The Red Aura Color Personality

The Red Aura Color Personality relates to the EARTH element, shades of Red-Orange, Red, and Red-Violet, the Melancholic temperament, the Root (Muladhara) chakra, the season of Winter (esoteric and pagan), Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo, the Tarot Suit of Coins, The Tree of Life: World of Assiah (of Making, Materializing or Made), the sense of Smell, the Physical Body/Material World, FORMATION, the emotion of Depression, and LAM (part of God's name). It vibrates at 396 Hz.

Red Health Correspondences


The root chakra corresponds with joints, muscles, bones, the nervous system, skeletal structure, the base of the spine, anus, rectum, genitals, sexual organs, heart and circulation, legs, feet, and sense of smell. It also supports the kidneys and adrenal glands.



Red Color Meanings & Associations


Associated with the root/base chakra, survival, passion, action, and physical power.


  • Red: Practical, physical, sexual, grounded, realistic, and excitable.
  • Rose Red: Love for the family.
  • Pink: Loving, universal love and truthfulness, self-love, "brotherly and sisterly" love, affection, compassion, harmony, love of art and beauty, sensuality, and tenderness.
  • Darker Pink: This may imply immaturity. 



Red Color Emotional/Mental State


Active, physical, dominant, courageous, materialistic, energetic, strong, sexual, passionate, determined, leadership, achievement or money-oriented, quick-tempered, nervous, impatient, and excitable.



The Red Aura Color Personality (Strengths)


Reds are down-to-earth and very physically and materially oriented. Their core motive is power. That is because they are concerned with survival. However, even though survival and independence are essential, you will probably need help finding a Red sitting down to draw up a budget. If the money is there, they spend it and go earn more. Reds are usually very confident because they often do not understand how to be otherwise. Because of this, they are sometimes forceful people and need help understanding why others are not as confident or as active as they are.


Reds are good at no-nonsense jobs requiring physical stamina and are willing to work with what they have without complaint. Although they feel extreme about their beliefs and feel intensely emotional at times, Reds will try to duck and dodge intellectual discussion and debate, especially about emotions. They enjoy debate and power play only as entertainment and a means to get you tagged along emotionally. Afterward, they are no longer interested.


Reds are all about going and doing, not sitting and thinking. Reds are very here-and-now people. If they can't taste, touch, smell, hear, or see it, it doesn't exist. They don't have the time or inclination to explore fantasy. They want concrete proof.



Red Aura Color Personality Occupations


Physical therapist, construction worker, paramedic, fireman, security officer, chef, or wrestler.



Challenges for Reds (Weaknesses)


Reds can become irritated over the complexities of relationships, becoming hotheaded and impatient when things do not go their way, to the point of bruising others with their anger. Reds are sometimes so self-focused they neglect to realize that others have feelings and needs too. It would benefit Reds to respect this rather than act without care. Reds are often more concerned with outward appearances than relationships' inner workings and values. Because of this, Reds can come across as very shallow and controlling individuals. Intimacy can be a problem for the Reds. They cannot grasp the point.



Possible Health Issues for Reds


Physical health issues might include low energy, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, muscle pain, particularly low or chronic back pain, constipation and diarrhea, fistulas, fissures and hemorrhoids, sciatica, Anemia, brittle bones, Arthritis, frequent viral infections (colds, influneza, COVID-19, Herpes Simplex Virus) slow recovery, listlessness, wasting away, allergies (and Histamine Intolerance), sexual ailments, obesity, growth problems (physical), Cancer, leukemia, Restless Leg Syndrome, clumsiness, accident-prone, varicose veins, blood circulation problems, and autoimmune disorders.


Emotional health issues might involve feelings of worthlessness or fear, hyperactivity, carelessness, lack of passion, being poverty-minded, excessively timid, having low self-esteem, being the recipient of abuse or an abuser of others, poor motivation, single-minded obsession, inability to complete things, Depression, and suicidal tendencies. If you're having thoughts of suicide, please see Resources for someone to talk to. 

Raising Red/Root Chakra & Melancholic Temperament Energy Levels

Receiving a low Aura Energy Self-Test score in Red implies that your life energy, or force, is weak. Who or what is robbing you of your energy? Could you use some exercise? Have you been too much in your head lately? As a Red personality, you need to kick that body into gear and turn your thoughts into actions.


You may benefit from a healthier choice of foods, taking a walk, or going shopping. When did you last have a nice meal or pay attention to the family pet or the children? How about a day at the beach or tending flowers in the garden? It's time to return to living in the world for a bit.


If you are consistently low in Red, you must reevaluate your relationships and environment at home and work. Something or someone may be draining your life energy through some form of negativity.



Red & Massage


Massaging the tailbone area of the lower back helps with large intestines (constipation), reproductive disorders, lower back, lower limb problems (feet, legs, bones), tailbone, sciatica, testes, ovaries, and adrenals.



Supportive Herbs for Red


Basil, benzoin, black pepper, cedarwood, cinnamon, red clover, eucalyptus, frankincense, geranium, holy basil, lavender, lemon, myrrh, oak moss, orange, patchouli, peppermint, rose hips, rose absolute, rose otto, rosemary, rosewood, sage, sandalwood, turmeric, vanilla, vetiver, and violet leaf.



