The Indigo Aura Color Personality

The Indigo Aura Color Personality relates to the FIRE element, shades of White, Gold, Violet, Indigo, and Blue, the Choleric 2 Temperament, the Crown (Sahasrara) and Brow (Ajna) chakras, the season of Spring (esoteric) or Summer (pagan), Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, the Tarot Suit of Wands, The Tree of Life: World of Atzilut (of Emanation), the Sense of Spirit, the Spirit Body, the emotion of Anger, and RAM (part of God's name). It vibrates at 852 Hz.

Indigo Anatomical Correspondences


The brow chakra corresponds with the brain (cerebellum), skull base, forehead, left eye, ears, nose, pineal gland, and pituitary gland. It stimulates the parathyroid, depresses the thyroid, and supports the Central Nervous System (CNS). It is associated with the 6th sense of intuition at its very best.



Indigo Color Meanings & Associations


The Indigo Aura Color Personality relates to the third eye: Perception, intuition, imagination, and insight.


  • Indigo: Reclusive, calm, dignified, academic, artistic, loving, and approachable.
  • Dark or Muddy Indigo: Disillusioned, feeling misunderstood, rebellious, fanatical, and anarchistic.



Indigo Emotional/Mental State


Intuitive, seeking something in life, spiritual, psychic ability (6th sense, clairvoyance, intuition, empathic ability), clarity, able to handle spiritual circumstances with practicality and worldliness, deep inner feeling and knowing, private, authentic, calm, loving, sometimes intense, and eccentric.



The Indigo Aura Color Personality (Strengths)


Indigos are graced with knowledge of who they are, what they want, and where they fit into the cosmic plan. They are old souls whose memories are often still intact. As children, they probably told their parents about their previous lives. They are blessed with Aquatic memory. They have no regard for conformity and will inform you that rules were not meant for them, but then again, they do not need them. Their inner world of what is good transcends what the world considers to be so. Indigo is completely open-minded about different lifestyles and ways of being—no prejudice here except toward those who are.


Indigos are profound thinkers who surpass even the Greens' ability to see into deep intricacies and connections that most do not consider. They don't care much about belonging to a group or having followers. Theirs is a highly individual path, and they are content to spend time exploring their interests. Indigo has a "built-in" perception of what the universe would be if we were all operating from our highest selves.


They appreciate the divine mystery of things and will often study such subjects for as long as they are interested. The funny thing is that it's less about learning something than reviewing. Indigos are incredibly selective about associations and often will not bother to be around anyone or anything, negative or closed in any way. They want to work in positions where others appreciate them for their high moral and social standards. Like the Greens, they are observers, but like the Blues, they prefer calm. Content to be alone, noise, and crowds leave Indigo overwhelmed and undone. Indigo is considered eclectic, eccentric, or, at the very least, reclusive.



Indigo Aura Color Personality Occupations for Indigo


Astronomy, researcher, lab worker, computer programmer, web designer, architect, wizard, alchemist, or physicist



Challenges for Indigo (Weaknesses)


Because of Indigo's high standards and unique viewpoint on life, it may be easy for Indigo to become obsessed or fanatical in trying to impose ideas on others. It would be wise for Indigo to listen to their intuition and to remember we are all on different paths and at various levels of learning at our own pace. Indigo would also benefit from remembering to stop and enjoy the moment and the simpler pleasures here on earth.



Possible Health Issues for Indigo


Physical health issues might include headaches, migraines, Tinnitus Syndrome and Meniere's Disease, earache, cataracts, Eustachian Tube Dysfunction (ETD), deafness, allergies, Asthma, problems with the eyes (including blindness), sinuses, the brow area, teeth, thyroid imbalancesvaginal issues, learning disabilities, forgetfulness, ADD and ADHD, racing thoughts, troubles with the spine (spinal pinching or disintegration), stroke, bleeding of the brain, and seizures.


Emotional health issues might involve being devoid of discipline or responsibility, recurring nightmares, the inability to remember dreams, lack of focus, forgetfulness, nervousness, confusion, illusion, illogical, living in your head, intellectual arrogance, organizing and planning with no follow-through, having a critical nature (including critical speech), blaming others, forcing viewpoints, and being wrapped up in a dream world.

Raising Brow Indigo & Choleric Temperament Energy Levels

A low Aura Energy Self-Test score in Indigo may mean a need to stimulate the mind with new levels of learning and consciousness. Is there something you have always wanted to learn or know about? This would be an excellent time to research whatever subject fascinates you. If you're an Indigo personality, you like to get involved in forces and organizations that make a positive difference.


It may also mean that you have let go or put aside your higher morals and values, your attachment to spirit. You may be delving too much into the mental world and ignoring the rest. You have some unique viewpoints about life and the world. Be more open to signs, faith, and using your intuition.


