The Orange Aura Color Personality

The Orange Aura Color Personality relates to the element of AIR, shades of Yellow-Orange, Orange, and Orange-Red, the Sanguine 2 Temperament, the Solar Plexus (Manipura) and Sacral (Svadhisthana) chakras, the season of Spring (pagan) and Fall (esoteric), Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, the Tarot Suit of Swords, The Tree of Life: World of Yetzirah (of Formation),  the senses of Sight and Taste, the Astral Body, the emotion of Fear, and YAM (part of God's name). It vibrates at 417 Hz.

Orange Anatomical Correspondences


The sacral chakra corresponds with the pelvic area or floor, ovaries, testes, lower belly, hip area, lower back and related vertebrae, pelvis, bladder, large intestine, spleen, and sense of taste. It also supports the digestive system.



Orange Color Meanings & Associations


Orange is associated with the sacral chakra, connection, emotions, and productivity.


  • Orange: Creativity, pleasure, connection, adventure, and business
  • Muddy to Brownish Orange: Vanity, pridefulness, arrogance, laziness, and free-loading



Orange Color Emotional/Mental State


Creative, productive, warm, thoughtful, enjoyable, up to a challenge, adventuristic, expressive, analytical, scientific, structured, self-controlled, logical, communicative, productive, healing, and the ability to open one's self to feelings.



The Orange Aura Color Personality (Strengths)


Oranges love to communicate, especially about the bizarre and unusual. Their core motive is independence. They are good at anything they put their minds and hearts to. However, that does not mean that they do not need a connection to others. They love and need it but prefer to chart their own paths in life. Above all, they avoid being controlled by anyone or thing. Many people think they have won an issue with an Orange just because Orange became quiet. They take it for weakness when it's really passive resistance.


Orange recoils from hostility and cruel words and will only explode when they can't take it anymore. When Orange begins to feel stuck, Orange moves on. Running away is often the only option for Orange. Oranges are good listeners and are often guided primarily by their feelings and keen intuition. They are excellent hosts and hostesses and surround themselves with a tidy environment, high-quality foods, art, and music. In their relationships, Oranges need to express themselves in physically tangible ways, through gifts or sexually, rather than words, because words can hurt the Orange deeply.


Heaven help the person who makes the Orange feel unappreciated or as though they are stagnating! If scolded or criticized too often, the Orange will find more positive stimulation elsewhere. Following their passions is synonymous with freedom.



Orange Aura Color Personality Occupations


Explorer, photography, comedian, stylist, or designer



Challenges for Oranges (Weaknesses)


Orange absolutely disdains taking orders from anyone. Orange takes it as an insult to their intelligence. Ideas and suggestions are fine, but demands and ultimatums are not acceptable! It may suit Orange to be self-employed. Self-esteem is tied directly to Orange's relationships. Orange doesn't like conflict, even though it can spar with the best of them. However, Orange tends to commit to the wrong people, often leading to self-doubt, escapism, and staying in destructive relationships for far too long.



Possible Health Issues for Oranges


Physical health issues might include problems with ovaries, and testicles, impotence, urinary problems, (irritable bladder, incontinence, Interstial Cystitis, UTIs), lower back or chronic back pain, pelvic or vaginal pain, PMS, lymph gland problems, bone problems (especially in legs, ankles, and feet), STDs, gas and bloating, frigidity, impotence, fertility or pregnancy issues,  food sensitivity, and allergies (including Histamine Intolerance).


Emotional health issues might involve eating disorders, issues surrounding personal power, chronic guilt, a "cold shoulder" attitude, sexuality issues (sexual resistance or repression, frigidity, nymphomania, fetishism, promiscuity, sex without love), all manner of addictions, creative blocks, and being a compulsive pleasure seeker (or to the other extreme, the denial of pleasure).

Raising Sacral Orange & Sanguine Temperament Energy Levels

A low Aura Energy Self-Test score in Orange often means problems concerning sex or intimacy. Negative or sexual experiences (sex without love, rape, sexual abuse) also apply to abused males. These memories need to be released. If you're an Orange personality, it may help to write letters voicing your feelings to those who have hurt you or someone you've lost trust in, even if you have no intention of sending them. Try being more open and affectionate with those you do trust. Perhaps a passionate evening with your significant other may be just what you need.


Any trauma (surgery, miscarriage, abortion, menopause, injuries, sexual abuse) also sets up housekeeping in this chakra. A trip to the doctor for a physical may be in store.


It may be an excellent time to organize, plan, and wrap up loose ends. Are you isolating? When did you last get together with a friend to enjoy a friendly conversation? Accept the hugs and love that others offer. Don't feel like talking? Do something that gives you great pleasure or happiness.


