The Tarot High Priestess

Pre'-stis ~ A female priest having the power or authority to administer religious or sacred rites.





Divine inspiration, Akashic memory, wisdom, occult knowledge, psychic ability, intuition, learning, teaching, and, when reversed, shallowness, overly cool (distant, unapproachable), irritableness, or promiscuity



The Lesson of the High Priestess is Insight


The Fool now finds and realizes the hidden, spiritual, and intuitive aspects of the universe.​



Personality (Strengths & Weaknesses)


Phlegmatic Type 1 is associated with the Blue Aura Color Personality (Water).

Phlegmatic Type 2 is associated with the Green Aura Color Personality (Water).


NOTE: Of the seven personalities, those with a phlegmatic constitution are inclined to be highly sensitive, so if your aura is primarily blue or green, you will be way more sensitive than most Highly Sensitive People and, maybe, psychic.​ 



The High Priestess Traditional Meanings


There may come a time (and this may be one of them) when you must listen to your inner voice and rely on your gut feeling. There may be secrets and hidden agendas not yet revealed to you.


Search your heart, pay attention to your dreams, and consider consulting with those who have access to special pearls of wisdom. Reflect, meditate, and pray for in-depth insight into matters that concern you. You are quite capable of unseen talents.


Do not simply rely on validation from others at this point. There may be a bound script, a book, or some other form of reading material that could help you now. Strive to seek the facts before proceeding. Do not speak in a hasty manner. Try to remember there is much power to be gained through silence.


Pay attention to your needs. Fill your body with proper sustenance. Emotionalism from not doing so will undoubtedly lead toward sabotaging any hope of real understanding.



The Tarot High Priestess Biblical Meaning


The Tarot High Priestess is connected to the Virgin Mary and is always aware and understands that there are spiritually two sides to everything. She is highly empathic, is privy to spiritual secrets, and seeks to shine a spiritual light to the very depths of both sides of an issue to help others out of the shadows. However, many will oppose her for her sensitivities to the spirit world. She prays to God, her connection to universal consciousness, for equilibrium and humility so as not to become self-serving but, instead, an instrument of peace. The High Priestess always suggests paying attention to your dreams and opening your mind to the unseen.


Keywords: Divine inspiration, Akashic memory, wisdom, occult knowledge, psychic ability, intuition, learning, teaching, and, when reversed, shallowness, overly cool (distant, unapproachable), irritableness, or promiscuity



The High Priestess in a Health Reading


Possible issues with breasts (chest), ovaries, womb, the female cycle, hormones (imbalances, such as thyroid imbalance, menopause, stress hormones), not enough rest, not recovering well, or refusing to follow your intuition. The High Priestess can represent those who are highly sensitive and, as such, can experience physical symptoms when surrounded by negativity.



Tarot Meditation


What is your gut feeling telling you or guiding you to do?



Food Remedies


Phlegmatics do well on both vegetarian and traditional diets. Milk, dairy products (including cheeses), wheat (and other foods containing gluten), refined sugar, starches, and flours, very cold and icy foods and drinks, and moist, creamy, rich foods will bother the Phlegmatic temperament.


Phlegmatic 1 (Blue): See Raising Blue & Phlegmatic Temperament Energy Levels

Phlegmatic 2 (Green): See Raising Green & Phlegmatic Temperament Energy Levels



Herbs & Essential Oil Remedies


Phlegmatic 1 (Blue): Chamomile (all types), Lavender, Marjoram, Tea Tree, Thyme, Vanilla, and White Musk.


Phlegmatic 2 (Green): Basil, Chamomile(all types), Douglass Fir, Eucalyptus, Inula, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemon Balm (Melissa), Marjoram, Peppermint, Pine, Rose, Rosemary, Tea Tree, Thyme, Vanilla, and White Musk



Stones & Crystals


Phlegmatic 1 (Blue): Blue Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Topaz, Blue Chalcedony, Blue Calcite, Blue Opal, Aquamarine, Sapphire, Celestite, Blue Kyanite, Angelite, Blue Tourmaline, Turquoise, and Nephrite


Phlegmatic 2 (Green): Moss Agate, Green Aventurine, Olivine, Emerald, Lapis Lazuli, Rose Quartz, Malachite, Pink Kunzite, Pink Opal, Rhodochrosite, Jade, Rhodonite, Chrysoprase, Pink Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Green/Pink Tourmaline, and Pink Coral

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