You may need to leave the house or avoid your usual patterns and self-distract for a while.



Indigo & Massage


Massaging the head and face helps with sinus blockage, allergies, nasal congestion, hay fever, nosebleeds, headaches, migraines (which can be sexual tension), strokes, nightmares, gum, toothache, and vision problems. As the brow and heart chakras are related, neck and back massage may also be helpful.



Supportive Essential Oils for Indigo


Beech, calendula (marigold), cedarwood, clary sage, frankincense, helichrysum, hyacinth, jasmine, juniper, lavender,  marjoram, myrrh, musk, petitgrain, Roman chamomile, rosemary, rosewood, sandalwood, spearmint, thyme, viola, violet leaf, vervain, and white spruce



Supportive Stones & Crystals for Indigo


Lapis lazuli, moonstone, sapphire, quartz crystal, dark blue kyanite, charoite, tanzanite, sapphire, blue adventurine, sodalite, sugilite (rich purple), dumortierite, sodalite, diamond, jet, jade, falcon's eye, and rainbow and purple fluorite



Indigo Sound: BA



Indigo Musical Note: A



Foods to Energize Indigo


Based on color, plums, blueberries, purple and black grapes, kelp, seaweed, purple broccoli and cabbage, aubergines, asparagus, and prunes. Vitamin E, iodine, potassium, and St. John's Wort may benefit the Indigo Aura Color Personality.



Choosing Food & Herbal Remedies Based on the Choleric Temperament


Cholerics tend to do very well on vegetarian diets. Ordinary table salt and salty foods, aged cheeses, vinegar and alcohol, high fat and fried foods, excessive red meat, highly sour foods, fermented foods, and very hot spices will bother the Choleric temperament.


To correct humor imbalances, the idea is to provide your body with the nutrients opposite your dominant humors. Let's say you have a primarily HOT/DRY constitution. You would choose COLD and WET (MOIST) nutrients to create balance and restore health and wellness.


COLD Choices: Cold foods are also considered "Cooling". Choose from mint, banana, most tropical fruits, milk and dairy, fresh cheeses, lettuce, melons, cucumber, watermelon, fish, dandelion leaves and root, bee pollen, alfalfa, plantain, beets, wild lettuce, most bitters, and any foods or nutrients that sedate the metabolism and relieve excess heat.


WET (Moist) Choices: Wet and moist foods are also considered "heavy". Choose from beef, eggplant, avocados, raspberries, cherries, watermelon, peaches, dark red and blueberries, oysters, all fat from meat and fish, various types of meat in moderation, vinegar, lemon, coconut, bee pollen, and all rich or oily foods or foods that are emollient.


COLD or WET Herb Choices: red raspberry (COLD), Chinese rhubarb (COLD), lemon peel (COLD), Oregon grape root (COLD), vervain (COLD), self heal (COLD), uva ursi (COLD), aloe vera (COLD), white willow (COLD), milk thistle (COLD), marshmallow root (COOL/MOIST), catnip (COLD/MOIST), comfrey leaf (COLD/MOIST), slippery elm (COLD/MOIST), passionflower (COOL), bladderwrack, kelp, Irish moss (COOL), black cohosh (Cool), peppermint (COOL), elderflowers (COOL), feverfew (COOL)


Some COLD foods can also be considered WET, but not all.


Neutral food and herbs choices are raspberries, elderberries, calendula flowers, flaxseed, chaste berry, carrots, parsley, oat straw, parsley, psyllium, motherwort, blackberries, and lemon balm.


The dietary information above is not condition-specific.  



Implementing Indigo in Wardrobe & Décor


Indigo helps one to become more changeable, impulsive, withdrawn, reclusive, dignified, intuitive, artistic, independent, moral, and approachable. Indigo reduces social pressures and phobias and makes one more apt to study.


Because color is absorbed through the eyes and skin, color-gazing meditations are a super easy way of balancing your energy and your emotions.  Simply gaze at Indigo for 30 seconds or longer, until you start to feel your interest wane for an instant boost of energy or calm.



Utilizing Indigo in Prayer & Ritual


Indigo helps to enhance love to a more spiritual state between family members, protects, and implies reverence.



Role Models Helping to Increase the Energy of the Brow Chakra


People who help us increase our brow chakra's energy are spiritual leaders, guardian angels, and spirit guides.



Engaging Spirit & Sound to Increase the Energy of the Brow Chakra


The brow chakra (intuition) works hand in hand with spirit (the crown chakra, your vision) and the sense of sound (the throat chakra, your voice).


Discover sense-based activities for increasing your senses of spirit and sound.

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