant colors, imbalances in your constitutional temperament, and your personality's strengths and weaknesses. By understanding these aspects, you can embark on a journey to become calmer, more energetic, and radiant.


One of the great things about the Aura Energy Self-Test is that you can retake it at any time to determine any positive or negative changes to your aura whenever you feel a shift in energy or after having tried out some new therapies to see if they have been of benefit in balancing your energies. Some holistic alternatives, such as aromatherapy, may work immediately, while others, such as changes in diet, may take up to 90 days before showing any changes to your test results. Give yourself two weeks between testing to check for benefits from trying new things.


It's important to understand there are no good or bad colors in auras, which means there are neither good nor bad color personalities. Your aura colors reveal information about your body, mind, and spirit through shades of color.



How to Record Your Aura Energy-Self-Test Scores


The Aura Energy Self-Test has seven sections, each containing eleven questions. Answer each of the questions with one of the following statements:


  • Never/Rarely/Hardly Ever
  • Sometimes/Often
  • Usually/Always


There are no wrong answers on this test. Base your answers on how you feel today or over the past two or three weeks. Grab a piece of paper and something to write with.


Draw seven horizontal lines across the page. At the top of this page, from left to right, write 1-11 at equal distances apart, as shown below.


Next, include the parts of the test by writing the numbers 1-7 vertically down the left-hand side of the paper, as shown in the chart below. Start with the number 7 at the top of your column. 

After taking the test, begin recording how many times you circled “Usually/Always” in Parts 1 through 7 on the test.


For example, if you circled “Usually/Always” nine times in Part 1, you would then go to Part 1 on your test results sheet and circle the ninth star to the right on that line. Continue on this way for all seven parts of the test. Once you have circled your stars for each part of the test, connect them, as shown below.

Part 7 of the test represents the Crown chakra at the top of your head. The Root chakra, located in the area of your tailbone, is represented by Part 1. On the scoresheet above, you can easily see that Part 1 has the highest score. Your highest score reveals your predominant aura color. In the chart above, the dominant aura color is Red.

How to Determine Your Constitutional Temperament 

To determine your constitutional temperament and any temperament imbalances, you'll first need to understand something about the four humors.


1. Yellow Bile ~ Hot/Dry ~ Choleric ~ (Fire/Tarot Wands)

2. Phlegm ~ Cold/Moist ~ Phlegmatic ~ (Water/Tarot Cups

3. Blood ~ Hot/Moist ~ Sanguine ~ (Air/Tarot Swords)

4. Black Bile ~ Cold/Dry ~ Melancholic ~ (Earth/Tarot Coins


Each of us carries within us all four humors. The key to our well-being lies in maintaining a delicate balance among them. When these humors are in harmony, we feel energetic, resilient, and hopeful. However, when they are unbalanced, we can experience a range of symptoms, from fatigue and irritability to sadness and hypersensitivity (FISH). This hypersensitivity can even manifest as physical pain. 


Each part of the Aura Energy Self-Test relates to a particular aura color and humor. 


Part 7: Violet Aura/Choleric 1

Part 6: Indigo Aura/Choleric 2

Part 5: Blue Aura/Phlegmatic 1

Part 4: Green Aura/Phlegmatic 2

Part 3: Yellow/ Sanguine 1

Part 2: Orange/Sanguine 2

Part 1: Red/Melancholic


To determine YOUR temperament and any potential imbalances, you'll look at any low test scores. Low scores are less than 5.5 on the score sheet. Low scares represent imbalances in your humors (and your chakras). For example, let's say you scored 4 in Part 2, which would mean your Sanguine humor is unbalanced (as well as your Sacral chakra). So what to do? You would click Sanguine 2 (directly above) and use the therapies mentioned under Raising Sacral Orange & Sanguine Temperament Energy Levels. to increase the energy of that humor, chakra, and overall aura. Easy!


It’s time to discover your true color!

The Aura Energy Self-Test

Part 1.


  • Sitting still can be annoying. I'd rather be up, doing something, or exercising.
  • Finances and making money is a focus for me most of the time.
  • I feel strongly about my beliefs and don't like them questioned.
  • Whatever activity I choose to do, I work at it very hard.
  • I prefer to experience things in life, rather than just talk about them.
  • I feel more confident and prefer to work physically with my hands or my body.
  • It is important to me that I see quick results, which sometimes makes me hurry projects.
  • When something needs doing, I don't procrastinate. I dive in and get it done!
  • I am sexual, and a healthy sex life is extremely important.
  • I usually am extremely resourceful and find ways of working with what I have.
  • I tend to become irritated, volatile, or overwhelmed with relationship complexities.



Part 2.


  • I can choose my own path and do my own thing in life.
  • It is vital for me to feel connected to others emotionally.
  • I have or would like to have an unusual job or career.
  • Personal independence and freedom are essential to me.
  • I have to admit, I am a bit of a thrill-seeker!
  • My personal self-esteem is directly influenced by my relationships.
  • Making a good first impression is paramount!
  • I almost always keep my home and my work environment tidy and clean.
  • I feel better when the things I own are of higher quality.
  • Sex is fun and a pleasure for me.
  • I help my guests feel as comfortable in my home as I am.



