Spirit-Based Activities

Spirit-based activities correspond with the FIRE element, the Choleric temperament, Yellow Bile (Hot/Dry), Element, Summer, sense of Spirit and the Spirit Body, Tree of Life: World of Atzilut (of Emanation), Crown (Sahasrara) and Brow (Ajna) chakras, the Violet and Indigo Aura Color Personalities, shades of White, Gold, Violet, and Indigo, IINTUITION, the emotion of Anger, and RAM (a part of God's name).



Smudge yourself or a room. Fire burns away impurities, while smoke carries those impurities and evil spirits away from us. Burn the herb in a shell or fireproof dish rather than hold it when smudging. You can use a feather or your hand to gently wave the smoke from the container to push it into the air about the room as you walk through the house in a space-clearing ritual. Cup the smoke and waft it over your face as you would water, keeping your eyes closed if you are sensitive to smoke. Smudge over your eyes (to see the truth), ears (to hear the truth), throat (to speak the truth), and heart (so that it's opened).





Meditating is easy. Just go somewhere quiet, close your eyes, and try to make your mind blank for a few minutes. At first, your mind will bombard itself with all kinds of mind chatter and thoughts (grocery lists, "To-Do" lists, what you ate last night, what someone at work asked you). Just accept this. Don't fight it. When this happens, remind yourself to return to "nothingness" (a blank screen of a particular color). If these ideas don't work for you, think of a place you would love to be. Think of a quiet and serene place, beautiful and calm. Whenever mind-chatter interrupts, return to your private paradise in your mind.





Pray but ask for nothing but say thank you for everything you can think of to be grateful for, even if it is just that the sun rose today.



Send a Card or Write a Letter


With the internet available, real physical mail is almost unheard of. Send someone a card or letter today to show someone how special they are. When we cannot physically face a person to tell them how we feel, whether out of fear of rejection or because they are no longer with us, writing a heartfelt letter to them letting them know your true feelings can be helpful. These letters can be shared, burned, or buried (in a box or on the ground). The point is, you got your feelings out, and those emotions are set free. You can also send a card or letter to yourself. Why not?



Start a Diary or Journal


Along the same lines of getting your feelings out in a one-time letter, emotions can be set free by keeping a journal of your daily feelings and activities. The benefit of writing a memoir is that you can see patterns that negatively affect you as you write out your thoughts.



Call or Visit Someone


Even if you feel you have nothing to say, call anyway. It's not always about you. Sometimes, the other person may need you. Get off the computer, stop texting, and pay an actual visit. Build a memory for you and your friend to look back on. Good memories are the glue that holds life together and are the only thing you take when you leave this earth. There's nothing like friendship to keep you going strong. Visit someone.



Give a Gift


When was the last time you gave someone cash without expecting it back or bought someone a gift, even if it wasn't their birthday or a holiday? Indulge someone. Giving is receiving. It fills the heart with appreciation and gladness. Can't afford to buy something? What about baking a treat or giving away something you no longer need or want?



Provide a Favor


Lift your head. Look around you. Is there anyone who needs a favor that you could help with? Doing a favor for someone can help us out of a spiritual rut. Consider volunteering or donating to a cause in which you find meaning. What do you have a passion for? Would you like to share an experience, help the ill or in poverty, save wildlife, rescue animals, or help rebuild after an earthquake?



Learn Something New


Is there something you'd like to learn? It has been proven that the brain's cells renew when your mind actively engages in new learning. Is there a second language, hobby, or subject you want to pursue? By doing so, you will increase your mental capacity and increase your spiritual joy for years to come.



Get Out More


Don't get out much? What would you like to learn, do, or share with others? Get involved, take a class, or attend a group. Social clubs offer particular activities that you can participate in that mirror your interests. Activities are always public, and you are surrounded by other people you can mingle with and get to know. It's an excellent way to make friends and create a support network. Join an online dating site. You can always cancel and crawl back under the woodwork if you don't care for it. I suggest the more popular sites, such as E-Harmony, that are more concerned about matching you with someone with characteristics and goals in common with yourself, but there also dating sites for those of us living with STDS, if that's something you're looking for.



Take a Vacation From the Media


Be mindful of the things you allow yourself to watch on television and at the movies. Stimulating dramas, argumentative reality shows, horror flicks, and news channels are entertaining but draining and life-shortening. Anything that disturbs or feeds your eyes and ears negativity will cause your blood chemistry to become more acidic. Instead, opt for watching comedy shows or movies and shows that make you feel good about life.



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