How to Read Regular Playing Cards Like Tarot

If you have a regular deck of playing cards at home, you can improvise an intuitive reading and perform a Tarot self-study.


While a deck of standard playing cards doesn't contain the 22 major arcana (lesson cards), it includes the minor arcana suits, similar to the suits in a deck of regular playing cards (minus the Tarot Knight). You can still glean insight and direction from using standard cards. If you have the Fool card from a regular deck of cards, you can include him as the Tarot Fool. 


Keep in mind that Tarot doesn't rule your destiny or fate. You have free will to not listen to what the cards tell you. They hold no power of their own. You never have to accept what the cards tell you, and you don't have to worry about them retaliating. They're made only of paper and ink. 


There is an order to the suits. However, it depends on the tradition you're working from. Most agree that Wands/Fire comes first and Coins/Earth comes last. The difference in traditions is the position of Cups/Water or Swords/Air between them. For years, I believed Swords followed Wands, but after a more thorough study, I now place Cups after Wands, with Swords following. 


  • Wands
  • Cups
  • Swords
  • Coins (or Pentacles) 


Why? It makes sense that thoughts (Swords) follow emotions (Cups). We feel a thing, and then we have thoughts about it. Also, Wands (passions and desires) are more closely associated with emotions, so I brought Cups closer to Wands. Additionally, when working with the chakras, The Crown and Brow chakras represent Wands/Fire. The next two chakras, followed by the Throat and Heart, represent Cups/Water. You can learn more about chakras here.


Before laying your cards, get yourself in a quiet place with no distractions. There's no need to light candles, burn incense, or have crystals nearby unless those things calm you or put you in the right frame of mind for focusing and receiving answers from your higher self.


Determining a card's positional meaning would be best before asking your question. Tons of books and websites can teach you how to lay the cards. I'll leave it to you to discover some for yourself, but if you're new to the Tarot, you might place sticky notes, from left to right, on the table in front of you. Write titles as to what each card placed upon them will answer. For example, from left to right, the first sticky note might read "My Situation," the next might read "What Do I Need To Know?" and the next might read "What Should I Do?" or "What's the Likely Result?"



Yes or No Answers


Yes or No Answer Layout: You'll choose just one card out of the deck to answer your question with a yes or no answer. Many readers are against yes and no answer spreads. I'm not. It's a lot like flipping a coin. It gives your intuition a chance to agree or disagree with the answer you receive. Go with your gut feeling. It's OK to disagree. Only you know what's right for you. 


· Major Arcana = A major "Yes!" (if reversed, there may be an obstacle)

· Kings & Knights: Definitely "No!"

· Queens & Pages: Definitely "Yes"

· Aces: Definitely "Absolutely Yes!" (if reversed, yes but there may be a delay)

· Even-numbered cards: "Yes."

· Odd-numbered cards: "No."


NOTE: Unless you're reading the cards specifically for a yes or no answer, the cards DO NOT answer with yes or no. For example, in a one-card reading where you are specifically asking fir a yes or no answer, the Kings would reply, "NO." However, if a King appeared in any other reading regarding a business idea, he would be in your favor and represent organizing and structuring your kingdom. 



Past, Present & Future Layout


You'll lay three cards from left to right before you (face down).


  1. · The one on the left represents the past (what led up to your question or concern).
  2. · The card in the middle is what's happening now or hidden influences.
  3. · The card on the right is what is likely to transpire in the future.  


Think about what you want to know. Be as specific in your mind as possible. When you're ready, pick up the cards and shuffle them until they feel "right" (usually 3-10 shuffles). Now, cut the deck into three separate stacks and rearrange them in any order that feels right. Take the first card, turn it over like a page of a book (being careful not to turn it upside down), and place it face down. Place the card on top in the first position. Continue with the next card in the second position, and so on. Of course, if you ask a yes or no question, you'll use only one card to receive an answer.



A Past, Present & Future Sample Reading


Let's say, the cards you pulled are the 9 of Diamonds, 7 of Spades, and 3 of Hearts (remember, you're using a regular deck of playing cards). Your question was, "What do I need to know about my relationship with Riley?" 



Card #1 - Past ~ 9 of Diamonds (Coins)


You're trying to decide whether you want to add something to your world. Even though you may feel something is missing from your life, you are content and happy. Be sure to consider all the ramifications of making any changes. Also, get out more. Staying in will only cause paranoia toward the outside world." It looks like you accepted Riley into your life after you realized something was missing in your life, even though you were, for the most part, happy. Perhaps you met Riley through a social invitation after being single and alone.



Card #2 - Present ~ 7 of Spades (Swords)


Doing the unexpected may be what works in this situation. Just ensure you're willing to live with the consequences of such independent action. Beware of self-deception, self-damaging habits, and self-sabotage." It sounds like someone, either yourself or Riley, is about to make an unexpected move, which could make or break things. What might this be?



Card # 3 - Future ~ 3 of Hearts (Cups)


A time for getting together with friends and family, especially for the women. If you can't meet in person, call and send emails. It's crucial to accept invitations right now. Seek out female alternative therapists for health issues." I believe this card represents you because, after all, Riley is male. It looks like you need some friendly female company or advice, which may have something to do with discussing your health issues. Since this is a wellness site and deals with herpes, this reading could imply that having herpes may make or break your relationship. Maybe you're thinking of not telling Riley about having herpes. Or it could just mean that you're pregnant and haven't told him or that you have some other condition (or maybe he does) that you're worried may interfere with your future with him. Whatever it is, get together with the women in your life and have a heart-to-heart. Above all, act out of love and do the right thing. 


Are you beginning to see how this works? So, how are you supposed to know what your cards mean? Click the links below to discover answers and insights. 


·  The Tarot Suit of Wands/Clubs

·  The Tarot Suit of Swords/Spades

·  The Tarot Suit of Cups/Hearts

·  The Tarot Suit of Coins/Diamonds



NOTE: If reading the cards for yourself is difficult because you can't remain objective or you aren't feeling energetically well enough to perform a reading, you can request a reading here

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