Supportive Essential Oils for Red


Basil, benzoin, black pepper, cedarwood, cinnamon, clover, eucalyptus, frankincense, geranium, lavender, lemon, myrrh, oak moss, orange, patchouli, peppermint, rose, rose absolute, rosemary, rose otto, rosewood, sage, sandalwood, Turmeric, vanilla, vetiver, and violet leaf.



Supportive Stones & Crystals for Red (and Black)


Red garnet, red ruby, red jasper, red/brown tiger's eye, red coral, hematite, black onyx, obsidian, bloodstone, smokey quartz, jet, or a plain black pebble. 



Red Sound: AUM



Red Musical Note: C



Foods to Energize Red


Based on color, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, red cabbage, watercress, beets, radishes, red peppers, red onions, tomatoes, chili peppers, meat, fish, nuts, red wine, and chocolate, Vitamin B-12, iron, magnesium, zinc, and essential fatty acids may benefit the Red Aura Color Personality. Olives, black tea, licorice, black coffee, and certain types of seaweed may also help.



Choosing Food & Herb Remedies Based on the Red/Melancholic Temperament


The Melancholic doesn't do well with spicy or processed foods. Stale, rancid or astringent foods, soy, too many nuts (especially peanuts) and beans, nightshades, especially tomatoes, and eggplant, will bother the Melancholic temperament. The Melancholic fairs better with diets containing meat.


The idea is to provide your body nutrients opposite your dominant humors to correct humor imbalances. Let's say you have a primarily COLD/DRY constitution. You would choose HOT and WET (MOIST) nutrients to create balance and restore health and wellness.


HOT Choices: Choose from onions, garlic, chicken, horseradish, walnuts, duck, lamb, garbanzo beans, lemon, apple, olives, aged cheeses, walnuts, peppers, chai, cloves, ginger, cardamom, garlic, any foods or nutrients that stimulate the metabolism or make one sweat. Foods served hot or roasted are also considered "heating" foods and create warmth.


WET (Moist) Choices: Wet and moist foods are also considered "heavy". Choose from beef, eggplant, avocados, apricots (WARM/MOIST), cherries, watermelon, peaches, dark red and blueberries, oysters, all fat from meat and fish, various types of meat in moderation, licorice (WARM/MOIST), vinegar, lemon, coconut, and all rich or oily foods or foods that are emollient.


HOT or WET (Moist) Herb Choices: ashwagandha (HOT/WET), astragalus (HOT/WET), saw palmetto (HOT/WET), valerian (WARM), ginger (WARM), fennel (WARM/MOIST), chamomile (WARM/MOIST), mullein (WARM/MOIST), cayenne (HOT), cinnamon (HOT)


Many of the foods considered HOT are also DRY, but not all. COLD foods can also be regarded as WET, but not all.


Neutral food and herbs choices are raspberries, elderberries, calendula flowers, flaxseed, chaste berry, carrots, parsley, oat straw, parsley, psyllium, motherwort, blackberries, and lemon balm.


The dietary information above is not condition-specific.



Implementing Red in Wardrobe & Décor


Helpful for vigor, recovery, success, strength, stimulation, alertness, vitality, courage, endurance, action, directness, passion, energy, physical, vigor, sexuality, alertness, and charity (love). Too much red can cause or imply impatience. The darker the Red shades are, the more aggressive and expressive their implications are.


Because color is absorbed through the eyes and skin, color-gazing meditations are a super easy way of balancing your energy and your emotions.  Simply gaze at Red for 30 seconds or longer, until you start to feel your interest wane for an instant boost of energy or calm.



Utilizing Red in Prayer & Ritual


Pink encourages love, attraction, affection, peace, close friendships, harmony, and softness. Red represents strength, courage, steadfastness, stamina, passion, sexuality, and sensuality.



Role Models Helping to Increase the Energy of the Root Chakra


People who help us increase our root chakra's energy are our parents, traditional role models, such as our ministers and teachers, and those who help to influence our security positively.



Black is Often Used for Grounding the Root Chakra


Black is excellent for grounding and is a peaceful and solidifying color when used within reason. Overuse can result in sadness or depression.



Utilizing Black in Wardrobe & Décor


Black represents mystery, strength, magic, depth, power, restriction, and formality. It can help to keep others at bay or dull over-sensitivity. If you wear black often, add an accent color to your outfit with a colorful scarf, shoes, hat, or other accessories, which is especially important for Goths who usually wear black as a mainstay.



Utilizing Black in Prayer & Ritual


Black unifies physical and spirit and absorbs negative vibes but use it only when negative energy surrounds you or it can be depressing. Burn black candles only for as long as you feel the negative energy. Then, switch to a color that better suits your goals and intentions.



Brown and Grey for Grounding the Root Chakra


Brown represents sensuality and life force (reddish-brown), being down to earth, feeling grounded and rooted, safety, earthiness, rooted, practicality, honesty, and stability. Too much brown can cause cynicism, energy blockages, and no imagination.


Grey represents neutrality, something temporary, being in transition, a change, something coming or being in a period of waiting. Too much grey can cause indifference, depression, stagnation, or dis-ease.


Auras containing black, grey, and brown may be diseased or have negative spiritual attachments.



Engaging the Sense of Smell to Increase the Energy of the Root Chakra


Discover sense-based activities for increasing your sense of smell here

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