Part 3.


  • I enjoy finding new solutions, organizing, and planning strategies.
  • I laugh and play nearly every day and enjoy bringing humor to situations.
  • Intellectual conversations stimulate me, and I enjoy them immensely.
  • In general, I dislike taking orders from anyone no matter how nicely put.
  • I am sunny and joyful most of the time.
  • I take great pride in those things that I am an expert at or know much about.
  • It is crucial that I remain in control of my job, relationships, and life.
  • I am often preoccupied with my thoughts and details.
  • Although I can be very competitive, I am always very fair as well.
  • I am physically sensitive to stressful people and situations.
  • I tend to over-analyze everything and not know how I feel.



Part 4.


  • I prefer to be an observer, rather than a doer, at social gatherings.
  • I enjoy teaching or presenting new ideas and information to people and groups.
  • I tend to be a perfectionist, and I am incredibly efficient and organized.
  • I see patterns in situations and quickly compute the result in my mind.
  • I genuinely care about humanitarian and environmental issues.
  • I prefer to plan or manage, rather than actually perform the work.
  • I have so many talents that it is hard to know which to focus on.
  • Because of my need to be liked by others, I sometimes attract negative, abusive people.
  • I need to understand my life’s purpose or calling.
  • I get irritated with others who don't do things as well as I do.
  • I am usually open to change but need time to feel things out first.



Part 5.


  • It is important to me that others close to me believe in God and love.
  • I enjoy being with family and friends on pretty much a daily basis.
  • I am more concerned about others than myself and continually look for ways to help.
  • I have trouble saying no to others, even when I would like to.
  • Love and affection are more important to me than sex or passion.
  • I enjoy graceful sports such as ice skating and skiing, even if just to watch.
  • When group decisions are made, I strongly prefer that all agree.
  • I easily laugh or cry when I am emotional.
  • I am a natural parent, nurturer, and caretaker.
  • I have trouble asking for what I need emotionally or physically.
  • I try to avoid conflict like the plague and have a hard time with it.



Part 6.


  • I often ask people to do things differently than the way they have in the past.
  • I rarely feel the need to be governed by rules, as I would not break them anyway.
  • In my heart, I am deeply committed to a few close friends.
  • I am sexual, sensitive, and intuitive, all at the same time.
  • I relish having time alone to pursue the topics of my interest.
  • I have very high expectations. Love, loyalty, and trust mean everything to me.
  • I feel overwhelmed and exhausted by crowds, bright lights, and noisy places.
  • I feel familiar with the things I learn as if I've already learned them somehow.
  • I prefer to express myself through artistic avenues, rather than physically or verbally.
  • I have high moral standards and unique viewpoints that others don't always share.
  • I need the freedom to live out my inner beliefs, morals, and values.



Part 7.


  • I am interested in metaphysical topics, such as angels, auras, and oracles.
  • I feel driven to follow my vision, even when it seems impossible.
  • Not being able to follow my calling leaves me bitter and angry.
  • I believe in signs and see connections and messages in everything around me.
  • Though I feel something of a loner, I often end up the center of attention.
  • I quickly and intuitively catch on to different philosophies and ancient ideas.
  • I love talking to new people, one on one, about my dreams and ideals.
  • I am a natural researcher and often see signs and connections that others miss.
  • I am much more passionate and emotional than I let the world know.
  • I have a tough time with those who would criticize or laugh at my values.
  • I need to make a noticeable and positive difference in the world.



Understanding Your Aura Energy Self-Test Results


After entering your test scores from each part of the test, using your pencil, connect the stars, which will give you a clear picture of your dominating aura color and which of your chakras have the highest and lowest energy levels. As mentioned, your most dominant color represents your aura color personality. 


Dominating colors may change from time to time based on your thoughts, circumstances, and state of health. You may find you have more than one dominating aura color, which means you share aura traits associated with your dominating aura colors. If this is the case, you should read over the individual Aura Color Personality Reports to see which one resonates the most. 


To help you visualize your test results, notice the circular lights in the body's center in the picture of the aura below. The 3rd chakra, the Yellow Solar Plexus chakra, is much larger and brighter than the others in the photograph below, represented by a higher score in Part 3 of the test. 

An example of an aura photo taken by an InnerActive Aura Video Station (Courtesy of

Compatible & Conflicting Aura Colors


The color of your aura can help you understand why when making choices in life, some decisions are easy while others seem to make you procrastinate or run into a wall. 


Some dominating aura colors flatter each other, while others oppose each other. For example, Violet and Indigo support each other. The Violet Aura Color Personality has great vision, and the Indigo Aura Color Personality supplies the intuition necessary to make good choices toward Violet's dreams. However, Violet and Green may have conflicts. The Green Aura Color Personality is very rational and organized. It wants to see proof before investing in ideas, especially concerning finances, whereas the Violet is ready to skip down a path of faith. Even though spiritual, Green needs something more concrete. 


