Sound-Based Activities

Sound-based activities correspond with the WATER element, the Phlegmatic temperament, Phlegm, (Cold/Wet), Summer (esoteric) or Fall (pagan), Soul Body, Tree of Life: World of Briah (CREATION), Heart (Anahata) and Throat (Visuddha) chakras, the Blue and Green Aura Color Personalities, FEELING, the emotion of Sadness, the senses of Sound and Touch, and VAM (part of God's name).

Listening to Your Cat Purr


Studies show a cat's purring sound when it is content heals arthritis. Give your cat some love. Listen to your child breathing while asleep, a bird chirping, a creek babbling, or soft, soft music.



Sitting In Silence


Listen to the silence, one sound we all get too little of. I haven't heard silence in over 25 years, due to Tinnitus. I miss it dearly. How often do you sit in silence or, for that matter, sleep in silence? Turn off the TV and the radio when you are not really listening.



Listening to Nature


Go outside and listen to nature, the birds' sound in the air, the wind in your hair.



Listening to a Friend or An Elder


Call a friend if you are lonely and listen to their voice without being distracted. Elders are full of wisdom. Listening to their stories provides insight and support for the teller and the listener.



Visiting Where there Are Children


Visit a park full or friend with children and listen to them laughing and running through the house (good medicine). After a while, you probably won't mind returning to quiet, but you'll return feeling fuller.



Playing An Instrument


Play an instrument even if you don't know how to play. Shake a rattle (or a can full of buttons or beans). Shaking rattles chases away negative energy and gives us an immediate boost.



Listening to Music


The softer side of instrumental music is healing. If you have trouble sleeping or have Tinnitus (constant ringing in one or both ears), invest in CDs with nature sounds or string instrumentals (violin, harp, cello, mandolin, ruan, guitar) to fall asleep more quickly. Some HSPs are partial to the piano. Visit YouTube and enter a search for peaceful music. For isntance, I love peaceful "dark academia". But there thousands, if not millions, of other types of peaceful music to listen to on YouTube



Applying Tuning Forks


Tuning forks help to balance your body's natural energy flow. When tapped, they vibrate to a specific frequency and make a particular sound. When held against the body (there's a whole science to this), they heal you emotionally and physically. Tuning Fork Therapy could also be included under Touch-Based Activities



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