The Tarot Suit of Wands and Clubs

The Tarot Suit of Wands is the same as the Suit of Clubs in a deck of regular playing cards, with the exception of the Knight of Wands. There are no Knights in a regular playing cards.

NOTE: To learn how to read Tarot with an ordinary deck of playing cards, click here

Element: Fire

Color: RED

Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius

Constitutional Temperament: Choleric





Wands people are the real workers of the world, are energetic, ambitious, brave, and courageous and cannot understand why everyone else isn't like them. Great ideas are their specialty. They may also represent interests, hobbies, and friendships outside of work.





Powerlessness is their greatest enemy, second only to restrictions. They are also very sexual and unless expressed, they can become low-energy beings crippled by unrequited love. Being multi-talented can backfire. Focus is key. Healthy relationships are a must, as well as avoiding being too self-absorbed or impulsive.



Wellness Concerns Depending Upon the Zodiac Sign Involved


Body parts affected may be the head, spine, back, the solar plexus chakra, hips, thighs, sciatic nerve, (including Postherpetic Neuralgia), liver, head hair, lips, eyes, face, upper teeth, and adrenal glands. ADD and ADHD may be an issue when energies are not channeled correctly.



The Tarot Suit of Wands Traditional & Health Meanings


Ace of Wands/Clubs – New beginnings in energy, creativity, enthusiasm, drive, passion, and inspiration or lack of energy, creative block, and stagnation. Health issues likely have to do with a lack of movement or stagnation. This would be an excellent time to become more physically active or to begin that new exercise program you've been thinking about. Doing something you really enjoy will help to make a healthy habit of it. However, don't go overboard with passions and enthusiasms. Even good stress is stress. Falling in love (with an idea, project , or person) can be exhausting! Be sure to take time out to unwind and relax.


Keywords - New beginnings, optimism, birth, energy, drive.



King of Wands/Clubs – With your passion for creativity, you can achieve anything! Just be sure to stay focused, so you don’t become scattered and frustrated. Creative burnout, an issue from having too many irons in the fire, can lead to Adrenal Burnout Syndrome and cold sores, especially when you don't get enough good food or sleep (creatives love to burn the midnight oil and often forget to eat). Your confidence, drive and ambition will rescue you from any mental issues (anxiety, phobias, depression) or health problems you are facing, as long as you focus on one problem at a time and remain disciplined.


Keywords - Husband, father, enterprise, inspiration, independence, charisma, or burnout.



Queen of Wands/Clubs – You are the life of the party and willing to share your secrets of success. Just be sure to use up some of your energy on romancing and affection lest you become apathetic. There may be a tendency to spread yourself too thin. Schedule yourself "time out" for rest, healthy meals (intimately shared), and recuperation. Like your counterpart, the King of Wands, you tend to get excited about your passions and ignore your health, which can lead to stress-related symptoms.


Keywords - Woman, wife, mother, career-minded, generous, sexual, social, cat lover.



Knight of Wands – The love of stimulation drives the Knight of Wands who is passionate but a bit hyper (think ADHD) and does everything quickly, since he's all about taking action. Try to avoid injuries due to hastiness, not paying attention, or clumsiness. In business, it'll help to focus on your goals and the steps to achieve them. During romantic interludes, don't let your passions carry you away to the point of being blinded by love or  not caring about safe sex tactics.


Keywords - Male, enthusiasm, ambition, travel, or hesitation or inability to focus. 


NOTE: There are no Knights in a deck of ordinary playing cards.



Page (Jack) of Wands/Clubs – An apprentice full of enthusiasm and charm. An invitation to try something new. If the something new is sex-related, make sure you've done your homework and neither of you are contagious with an STD. At worst, a bit impatient, sometimes displaying childish temper tantrums. Avoid being a "Type A" personality, too heavily scheduled, or hyperactive. It will only lead to lack of motivation. Relax a spell.


Keywords - Young person, exciting message, good news, creative potential.



10 of Wands/Clubs – Carrying the weight of a burden that is almost unbearable. A need to delegate or let go. There is a serious need to manage stress, rest, or gain helpful support (or all three). Unless you do, you're apt to experience more frequent or severe infections, such as cold sores or colds, or flu.


Keywords - A burden, overload, strain.



9 of Wands/Clubs – Sometimes, it is important to realize you have lost, count your blessings, and move on. Feeling hurt, tired, and sick, as if the universe is against you, is a part of the picture. You've fought a good fight. Hold your stance. Lean on your "stick". Get a good night's sleep. You have suffered much and may feel you can’t go on, but you have strength in reserve. You do. You'll get through this and find ways of managing life's pains. You will.


Keywords - A final challenge, delays, weariness, and strength in reserve.



