The Tarot Suit of Swords and Spades

The Tarot Suit of Swords is the same as the Suit of Spades in a deck of regular playing cards, with the exception of the Knight of Swords. There are no Knights in a regular playing cards.

NOTE: To learn how to read Tarot with an ordinary deck of playing cards, click here

Element: Air


Zodiac Signs: Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini

Temperament: Sanguine





Swords people are intelligent masterminds good at brainstorming problems. However, they can also cause problems due to their insistence on using logic and intelligence over emotions and intuition. The power of their minds can unleash the power to heal or destroy. 





Dealing with emotional issues, sickness, and pain are not easy for these people. Mental activities can cause these people to wrap themselves up in knots, often causing them to become cyclic worriers who then become confused and, at times, neurotic.



Wellness Concerns Depending Upon the Zodiac Sign Involved


Body parts affected may be the brain, tongue, pupils, shoulders, arms, wrists, hands, kidneys, pancreas, bladder, blood pressure, circulation, haunches, calves, shins, and ankles. These people need to take regular time-outs to get away to retain perspective and calm.



The Tarot Suit of Swords Traditional & Health Meanings


Ace of Swords/Spades – New beginnings in thoughts or beliefs, intelligent brainstorming, or feeling stuck, wrapped up too tight, and out of ideas. Reading, playing crosswords, studying anything of interest will help to keep your brain healthy, sharp, and free of monkey-chatter that can cause stress, increase cortisol, and trigger stress-related symptoms, such as insomnia


Keywords - New beginnings (not necessarily positive), strength in adversity, fresh ideas or blockages.



King of Swords/Spades – You have a sharp and powerful mind, but be sure not to become controlling or abusive. The King of Swords doesn't deal with emotions well (they aren't his forte'), which can cause health issues, including more frequent or severe herpes breakouts. Like your counterpart, the Queen of Swords, you tend to handle things alone most of the time. However, any health issues you're currently experiencing will likely require the service of a well-respected doctor or specialist who can provide objective information when your emotions are getting the better of you.


Keywords - Husband, father, leader, rational, objective, an expert, head over heart, or mental and verbal abuse.



Queen of Swords/Spades – You’ve been through aloneness and sorrow and still have a sense of humor. Like your counterpart, the King of Swords, you are a survivor. Don’t mourn for too long. It will strangle your emotions and cause resentment and bitterness, which may cause anxiety and depression spurred on by negative self-talk and obsessively reliving details in your mind. Use your intellect (research and study) to choose your health remedies, rather than to follow any advice blindly.


Keywords - Woman alone (after suffering losses), wife, mother, fair, humorous, determined.



Knight of Swords – You are the hero, the protector, but you rush in like a bull, striking first and asking questions later. To avoid accidents and even death, be sure to double-check any equipment you use, make sure your saddle is secure, and check your parachute before jumping.


Keywords - Male, swiftness, defense, impulse, assertiveness, or injuries. 


NOTE: There are no Knights in a deck of ordinary playing cards.



Page (Jack) of Swords/Spades – A smart and clever young or young acting person, sometimes a bit secretive (a spy). At worst, a trouble maker for the sake of entertaining himself. There may be learning difficulties or a refusal to learn. An invitation to examine a situation more thoroughly. The Page of Swords may not take the idea of contracting an STD or "getting pregnant" seriously.


Keywords - Young person, unexpected or upsetting news, advice, change.



10 of Swords/Spades – You have been backstabbed or have self-sabotaged all you can. You have reached the bottom. There is nowhere to go but up from here. Your situation, oppression, or depression may even be causing you physical pain. Your depression or oppression, self-imposed or otherwise, is making your symptoms worse than they need be.


Keywords - Self-sabotage, failure, having hit bottom, or the dark before the light.



9 of Swords/Spades – Something is causing you mental nightmares (bills, guilt, negative thoughts, herpes, physical pain). Anxiety and insomnia are likely issues from mentally rehashing something you could have or should have done differently (or better), like not having been intimate with someone. You are probably dwelling on things far too much. Slow the mind-chatter. It may be time to use some essential oils to relax or talk to someone who can help


Keywords - Self-sabotage, failure, hit bottom, a stressful environment, endangerment.



8 of Swords/Spades – You feel trapped in a prison of your own making, but there’s no one watching or holding you back. The jail you're in is self-imposed. You are free to walk away at any time. You just refuse to see it. Take off your blindfold. Anxiety and fear play a huge role in diseases related to stiffening muscles and joints or not being able to move easily. There may also be problems with eyesight. Negative emotions also contribute toward more frequent illnesses and infections, such as herpes breakouts.


Keywords - Feeling trapped, confined, isolated, fearful, or release.