When you discover a conflicting set of colors in your aura, try to find a way of making the different aspects of your personality happy. For example, you might be at odds with yourself because humanitarianism and environmental issues mean everything to you. Because of this, you'd like to become a mission worker (the Violet in you), but you also need a certain amount of financial security (the Green in you). If these two parts of your personality can come up with a way to benefit humanity and make money enough to feel secure simultaneously, you will find your bliss. 



The Size of Your Aura 


Where your numbers tally on the Aura Energy Self-Test Score Sheet reflects the size of your aura. Your energy is unbalanced when test scores are way above and below simultaneously (connected dots zig-zag dramatically). When all test scores fall under the midpoint (6), it reflects a smaller aura (balanced or not). When all scores land close to the midpoint (above and below), it suggests a balanced, healthy, medium-sized aura. And when all test scores land above the midpoint, it represents a large, energetic aura. 


  • Small auras have lower energy levels, which means lower physical energy levels. Those with smaller auras are often seen as timid and more introverted.


  • Medium auras have a strong presence, brilliant color, and good health. Those with medium auras sometimes lose focus but can achieve their dreams by setting smart goals.


  • Large auras are powerful and radiant. You can feel strength radiating from these folks. They often use their magnetism and charisma to achieve their dreams. If you have a large aura, chances are you are visionary and in optimal health.



Your Aura's Yin & Yang Balance


Yin represents the feminine (more receptive) in all things. Yang represents masculinity (more outgoing) in all things. Just as each human body on earth contains male and female hormones, auras also have male and female aspects. Cooler aura colors are considered Yin, more emotional, and receptive. Warmer colors are considered Yang, which is more physical and active. Just as you need to find balance in other areas of your life, such as diet, work, and relaxation, keeping Yin and Yang balanced in your personality is helpful.



Interpreting Individual Chakra Energy Levels


Once again, find the midpoint (6) on the score sheet. Any test scores above six on your score sheet represent higher chakra energy levels than those to the left. 


  • 8 - 11 Points = High Energy Level Score
  • 4.5 – 7.5 Points = Medium Energy Level Score
  • 1 – 4 Points = Low Energy Level Score


The following interpretations of High, Medium and Low chakra energy levels can help you better understand your overall aura energy balance.



Violet: The 7th Path – Sense of Spirit – The Spiritual Pathway


High: Spiritual qualities, intuitive, charismatic, and visionary.

Medium: Imaginative, futuristic, mystical, and spiritual.

Low: The need for purpose, vision, and direction in life.



Indigo: The 6th Path – Sense of Spirit/Intuition ~ The Intuitive Pathway


High: Highly intuitive, academic, artistic, calm, and introverted.

Medium: Deep inner feelings and average intuitive and artistic abilities.

Low: The need to listen to your inner voice and clarify values.



Blue: The 5th Path – Sense of Sound


High: Strong verbal expression of thoughts and emotions.

Medium: Medium communicative qualities and very sensitive.

Low: Prone to limit emotional and verbal expression.



Green: The 4th Path – Sense of Touch


High: Very empathic, sensitive, loving, and compassionate.

Medium: Medium communicative, very caring, and sensitive (HSP) qualities.

Low: The need to be able to open the heart and share more deeply.



Yellow: The 3rd Path – Sense of Sight


High: Highly intellectual and analytical, curious, and playful.

Medium: Medium intellectual, analytical, and easy-going.

Low: Intellectual and analytical with the need to increase joy.



Orange: The 2nd Path – Sense of Taste


  • High: Strongly productive and emotionally expressive.
  • Medium: Medium productivity and enjoyment, analytical and structured.
  • Low: The need to utilize talents and increase emotional expression.



Red: The 1st Path – Sense of Smell - The Physical Pathway


  • High: Very radiant qualities, such as passion, determination, and stamina.
  • Medium: Medium life energy, physically active, competitive, strong willpower.
  • Low: Fatigue, stress symptoms, accident proneness, and immune problems.

Your Aura Color Personality Report!

Although The Aura Energy Self-Test Score Sheet midpoint can help you to determine chakra energy levels, it is always up to you to decide whether you feel in or out of balance. Use your judgment. If you feel calm and balanced, do nothing. However, if you feel fatigued, irritable, sad, or hypersensitive (FISH), the energy-balancing remedies in your Aura Color Personality Report can help you recharge. How so?


Each of the reports contains energizing holistic alternatives for raising the energy of that particular chakra. For example, if you are low in RED, click on the Red Aura Color Personality below and (on that page) scroll down to Raising Red Energy Levels.


Each of your chakras also relates to a certain constitutional temperament (and humors), corresponding with specific holistic alternatives. You'll find links to that information below and in your personality report. 


  • The Violet Aura Color Personality Report 
  • The Indigo Aura Color Personality Report
  • The Blue Aura Color Personality Report
  • The Green Aura Color Personality Report
  • The Yellow Aura Color Personality Report
  • The Orange Aura Color Personality Report
  • The Red Aura Color Personality Report

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