The Tarot Magician

Me-jish'-en ~ One whose formidable skills seem magical, a wizard, a sorcerer. One who performs magic for entertainment or diversion.

  • Number: I, 1
  • Hebrew Letter: Beth
  • Color: Light Yellow
  • Element: Air and Earth
  • Humor: Blood and Black Bile


NOTE: The Magician is one of two Major Arcana cards having two elements, Air and Earth. The other is the Judgement card. The Magician represents "Above and Below" (as in Heaven and Earth or higher and lower vibrations). When the Magician is upright he is signaling toward "Above (Air/hiher vibration)" and, when reversed, "Below (Earth/lower vibration)". Even when a reader uses only upright cards, it's up to the seeker to intuitively dsicern whether the Magician is reaching toward Heaven (using everything available to them to create Heaven on Earth or not. Therefore, two very different holistic approaches are used depending on the seeker's intuitive reaction and thoughts about the Magician. If the seeker is actively using their resources to pursue the highest good for all, thier Sanguine nature has taken the lead. If they are stuck or cutting corners, their Melancholic nature is being represented. 





Initiative, imagination, magical, attuned, dedication, resourceful, communicative, ability, and, when reversed, questionable trickery



The Lesson of the Tarot Magician is Potential 


On his journey, The Fool learns to focus his energy and to use his "God-given" tools and talents to achieve his goals and ambitions.


The Magician is one of two Major Arcana cards having two elements, Air and Earth. The other is the Judgement card. The Magician represents "Above and Below" (as in Heaven/above/a higher vibration and Earth/below/a lower vibration). It's up to the seeker to intuitively discern whether the Magician represents using everything available to create Heaven on Earth. If so, following the Sanguine suggestions below can be supportive. If not, following the Melancholic suggestions can help the seeker to ground themselves before attempting to create their bliss. 



Personality (Strengths & Weaknesses)


Sanguine Type 1 is associated with the Yellow Aura Color Personality (Air).

Sanguine Type 2 is associated with the Orange Aura Color Personality (Air).

Melancholic is associated with the Red Aura Color Personality (Earth).



The Tarot Magician Traditional Meanings

You are indeed the captain of your ship. The time is right to use your specialized knowledge, training, and past experience to achieve your goals. Anything you need should be at hand to enable you to master your task. Be sure to communicate with those who can assist you in achieving your goals.


If I could offer you one piece of advice, it would be to aim your focus and skills toward your vision. Take advantage of the tools and resources given to you. Leave nothing undone. However, do not fall under the guise of acting as if you know more than you do. It will only sabotage your mission in the end.


Examine yourself thoroughly and, by all means, don't give up your solid foundation in favor of a potential risk that may lead to downfall. You are fully capable of acting the skilled professional and to arrive at the destiny of your own choosing.



The Tarot Magician Biblical Meanings


The Tarot Magician represents the first moment of creation, the initial act of manifesting "As above, so below." Through intention and will, we can perform the magic to transform our lives. The secret to making wise decisions and creating anything of value is to take our fears and apprehensions to God. We must check in with our creator to ensure that what we decide to manifest in the world gives glory to God by being served up from our highest selves to benefit others.



The Tarot Magician in Health Readings


Possible health issues related to the brain (speech and communication, memory, learning), the nervous system (the senses), and respiration. It's possible you're spreading yourself too thin or burning the candle at both ends (leading to adrenal burnout) , rather than allowing yourself to rest or designating help. The Magician's mental states affect the body. There's a need to apply wisdom (doing what you know) to recover or a need to consult a specialist



Tarot Meditation


What unique skills or talents do you have to bring to the table in order to manifest your dreams? How might you go about creating a solid plan?



Food Remedies


Sanguines do well on a very light vegetarian diet (meaning, some meats, eggs, fish). Not eating enough vegetables and fruits and overeating meat will bother the Sanguine temperament. 


Melancholics don't do well with spicy or processed foods. Stale, rancid or astringent foods, soy, too many nuts (especially peanuts) and beans, nightshades, especially tomatoes, and eggplant, will bother the Melancholic temperament. The Melancholic fairs better with diets containing meat.


Sanguine 1 (Yellow): See Raising Yellow & Sanguine Temperament Energy Levels

Sanguine 2 (Orange): See Raising Orange & Sanguine Temperament Energy Levels

Melancholic (Red): See Raising Red & Melancholic Temperament Energy Levels



Herb & Essential Oil Remedies


Sanguine 1 (Yellow): Bergamot, camphor, citronella, evening primrose, geranium, grapefruit, lemon, lemon balm (melissa), lemon grass, juniper, vetiver, and ylang ylang


For the Sanguine 2 (Orange): Bergamot, calendula (marigold), camphor, cardamom, carrot seed, clary sage, citronella, evening primrose, geranium, grapefruit, lemon, lemon grass, jasmine, juniper, mandarin, neroli, orange, rose absolute, sandalwood, vetiver, and ylang ylang


For the Melancholic (Red): Basil, benzoin, black pepper, cedarwood, cinnamon, red clover, eucalyptus, frankincense, geranium, holy basil, lavender, lemon, myrrh, oak moss, orange, patchouli, peppermint, rose hips, rose absolute, rose otto, rosemary, rosewood, sage, sandalwood, turmeric, vanilla, vetiver, and violet leaf.



Stones & Crystals


For the Sanguine 1 (Yellow): Golden Topaz, Yellow Amber, Yellow Citrine, Golden Tiger Eye, Yellow Aragonite, Yellow Calcite, Rhodonite, Apache Gold, and Yellow Jasper


For the Sanguine 2 (Orange): Carnelian, tiger eye, orange amber, sunstone, malachite, peach aventurine, yellow/golden Topaz, Orange agate, yellow jasper, carnelian, moonstone, yellow fluorite, and citrine


For the Melancholic (Red): Red garnet, red ruby, red jasper, red-brown tiger's eye, red coral, hematite, black onyx, obsidian, bloodstone, smokey quartz, jet, or a plain black pebble

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