The Tarot Lovers

Luv'-er ~ One who loves another, especially when involves in a romantic or sexual relationship with another. Either of the two people involved in a love affair. Or, a person, especially a man, who has a premarital or extramarital affair.

  • Number: VI, 6
  • Hebrew Letter: Zain (or Zayin)
  • Color: Red OrangeOrange
  • Element: Air
  • Zodiac Sign: Gemini
  • Time Frame: May 21 - June 20
  • Chakra: Sacral and Solar Plexus 
  • Humor: Blood 
  • Temperament: Sanguine 1 & 2
  • Sense: Sight and Taste 





Love, trust, vision, fulfillment, desire, attraction, decision, union, and, when reversed, indecisiveness or fickleness



The Lesson of the Tarot Lovers is Choice


The Fool is now ready to make wiser choices concerning unions, relationships, attraction, and temptation. Do we follow our emotions and what we think will make us happy or do we go with our spiritual purpose, our path, and our will?



Personality (Strengths & Weaknesses)


Sanguine Type 1 is associated with the Yellow Aura Color Personality (Air).

SAnguine Type 2 is associated with the Orange Aura Color Personality (Air).



The Tarot Lovers Traditional Meanings


You seem in a pickle over deciding two paths of equal worth. You appear to have the desire and opportunity to share your life with another. However, to feel this way, being in love with a person or even the idea takes complete commitment.


If you are unsure of the path to take regarding your feelings, perhaps you are being tested as to your sincerity. Before you make any crucial decisions that may affect the rest of your life, have an in-depth conversation with your significant other to make sure all is mutual. Communication is the key to straightening things out and preventing any further doubt or conflict.


Do you find trust in your relationship? As much as romance excites the soul, friendship is the ultimate requirement of a stable relationship that can feed the heart. Without friendship, one is left in a tangled mess of conflict and the inevitable feeling of isolation that follows strife. I can only advise you to follow your heart when making your final decision.



The Tarot Lovers Biblical Meanings


The Tarot Lovers represent Adam and Eve's creation and subsequent fall from grace and exile from the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve were to rely directly on God's word for their knowledge of good and evil. However, God gave Adam and Eve (Adam's second wife) free will to make their own choices. They chose to eat the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge (of good and evil), which broke the relationship between humans and God, male and female, and humans and nature. Still, God promised to return to the earth as a human to heal these breakages through grace. The Lovers card may also represent the relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene, whom Jesus treasured dearly.



The Tarot Lovers in a Health Readings


The Tarot Lovers correspond with Gemini and governs the shoulders, collar bones, chest, lungs, upper arms, wrists, hands, brain, tongue, pupils, and nerves. Health problems could include STDs, such as HSV, or problems with connective systems like veins, arteries, and nerves. There may also be problems with paired organs or paired limbs (the lungs, both arms, legs, ears (Tinnitus or Meniere's), eyes). Problems with the lungs could be due to allergies or respiratory infections. Communication problems are likely to be a cause of stressAnxiety, mood swings, restlessness, and nervousness, in general, may arise.



Tarot Meditation


What can you do to improve your relationships and bring more affection, love, or intimacy into your life?



Food Remedies


Sanguines do well on a light vegetarian diet (some meats, eggs, fish). Not eating enough vegetables and fruits and overeating meat will bother the Sanguine temperament.


Sanguine 1 (Yellow): See Raising Yellow & Sanguine Temperament Energy Levels

Sanguine 2 (Orange): See Raising Orange & Sanguine Temperament Energy Levels



Choosing Herb & Essential Oil Remedies


Sanguine 1 (Yellow): Bergamot, camphor, citronella, evening primrose, geranium, grapefruit, lemon, lemon balm (melissa), lemongrass, juniper, vetiver, and ylang ylang


Sanguine 2 (Orange): Bergamot, calendula (marigold), camphor, cardamom, carrot seed, clary sage, citronella, evening primrose, geranium, grapefruit, lemon, lemon grass, jasmine, juniper, mandarin, neroli, orange, rose absolute, sandalwood, vetiver, and ylang ylang



Stones & Crystals


Sanguine 1 (Yellow): Golden topaz, yellow amber, yellow citrine, golden tiger eye, yellow aragonite, yellow calcite, Rhodonite, Apache Gold, and Yellow Jasper


Sanguine 2 (Orange): Carnelian, tiger eye, orange amber, sunstone, malachite, peach aventurine, yellow/golden topaz, orange agate, yellow jasper, carnelian, moonstone, yellow fluorite, and citrine

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