Herpes Simplex Virus

Can You Relate?

  • You struggle through your day with the itch, burn, and pain of herpes.
  • You cancel engagements or appointments because you only feel like half the person you used to be.
  • You claim to have a "headache" to avoid physical intimacy more often than you like to admit.
  • You want to start a family but fear passing the virus to your baby.
  • Instead of fewer breakouts as you age, you're finding frequent or severe breakouts are the norm. 
  • You've tried antiviral medications and experienced adverse side effects or worry about long-term side effects.
  • You've tried natural remedies that didn't work, or are confused as to where to start.

You Deserve to Live Your Best Life, Symptom-Free

You deserve to live without symptoms, pain, struggle, and fear. 


You deserve easy access to the information necessary for making informed choices holistic options for achieving remission, regarding your health and natural remedies.


You deserve to feel like yourself, enjoy your engagements, be loved, and have the ability to share intimacy (whatever that means to you).



So, How Do You Become Symptom-Free?


You've probably been told the answer to being herpes-free is to take better care of yourself, but it's more complex than that. Why? Because we're all different, and what taking care of yourself implies to someone else may not apply to you. Everyone is affected by herpes viruses differently. Like your fingerprints, your immune system is unique and reacts differently than anyone else's on the face of the planet.


For example, hormonal changes can trigger a breakout. So, PMS may trigger a breakout. Furthermore, if you have had your ovaries removed, had a hysterectomy, or are post-menopausal, you may begin to suffer from more frequent breakouts due to a decrease in estrogen levels, which isn't a problem for men. However, decreased testosterone might be a problem. The idea that herpes breakouts become less frequent as you age is a complete myth. As you age, hormones and immunity decline, which can bring on herpes breakouts under stress.

It Takes 3 Things to Put Herpes In Remission

1. Minimizing personal HSV triggers (understanding and managing ongoing stress)


2. Optimizing your immunity by eating genetically appropraite, herpes-suitable foods to support mitochondrial, microbial, and hormonal balance


3. Easing stress and herpes-related symptoms fast and speeding healing time by half naturally



Imagine Putting HSV In Remission Without... 


...paying for expensive weekly grocery lists

...sticking to an extreme or severely limiting diet

...using mapped out recipes (where someone else tells you what to eat)

...cooking (preparing salads, sandwiches, and finger foods and dining out are all acceptable)

...eating separate meals from others at the table or hew on rabbit food while everyone else is tasting deliciousness

...purchasing memberships or monthly supplement subscriptions

...waiting for the perfect moment to get started (the idea is to implement positive changes at your own pace, but to keep going)


Of course, becoming symptom-free depends entirely on you. If you know something is likely causing you to breakout regularly, such as a poor diet, a stressful job, or an abusive relationship, you'll have to rectify it before you can become symptom-free, but you're not alone. The Captains Ladys Holistic Tarot can help.

The Minimizing Scar Damage Guide PDF

Contrary to what you may have heard, the Herpes Simplex Virus can leave scars. However, there are natural ingredients you can use to help prevent or minimize scar damage. 

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