Organize a sacred space, just for you, within your home. Get back to self-expression through creativity.



Orange & Massage


Massaging the lower abdomen, womb, and spleen areas can help with female and male reproductive disorders, kidney, bladder, urinary tract infections, arthritis, problems with the womb, lower back, painful menses, and sexual issues. This chakra shares the waistline with the solar plexus chakra.


Massaging the waistline between the solar plexus and sacral chakras helps with lower digestive disorders, the small intestine, the colon, and intestinal spasms.


By massaging the waistline area on the back of the body, hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, kidneys, high blood pressure, infections, arthritis, and the adrenal glands are also supported.



Supportive Herbs for Orange


Calendula (marigold), cardamom, carrot seed, clary sage,  geranium, grapefruit, lemon, lemongrass, jasmine, juniper, mandarin, neroli, orange, and rose hips



Supportive Stones & Crystals for Orange


Carnelian, tiger eye, orange amber, sunstone, malachite, peach aventurine, yellow/golden topaz, orange agate, yellow jasper, carnelian, moonstone, yellow fluorite, and citrine



Orange Sound: AH



Orange Musical Note: D



Foods to Energize Orange


Based on color, oranges, peaches, apricots, cantaloupe, pumpkin, peppers, carrots, Acorn squash, brown rice, oats, sesame seeds, and shellfish. Vitamin A, C, calcium, zinc, selenium, and copper may benefit the Orange Aura Color Personality.



Choosing Food & Herbal Remedies Based on the Sanguine Temperament


Sanguines do well on a very light vegetarian diet (meaning some meats, eggs, and fish). Not eating enough vegetables and fruits and overeating meat will bother the Sanguine temperament.


To correct humor imbalances, the idea is to provide your body with the nutrients opposite your dominant humors. Sanguines have a primarily HOT/WET constitution. You would choose COLD and DRY nutrients to create balance and restore health and wellness.


COLD Choices: Cold foods are also considered "Cooling". Choose from mint, banana, most tropical fruits, milk and dairy, fresh cheeses, lettuce, melons, cucumber, watermelon, fish, dandelion leaves and root, bee pollen, alfalfa, plantain, beets, wild lettuce, most bitters, and any foods or nutrients that sedate the metabolism and relieve excess heat.


DRY Choices: Grains, bread, cereals, crackers (foods that are dry in the mouth), lentils, barley, and coffee.


COLD or DRY Herb Choices: red raspberry (COLD), Chinese rhubarb (COLD), lemon peel (COLD), Oregon grape root (COLD), vervain (COLD), self heal (COLD), uva ursi (COLD), aloe vera (COLD), white willow (COLD), milk thistle (COLD), passionflower (COOL), bladderwrack, kelp, Irish moss (COOL), black cohosh (Cool), peppermint (COOL), elderflowers (COOL), feverfew (COOL), Saint John's Wort (COOL/DRY), white Sage (COOL/DRY), skullcap (COOL/DRY), horehound (COOL/DRY), raspberry (COOL/DRY)


Neutral food and herbs choices are raspberries, elderberries, calendula flowers, flaxseed, chaste berry, carrots, parsley, oat straw, parsley, psyllium, motherwort, blackberries, and lemon balm.


The dietary information above is not condition-specific.



Implementing Orange in Wardrobe & Decor


Increases stimulation, encouragement, common sense, creativity, success, joy, communication, happy conversation, attraction, kindness, friendship, sharing, warmth, and contentment


Because color is absorbed through the eyes and skin, color-gazing meditations are a super easy way of balancing your energy and your emotions.  Simply gaze at Orange for 30 seconds or longer, until you start to feel your interest wane for an instant boost of energy or calm.



Utilizing Orange in Prayer & Ritual


Orange in prayer and ritual promotes optimism, expansiveness, confidence, enthusiasm, friendship, and community. Orange helps with nutritional issues and female sexual problems. It helps to alleviate depression, procrastination, and a state of shock.



Role Models Helping to Increase the Energy of the Sacral Chakra


People who help you increase your sacral chakra's energy are those you have emotional bonds with, such as your lovers and deepest friends.



Engaging the Sense of Taste to Increase the Energy of the Sacral Chakra


Discover sense-based activities for increasing your sense of sight and taste



Essential Oils for the Sanguine Temperament


Essential oils that may benefit the Sanguine temperament are bergamot, camphor, citronella, lemon, lemongrass, juniper, vetiver, geranium, grapefruit, evening primrose, rose absolute, sandalwood, vetiver, and ylang ylang.

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