8 of Wands/Clubs – You’ve sent your intentions out into the world and are awaiting results. Stay focused, and believe, and they will land on their targets, and rather quickly. Try to avoid injuries, due to rushing things. Pay attention to the "speed" of things (vehicles, traffic lights, appliances, escalators, snowboards, swing sets, remedies). When selecting new remedies for life's pains, pace yourself with individual treatments. Trying eight new remedies all at once isn't helpful. You won't know what's working and what's not.


Keywords - Forward movement, aim (could include mail, emails, and social media), direction, on the go or, when reversed, losing momentum, holding back or being held back or moving so quickly that everything falls apart.



7 of Wands/Clubs – You have the advantage in this situation, believe it or not. You are holding your own. It may not always be so. Make the wisest choices possible. There may be plural health issues to consider. Tackle each issue separately and methodically rather than succumbing to feeling like a singular "hot mess". This card may show up when allopathic doctors are not in favor of your choice to use natural remedies over prescription medications.


Keywords - Hostile negotiations, confrontation, defiance, standing your ground, and having an advantage.



6 of Wands/Clubs – Victory is yours. You are receiving your just rewards or soon will. In matters of health, you have achieved a victory. If you didn't receive the acclaim or success you felt you deserved, perhaps there was an enemy at the gate you did not anticipate. When living with symptoms that doctors say have no cause, the enemy at the gate might be hidden stress or an underlying condition. Some lab tests may be in order.


Keywords - Success, victory, recognition, or a minor victory or a victory you're keeping to yourself for now.



5 of Wands/Clubs – Conflicts, competitions, and petty annoyances reign. You will have to put aside ego and depend on your inner strength and communication to make things work and to come out ahead. Cuts, scrapes, and bruises from accidents, sports, or violence may be an issue. Try to refrain from engaging in physical affronts with aggressive people. 


Keywords - Competitiveness, pettiness, instigation, strife, over-emotionalism, or letting go of ego.



4 of Wands/Clubs – A time of celebration, whether a marriage or a new home, either now or sometime soon. Be careful around the house. Minor injuries, such as cutting yourself on a can, hammering your finger, engaging in rough sex (no matter how loving), or stubbing your toe, could be issues. Be mindful of your activities becoming too stressful.


Keywords - Stability, belonging, foundations, marriage, a new residence, social events (festivals, Bar Mitzvah, birthdays), or delays and unrest.



3 of Wands/Clubs – You’ve done the work and are waiting for your ships to come in. In the meantime, wrap up loose ends and prepare to go back to the drawing board if the ships don’t arrive as planned. Feeling discouraged or lost may be effecting your self-esteem and direction. It may be a good time to listen to the advice of someone who knows.


Keywords - Opportunities, teamwork, marketing, or hollow success.



2 of Wands/Clubs – You've been negotiating or soon will. Unions and partnerships are in the air. Read the fine print and ensure everyone is on the same page to succeed. Sometimes, this card refers to a roommate. If you have a "friends-with-benefits" type of roommate, ensure you've disclosed herpes before taking full advantage of the arrangement. Health issues may also involve bones broken in the legs or feet that require crutches, so be cautious of accidents.


Keywords - Negotiations, unions/partners, waiting, and disputes.



The Tarot Suit of Wands Holistic Alternative Associations


Wands respond well to therapies involving heat, such as hot tea, warm compresses, hot baths, steams, being in the sun, gazing at a campfire, candlelight, working on creative projects, and being sexually intimate.


Eating RED foods, such as lean red meat, red apples, cherries, strawberries, and red onions, and peppers, are also helpful. However, RED food remedies are Tarot-related by color association only and may or may not agree with remedies related to temperaments. Always follow your temperament when looking to remedy an ailment. Wands represent the Choleric temperament, which may or may not be your particular temperament. Ordinary table salt and salty foods, aged cheeses, vinegar and alcohol, high fat and fried foods, excessive red meat, extremely sour foods, fermented foods, and very hot spices will bother the Choleric temperament.


​Herbs and essential oils for Fire signs are beech, cedarwood, clary sage, frankincense, helichrysum, hyacinth, hyssop, Jasmine, juniper, lavender, calendula (marigold), marjoram, myrrh, musk, peppermint, petitgrain, rosemary, rosewood, sandalwood, spearmint, Roman chamomile, thyme, vervain, viola, violet leaf, and white spruce.



Stones & Crystals for Wands/Choleric Temperaments


Stones and crystals according to the Suit of Wands would be those that are shades of RED (and possibly Rose). However, according to the temperament the Suit of Wands represents, they would be CLEAR, BLUE or GREEN (see below).


Choleric 1 (Violet): Clear quartz crystal, amethyst (deep violet), fluorite, clear diamond, rock crystal, sugilite, onyx, and opal


Choleric 2 (Indigo): Lapis lazuli, moonstone, sapphire, clear quartz crystal, dark blue kyanite, charoite, tanzanite, sapphire, blue adventurine, sodalite, sugilite (rich purple), dumortierite, sodalite, diamond, jet, jade, falcon's eye, ans purple and rainbow fluorite

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