The Sanquine Temperament

The Sanguine Temperament corresponds with the AIR element, Blood (HOT/WET), the Solar Plexus (Manipura) and Sacral (Svadhisthana) chakras, the Yellow and Orange Aura Color Personalities, shades of Yellow and Orange, the season of Spring (Pagan) or Fall (Esoteric), The Tree of Life: World of Yetzirah (of Formation), Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini, the Tarot Suit of Swords, the senses of Sight and Taste, the Astral Body, FORMATION, and YAM (part of God's name).

Sanguine ~ Air Element


(+) Able to see the big picture, popular, thrill or stimulation-seeking, expressive, unconventional, sociable, cheerful, casual, penetrating, flexible, independent, intellectual, witty, quick, talkative, carefree, attention-seeking, boisterous, charismatic, friendly, playful, adventurous, lenient, lively, curious, playful, courageous, energetic, hopeful, optimistic, extrovert.


(-) Anti-social, gossipy, fickle, uncaring, tardy, impulsive, chaotic, unpredictable, dishonest, restless, self-centered, stuck in the head, bored easily, sloppy, flighty, disorganized, messy, dramatic, vain, undependable.



The Sanguine Personality (Strengths & Weaknesses)


Sanguine Type 1 is associated with the Yellow Aura Color Personality.

Sanguine Type 2 is associated with the Orange Aura Color Personality.



Food Remedies


Sanguines do well on a very light vegetarian diet (meaning some meats, eggs, and fish). Not eating enough vegetables and fruits and overeating meat will bother the Sanguine temperament.


To correct humor imbalances, the idea is to provide your body with the nutrients opposite your dominant humors. Sanguines have a primarily HOT/WET constitution. You would choose COLD and DRY nutrients to create balance and restore health and wellness.


COLD Choices: Cold foods are also considered "Cooling". Choose from mint, banana, most tropical fruits, milk and dairy, fresh cheeses, lettuce, melons, cucumber, watermelon, fish, dandelion leaves and root, bee pollen, alfalfa, plantain, beets, wild lettuce, most bitters, and any foods or nutrients that sedate the metabolism and relieve excess heat.


DRY Choices: Grains, bread, cereals, crackers (foods that are dry in the mouth), lentils, barley, and coffee.


COLD or DRY Herb Choices: red raspberry (COLD), Chinese rhubarb (COLD), lemon peel (COLD), Oregon grape root (COLD), vervain (COLD), self heal (COLD), uva ursi (COLD), aloe vera (COLD), white willow (COLD), milk thistle (COLD), passionflower (COOL), bladderwrack, kelp, Irish moss (COOL), black cohosh (Cool), peppermint (COOL), elderflowers (COOL), feverfew (COOL), Saint John's Wort (COOL/DRY), white Sage (COOL/DRY), skullcap (COOL/DRY), horehound (COOL/DRY), raspberry (COOL/DRY)


Neutral food and herbs choices are raspberries, elderberries, calendula flowers, flaxseed, chaste berry, carrots, parsley, oat straw, parsley, psyllium, motherwort, blackberries, and lemon balm.


The dietary information above is not condition-specific.



Choosing Herb & Essential Oil Remedies


Sanguine 1 (Yellow): Bergamot, camphor, citronella, evening primrose, geranium, grapefruit, lemon, lemon balm (melissa), lemongrass, juniper, vetiver, and ylang ylang


For the Sanguine 2 (Orange): Bergamot, calendula (marigold), camphor, cardamom, carrot ceed, clary sage, Citronella, evening primrose, geranium, grapefruit, lemon, lemongrass, jasmine, juniper, mandarin, neroli, orange, rose absolute, sandalwood, vetiver, and ylang ylang



Stones & Crystals


Sanguine 1 (Yellow): Golden topaz, yellow amber, yellow citrine, golden tiger eye, yellow aragonite, yellow calcite, Rhodonite, Apache Gold, and Yellow Jasper


For the Sanguine 2 (Orange): Carnelian, tiger eye, orange amber, sunstone, malachite, peach aventurine, yellow/golden topaz, orange agate, yellow jasper, carnelian, moonstone, yellow fluorite, and citrine

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