What Are HSV Triggers?

HSV triggers are those things that adversely affect your immune system and increase the chances of a herpes breakout. Many HSV triggers are universal. However, herpes triggers are also very personal. We are all unique and have individual strengths and weaknesses depending on our physical and emotional states of health previous to a breakout. Some common triggers can trigger breakouts in just about everyone, at some time or other, living with Herpes Simplex Virus, while others are as unique as your fingerprints.


Understanding these universal HSV triggers can help reduce the chance of a breakout, put your herpes in remission, and lower the risk of transmitting the herpes virus to others. The following are considered universal HSV triggers. I've talked about each in more detail below. 


  • Toxic relationships
  • Sexual activities (friction)
  • Colds, flu, and COVID-19
  • Not exercising or exercising incorrectly
  • Sitting for too long
  • Improper posture
  • Lack of quality sleep
  • Hormonal changes
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Illnesses
  • Environmental toxins
  • Sunlight and tanning beds
  • Foods and ingredients
  • Addictions
  • Caffeine
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Medications
  • Supplements
  • Dental fillings
  • Surgery & Injuries
  • Electromagnetic frequencies
  • Medical marijuana 



Toxic Relationships


Of all of the ailments I've researched, herpes is the one that provides the ultimate example of how emotions and physical illness are intimately connected. If you have had herpes for any length of time, you probably realized early on that an argument, shock, outrage, or sudden sadness or grief causes a breakout within just a few days. Toxic relationships cause emotional strain centered on negative thought patterns, fear, anger, and resentment. Psychological stress results in chemical changes in the body that suppress your immune system by reducing white blood cell activity, depleting necessary nutrients, and causing fatigue. The result is an impaired healing ability and less defense against infection. If you hardly recognize yourself in your relationship, pay attention. Confusion, disappointment, and hurt will keep you stressed and experiencing recurring breakouts time after time, no matter what else you might do to put your herpes in remission. Sooner or later, you will have to lose the stress by working things out or leaving the relationship to live your best life. Why do toxic relationships cause herpes breakouts? They cause stress, which causes inflammation.



Sexual Activities


During sexual activities, friction can irritate the skin and bring on a breakout, especially when there isn't enough lubrication. The skin and tissues are stressed and can tear. Certain positions during intercourse can also irritate nerve endings in the lower back and pelvic area can be an HSV trigger. Additionally, condoms, sexual lubricants, and toys can cause irritation. Why do sexual activities cause herpes breakouts? Irritation causes inflammation.



Colds, Flu & COVID-19


Being ill with a cold, flu, or COVID-19 can trigger the herpes virus, so optimizing your immune system is essential. Fevers also trigger HSV, which is why cold sores are frequently called fever blisters. Why do colds and flu trigger herpes breakouts? Colds and flu trigger inflammation.



Not Exercising or Exercising Incorrectly


Active participation in fun activities and moderate physical exercise reduce stress and elevate mood, positively affecting your immune system. Exercise gets the heart beating and muscles working and helps to detoxify your system, which is essential in putting herpes in remission. Conversely, over-exercising and certain sitting positions during exercise, such as standard sit-ups, bicycling, and rowing, can stress nerve ganglia in the lower spine and tailbone area where herpes resides. Also, be aware that hot, sweaty, tight clothing can inflame skin tissue and lead to a breakout. Why does exercise, exercising incorrectly, or lack of exercise trigger herpes breakouts? Because it triggers inflammation in the body.



Sitting for Too Long & Improper Posture


Pay attention to your posture. Genital herpes (HSV-2) lies dormant in the sacral ganglion, a group of nerves situated at the bottom of the spine. Should these nerves be irritated by pressure, movement, prolonged sitting, or anything else that causes excess stress or pain to the nerve ganglion, it will increase the chance of genital breakouts. Why? Because stress and pain trigger inflammation. If you tend to sit most of your workday, standing up and stretching or walking around as often as possible is essential.



Lack of Quality Sleep


During sleep, particularly during REM sleep (the dreaming and most in-depth phase), significant repairs are made to your body's tissues, and energy is restored. Most of this work begins at about 11 PM and goes on for the next 4-5 hours, so it's essential to get 8-10 hours of sleep each night. Lack of sleep impacts your immune system negatively, and your body cannot heal without proper rest and sleep. If your sheets are empty at night, you might ask yourself if you're dealing with a poor sleep routine or a sleep disorder. So, why does a lack of quality sleep cause herpes breakouts? You guessed it. It causes inflammation.



Hormonal Changes


Anything that causes your hormones to dip and dive will affect your immune system and how well it operates. Menstrual cycles, pregnancy, menopause, andropause (male menopause) can affect the frequency and duration of herpes breakouts. Problems with your adrenal glands, gallbladder or liver, and gut dysbiosis also lead to immune issues. Why? If your hormones aren’t functioning correctly, you’ll develop inflammation, which triggers breakouts. 



Autoimmune Disorders & Illnesses


Autoimmune disorders are self-attacking disorders in which your immune system is too ambitious and directed at an inappropriate target. Autoimmune conditions are caused by too much inflammation in the body. Inflammation encourages the release of Histamine, which only increases inflammation in the body.



Environmental Toxins


How often you experience breakouts can depend on how sensitive or allergic you are to certain environmental toxins, such as pollution, pesticides (and all chemicals), mothballs, household cleaners, molds, dust, and food additives. 50% of all stress is caused by physical or environmental stress. Environmental stress triggers often correlate with poor living conditions, but not always. Environmental stress sometimes comes from living in a cluttered or loud environment or electromagnetic overload. Still, even if you live under an inner-city bridge, there are things you can do environmentally to put your herpes in remission. Also, see Creating Healthy Spaces for tips on organizing a healthy living environment. 