7 of Swords/Spades – This card denotes vulnerability. Examine things thoroughly. There's a need to protect yourself and you may be called to do the unexpected. This card suggests you are able to defend yourself but beware of self-deception, self-damaging habits, and self-sabotage. If you feel like doing something sneaky or retaliating, use your brain and avoid the "hurt" that might be derived from it. Think on it and allow things to mull over. Sometimes, this card can represent picking up the pieces and moving on without others being aware, using guile, such as when you need to leave an abusive relationship, rather than force. Find ways "around" obstacles instead of through them. The 7 of Swords can also represent someone who is deliberately trying to sabotage you.


Keywords - Discretion, caution, slyness, using your brain, leaving something behind, a sneak, or unfairness, denial the need of assistance, guilt, or defensiveness.



6 of Swords/Spades – You are either moving away from previous troubles or feeling more entrenched. Sometimes, this card represents the comings and goings of a trip over or around water (water repesents emotions). What you may not see is that you are being protected by spiritual forces. It's essential to remove yourself from those things, people, or attitudes that cause ongoing stress. Chronic stress is the number one cause of disease. Why? Because it causes inflammation. Pray to your spiritual guides (lord, angels, ancestors, a loved one who has crossed over). They are watching over you and will lead the way.


Keywords - Release, retreat, travel away from trouble, change of attitude, or unable to get away.



5 of Swords/Spades – Underhanded tactics, spite, snide remarks, and useless arguments abound. Constant strife, upsets, and arguments are affecting your health, causing inflammation in your body, raising your blood pressure, lowering your immunity, and making you more susceptible to nervous ills and illnesses, such as IBS and genital herpes. It’s time to ask yourself if you are living a life according to your true values. The 5 of Swords can also represent mental conflict within yourself, which can make you feel like you're beating yourself up. It might be best to take an "rest, reflect, or accept" pause before continuing on.


Keywords - Conflict, personal attack, distrust, negative energy, spite, and, when reversed, being beaten, surrender, defeat, personal attack, dishonesty, and paranoia. 



4 of Swords/Spades - It is time to rest, pray or meditate before it is enforced upon you. You may be in contact with a patient or become one yourself. To fully recover, it will be imperative you remove yourself from stressful situations and people. Quietly, tuck yourself away in your room or space with low lighting and a comfortable bed where you can be checked on every so often. There's no need to give yourself a heart attack over herpes or anything else.


Keywords - A needed rest, solitude, prayer, a break, or, when reversed, a mandated recovery in a hospital-like setting or recovery.



3 of Swords/Spades – You are mourning, grieving, and crying over a situation that definitely deserves your tears. A third party may be responsible. This third party could be someone you or our partner had an affair with. An STD or a pregnancy may be a sad part of the scenario. It may be that you feel attacked from all sides (more than your heart can bear). It may not be over yet, but when it is, it won’t have hurt nearly as much as you thought it would. Ongoing grief may require getting professional help. Get checked out by a specialist, if you've been experiencing any physical symptoms related to your heart (especially pain).


Keywords - A broken heart, a necessary cutting, a third party. Also, a coming together (or apart) of mind, body, and spirit. 



2 of Swords/Spades – You feel caught between two forces and are trying to maintain your balance while ignoring or holding off both. Sooner or later, you will have to open your eyes and choose. Don't let any sense of doubt or inferiority hold you back, or you'll be hit with a slew of stress-related symptoms, such as headaches, anxiety, fatigue, a Fibromyalgia or IBS flare, or a cold sore.


Keywords - Stalemate, indecision, walking on eggshells, or waiting.



The Tarot Suit of Swords Holistic Alternative Associations


Swords respond well to therapies involving a specialist, such as working with a counselor, psychologist, or specialized group, getting out in the fresh air, taking short trips, and meditational breathing.


Eating YELLOW foods, such as squash, yellow peppers, pumpkin, bananas, eggs, and fish, would also be helpful. However, YELLOW food remedies are "tarot" related by color association only and may or may not agree with remedies related to temperaments. Always follow your temperament when looking to remedy an ailment. Swords represent the Sanguine temperament, which may or may not be your particular temperament.


Herbs and essential oils to strengthen Air signs are bergamot, calendula (marigold), camphor, cardamom, carrot seed, clary sage, citronella, evening primrose, geranium, grapefruit, jasmine, juniper, lemon, lemon balm (melissa), lemongrass, mandarin, neroli, orange, rose absolute, sandalwood, vetiver, and ylang ylang.



Stones & Crystals for Swords/Sanguine Temperaments


Stones and crystals according to the Suit of Wands would be those that are shades of YELLOW (and possibly Orange). However, according to the temperament the Suit of Wands represents, they would be WHITE, YELLOW, ORANGE, GOLD, or BROWN (see below).


Sanguine 1 (Yellow): Golden topaz, yellow amber, yellow citrine, golden tiger eye, yellow aragonite, yellow calcite, rhodonite, apache gold, and yellow jasper


Sanguine 2 (Orange): Carnelian, tiger eye, orange amber, sunstone, malachite, peach aventurine, yellow/golden topaz, orange agate, yellow jasper, carnelian, moonstone, yellow fluorite, and citrine

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