HSV Remedy Reviews

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a virucide (antiviral). It can help to ease herpes-related symptoms naturally because it is a powerful immune booster. It also helps to regulate histamine in the body. Histamine is released in response to stress, inflammation, and infection and is known to trigger the herpes virus (and vice versa). Because of this, a vitamin C deficiency can cause more frequent and severe herpes breakouts, colds, and flu. However, avoiding taking typical vitamin C supplements containing ascorbic acid (especially in high doses) is essential when living with the herpes virus.

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Raw Honey

Raw honey is about 82% sugar (approximately 40% fructose and 30% glucose with some maltose and sucrose) and contains antioxidants, trace vitamins, and minerals. It also includes phenols, enzymes, flavonoids, and organic acids derived from regurgitative processes.

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Using silver as a natural remedy for Herpes Simplex Virus is controversial and somewhat mind-boggling. Does it work? Many people say it does. Silver is touted to protect against and remedy conditions caused by viruses and bacteria. 

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Manuka Oil

There seems to be confusion in the herpes community over precisely what manuka oil is. Manuka oil is not the same as or made from manuka honey.

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Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel (Acemannan) is a complex polysaccharide found in the inner leaf gel of the aloe plant, which contains many nutritional qualities and is immensely responsible for all of the health benefits that the aloe vera plant provides. Scientific research has shown that aloe vera gel is helpful to the immune and digestive systems and helps put HIV and HSV in remission. But does it?

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Echinacea has white to bright pink petals and a dark reddish-orange center. It is in the Daisy family. Echinacea became popular in America in the 1800s and Germany in the 1920s. Echinacea is often used to treat colds, flu, and other illnesses, infections, and conditions by supporting the immune system. But does it work to put herpes in remission?

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Homeopathic medicines are derived from a medical system developed in Germany over 200 years ago, based on the notion that "like cures like". Meaning "...disease can be cured by a substance that produces similar symptoms in healthy people." (NCCIH).

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Peppermint is often used as a flavoring in food and tea. The essential oil of peppermint is touted as a remedy for HSV-1 and HSV-2 when applied topically. But does it work to put herpes in remission?

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Reishi Mushroom

Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum), which looks like a toasted brown, warped pancake in the wilds, is a mushroom used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to boost the immune system and to fight off certain viruses, such as influenza, including Avian and Swine flu.

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Kombucha is a type of tea said to originate in China. It is fermented and touted as great for helping boost the immune system because it is a good source of probiotics. It also contains a healthy amount of antioxidants. Many people say it works to relieve herpes symptoms. But does it?

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Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a potent antibacterial and antiviral agent that helps to kill microorganisms effectively, but does it work to ​put Herpes Simplex Virus in remission? Yes! It does!

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