Sunlight & Tanning Beds


Too much sunlight can trigger breakouts of HSV-1 (cold sores). Two hours of mid-day sun for one week can cause a cold sore to appear within seven days. Ultra-violet light from tanning beds can trigger both HSV~1 & 2 (cold sores and genital breakouts). They may also trigger Shingles. People often turn to lip balms and sunscreens, but this can backfire. Most sunscreens have chemical screening agents and are known to cause cancer. Be sure to wear a hat and use something natural like virgin coconut oil for protecting skin in mild sunlight and something more (no higher than SP7 protection) for hotter temperatures. Many lip balms and sunscreens contain citrus essential oils, which can also sensitize your skin and cause burns, which is another HSV trigger. Also, if you don't get much sun, take Vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is essential for optimal immunity when fighting viruses. Why do sunlight and tanning beds trigger herpes breakouts? They trigger inflammation.



Foods & Ingredients


The Herpes Simplex Virus depends on the body to fall out of balance to become symptomatic. Particular foods, ingredients, how meals are prepared, and over-eating can trigger breakouts rather quickly, as adverse reactions to certain foods or foods you are sensitive to place stress on your entire immune system. When searching for herpes "cures", you will undoubtedly read about the importance of eating a balanced diet brimming with natural foods, which is good advice. The reason behind doing so is to reduce inflammation. However, even healthy foods can cause inflammation, which is why it's important to eat an anti-inflammatory diet.





Addictions of any kind are stressful because they are over-stimulating. Stress is an event, action, or thought that requires you to adapt or change. Addictions require you to adapt to your habit or address it, which is why they are a real bother. There is no managing an addiction without also managing the stress involved. Whether it is food, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, gambling, sex, or shopping, addictions wreak havoc on the immune system because of the physical and mental stimulation involved. Stress causes a chemical response in the body that causes inflammation. When you have a physical addiction to a substance, such as sugar, caffeine, or a drug, it means you are sensitive to it. If you were not sensitive to it, you would not be addicted. It would not affect you. Your body and mind would not cry out for more. It's the things we are sensitive to that we end up addicted to. When you hear others speaking of a genetic predisposition toward alcoholism, for example, it merely means you inherited a particular sensitivity. Excessive consumption of alcohol, sugar, caffeine, and medications causes inflammation, which tips the scale out of your favor and right into a herpes breakout or worse. 





Caffeine is a drug that stimulates the adrenal glands to release adrenalin, which is the hormone that causes the "flight, fight, or freeze" response. People often use caffeine to maintain alertness. As an addictive drug, it can take more and more caffeine to produce the same amount of alertness, so it's easy to end up drinking more and more to get that same response. The more caffeine you use, the more adrenaline is produced until you finally reach a stage of adrenal fatigue. Adrenal Burnout Syndrome weakens your immune system, allowing viruses and bacteria to attack and make you ill. Why? Because burnout causes inflammation. Caffeine also dehydrates the body, upsets the body's mineral balance, and causes acidity, all of which can trigger a herpes breakout. Why? Because acidosis also causes inflammation. However, there is a plus side to caffeine. When applied topically, studies show it inhibits the replication of HSV~1 (the virus that causes cold sores) but only when you drink plain coffee and less than 2 cups daily.


NOTE: Carbonated water in colas and other beverages also isn't good for you. According to The University of Maryland Medical Center, carbonated drinks can irritate the stomach and intestinal lining, which can cause bloating, pain, inflammation, and stomach ulcers. These side effects inhibit the body from absorbing nutrients, further contributing to inflammation and poor immunity.



Anxiety Disorders


Anxiety disorders and nervous ills are all about emotional or physical stress. When you suffer from nervousness, panic attacks, Agoraphobia, or Depression, you face experiencing more frequent or severe breakouts. Why? Again, stress causes chemical changes in your body that cause inflammation and trigger herpes breakouts. So you know, anxiety disorders are almost always caused by a problem in the gut microbiome.



Medications & Supplements


Over-the-counter and prescription medications (including steroidal and antivirals) and recreational drugs (including marijuana) create adverse changes in your gut microbiome and encourage more frequent breakouts due to inflammation. Some natural supplements can also cause more frequent breakouts. Antiviral prescription medications can also cause HSV to mutate and provoke more symptomatic and severe breakouts.



Dental Fillings (and other toxic metals)


Mercury amalgam dental fillings are toxic and reduce immune function. Most dental insurance companies don't pay for removing these toxic fillings. Most of the time, a payment plan will have to be devised to replace them, but if you have a mouth full of mercury fillings, it is well worth having them removed. How are herpes and metals related? Heavy metals are toxic, cause acidosis, and lead to inflammation. Herpes uses toxins to hide behind. You can get rid of heavy metals and toxins by cleansing and detoxifying.



Surgery & Injuries


Surgery and injuries can trigger a herpes breakout from surgical positioning (on the table), trauma to the nerve ganglia where herpes resides, or medications. Again, inflammation.



Electromagnetic Frequencies


More and more studies show how electromagnetic radiation from cell phones, computers, appliances, and radio waves harms our immune systems by interfering with mitochondrial and electromagnetic energy systems. Again, the mitochondria are the powerhouses in every cell in your body. They create and transport energy through your electrical grid. Less power means less energy. Less energy means more toxicity and more inflammation.



Medical Marijuana


THC, the active ingredient in marijuana that makes you high, alters the immune response, making white blood cells 35-40% less effective at fighting disease. For this reason, I don't suggest using marijuana containing THC to relax or relieve the pain of herpes. You're only doing yourself a disservice. Instead, use CBD oil, herbs, and essential oils to calm your mind and body and heal herpes lesions. You'll find resources in The Tarotpothecary.



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